
Chapter 111: Justice comes, judgment comes

"Don\'t try to escape." Taoxiang found several electromagnetic ejections, manipulated the Goddess of Judgment Gundam, and the GN rifle emitted a red particle beam to destroy these electromagnetic skateboards.

The Goddess of Justice f-type Gundam destroyed countless airport runways to prevent the country\'s president and senior officials from escaping.

"Boss, the people in the capital\'s colonial satellites are currently hiding in their houses and dare not come out, but the army of the Yoda Democratic Republic is also hiding in their houses and sniping at our ground troops." Shrek said Report the situation to Long Fei.

"Let\'s just say that once our side is attacked by any building, we will immediately blow up the building. Regardless of whether there are innocent people inside or not, as long as there is one armed with a gun, we would rather kill by mistake than let it go."

"If that were the case, we would speak of international condemnation."

"Then ask the people who condemned us. When the Yoda Democratic Republic poisoned the Rhineman Emirate and poisoned those innocent people, how innocent were they? How dare the Yoda Democratic Republic do such a thing? Don\'t blame others for using the same method. the way they treat their people."

"Understood, I understand, boss."

"Also, warn the people of the country that if they dare not report or cover up their country\'s soldiers and police, once we find conclusive evidence, everyone in the area will not be left behind and will be killed without mercy."

"Yes, but boss, I have a suggestion."


"We can give the enemy\'s military and police an hour to surrender first. Those who surrender will not be killed. After an hour, they will be killed immediately. No one will be left behind. What do you think, boss?"


"Dear viewers of the live broadcast, you have also heard the broadcaster of the Tianyi Mercenary Group announce that they now want the country\'s soldiers and police to come out and surrender within an hour." The war reporter was broadcasting live, and suddenly he Two Gundams, the Goddess of Justice F-type and the Goddess of Judgment, whizzed past his head.

Although there were sporadic exchanges of fire in some places throughout the capital\'s colonial satellite, they were quickly suppressed.

The commander-in-chief of the Yoda Democratic Republic received the Tianyi mercenary group and gave him an hour to surrender.

The commander-in-chief immediately issued an order to surrender. Outside the colonial satellite of the capital, the defense forces that were still in a desperate situation received the surrender order, and the remaining warships all sent out surrender signal flares.

"Commander-in-Chief, there is a message from the Tianyi mercenary group. The content is to accept our surrender, which is to inform the secret location of our president\'s hiding place. Otherwise, they will not accept our surrender and will continue to fight to the end."

The commander-in-chief sighed and shook his head. This was an act of treason, but in order for the remaining soldiers to survive, he could only accept the other party\'s request and tell him the secrets that the president had hidden.

Soon, the informant reported.

"Commander-in-Chief, the President has a communication video request."

"Come in."

The president\'s hysterical expression popped up on the screen, and he cursed at the commander-in-chief: "Why did the commander-in-chief disobey my order? My order is to fight until every soldier dies."

"Your Excellency, I don\'t want the precious lives of my soldiers to die under the kind of dirty deal you have with those politicians and capitalists."

"You..." When the president was about to curse, the staff beside him whispered in his ear.

Before the video communication was turned off, the president was seen leaving the scene quickly under the protection of several staff members.

Immediately afterwards, the Chief Sheriff of the Police Department in the colonial satellite also issued an order not to resist and surrender.

War reporters from various media outlets photographed the soldiers and policemen of the Yoda Democratic Republic in different areas. Each of them surrendered in despondency. Those soldiers who were hiding in residential buildings, under the persuasion of their surrendered colleagues, each surrendered their weapons. After handing it over, I squatted down with my colleagues who surrendered and waited for arrangements.

Some Tianyi mercenaries were searching for confidential documents in the government building.

"Freedom War Reporter Mallouk would like to inform everyone that I just received the news that Tianyi mercenaries found the hiding place of the president of the Yoda Democratic Republic, and now I am rushing to the scene." A war reporter was driving a jeep, While broadcasting live, talking about the current situation.

Some viewers of the live broadcast asked Mallock, how did the jeep he was driving come from?

Malloc replied that he was at a car rental lot, and the boss happened to be hiding in his own car rental lot and renting a car for money.

"Dear viewers, there are two Gundams in front of me. It\'s strange. The thrusters of the Gundams I\'ve seen before are completely different. They emit strange cyan particles. They can be suspended in the sky for a long time, and they are very stable. "

Suddenly there was an explosion in front of him, and Malloc hurriedly braked. After checking with the binoculars, Malloc immediately got out of the car with his mobile phone.

The mobile phone camera first pointed at the two Gundams floating above, and then took pictures of the location where the firefight was taking place below.

The location appears to be a secret storage place.

The Goddess of Justice F-type and the Goddess of Judgment will destroy the storage area and the surrounding secret defense turrets to cover the attack of the ground troops.

Malloc moved forward cautiously, shooting remotely from a safer location.

The Goddess of Justice f-type held a GN pistol and blasted open a door hidden in an artificial mountain.

The mercenaries of the ground troops began to activate the stealth function and rushed into the gate one after another.

Malloc watched as the fighting outside the gate began to die down, descended from above and rushed forward, continuing to film.

But halfway, he was stopped by Tianyi mercenaries.

"I am a reporter, and I have the right to film, and you have no right to stop it." Malloc issued his professional protest speech as a war reporter.

"Bullets have no eyes, it\'s your fault that you were killed by mistake." The Tianyi mercenary who stopped Malocco took a step back and made a gesture of please, allowing Malocco to continue filming.

When Malok ran to the gate, the president of the Yoda Democratic Republic and several important senior officials were dragged out with their hands cuffed.

"The President, Prime Minister, and Secretary of Defense of the Yoda Democratic Republic have all been captured!"

The president of the Yoda Democratic Republic is still shouting that he is the president of a country at this moment, accusing the Wing Mercenary Group of having no right to judge him.

A mercenary who looked like a captain slapped him directly, and then Long Fei\'s instructions came from his earphones.

The captain pointed at Malok and hooked his fingers, telling him to come over and take a clearer picture.

The captain said to the president: "Of course we are qualified to judge you, because you are a loser, and losers are not qualified to protest against the winner."

The president said excitedly: "You are bullying the weak with the strong."

"Yes, we are bullying the weak with the strong. When you poisoned the people of the Rhineman Emirates, you were bullying the weak with the strong. If you can do this, so can we."

The captain then turned around and pointed to the two Gundams in the sky, and Baroque aimed his phone at the two Gundams above.

The captain said: "These two Gundams, the red one is called the Goddess of Justice, and the other one is called the Goddess of Judgment. The name of this operation to attack your Yoda Democratic Republic is Justice from Heaven, and Judgment Comes."

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