
Chapter 706: Consequences (2)

‘Because I know you. Why do you think I agree to be sworn brother with you? There is not culture of sworn brother in my culture. At least not to my knowledge’

Will is a British man. He lived in London, in the city of Westminster. There is never such culture of swearing brotherhood with blood.

He lived a busy life before the Fall. His family is rich. Not insanely rich but rich enough to live in the busiest city in London.

People called him Will after the Fall. But his name is actually William. No one knows his family name because he did not tell it to anyone.

People called him Will the Speedster. Then when the lightning around him change, people started calling him Will the Dark Speedster.

Then it changed into Will the purple Speedster. And when the color of his lightning change again, people called him Will the Golden Speedster.

The name Will stick and he is not angry about it.

He had hidden his sister in another world line and he even had erased anything about his past not that there is much to erase anyway since the Fall erased almost everything about his old life.

There is a reason for erasing his past.

after he learn from his teacher, there is more reason for people to not know his full name. He learns how dangerous it is to have your past revealed.

Like a name, the past has power.

The only one who probably knew is Azief and a few childhood friends.

He had learned from his teacher that there is a way for people to trace someone future and past using the information of family.

One could even use such thing to create a connection or a tracing artifact.

He did not know how to do such thing but as there are countless of people and other beings in the Universe, some of them probably have such abilities

Family have importance. Because blood have value. If one day, he has an enemy that would try to destroy him but could not, they might be desperate enough to trace his timeline and went back in time to kill him.

Even Azief knows this information.

That is why no one knows Azief, who is his family, whether he has siblings or not, all of these information seems like it was not there in the beginning.

Azief and Wil did not know this but Loki probably knows this.

After all, in the future nobody dares call the Sovereign by their full name or even their names. The normal people called the Sovereign by their pseudonyms or their titles.

For example, Azief was called the Unseen One, the God of Death, and many other titles people ascribed to him.

The same for Raymond who people called the Earthshaker and the other Sovereign who all have their own titles and pseudonyms.

And all of these Sovereign guarded their time very carefully for fear that their enemies would try to go back to the past time to kill them before they could grow.

It is why each Sovereign first move after being crowned Sovereign is to strengthen the Time Stability around their own life.

They would put enchantments and powerful spell protection all over their timeline so it would get hard for people to go to the past

It is why travelling through the past is so hard by using magic. And it is why certain planets have such a powerful Time Barrier.

Because some of the planets had borne a powerful figure in the Universe and when that powerful figure strengthens their Timelines, it makes it harder for anyone to attempt to travel through the past

But in some worlds that have no such figure, their time barrier is weak and fragile. In such worlds, trying to travel through time is not only possible but also easier to traverse to.

And some of them even obfuscate their own past, making up stories and rumors, making sure that their past is not easy to determine.

They change the narrative of their origin story. It is why so many ancients’ beings like those of Asgard and Olympians have so many origins stories.

The more mysterious they could make their origins the more at ease they would be. Of course the fact that Azief himself would use such method in the future is not known to Will.

There are some things that would not be understood by just theorizing.

Azief then said

‘There is not such culture in mine too’ Hearings this Will chuckles.

‘Then why did you do that?’ Azief reply

‘It is cool. Having a sworn brother. And because you are a brother worth having’ Smiling bitterly he said

‘You know why I treasure this family, right? Will just nodded

‘Unlike you, I have a broken family if it could even be called a family’ Will nodded. He knows many things about Azief. And this is one of the things he knows about him.

It is easier for Azief to share his flaws and darkness with Will rather than with Sofia.

Because with Sofia, he wanted to be the best version of himself and he hate for that image to be broken down.

Nobody wants to look weak in front of the person they loved. Especially for someone who had pride like Azief.

But with Will, maybe because they share so much in their adventures, or maybe because they nearly died so many times in their journey that not sharing would be such a waste, there are some thing he could confess to Will and some things that only he could hear.

I have brothers that would be very happy if I died. I have parents who could not care less if I live or die, whether I’ve eaten or not, whether I live my life well or not.’ He laughs a bit and then he said.

‘I must look like I am whining. I guess with you I could whine a bit.’ Then he sighed

‘Do you know how it feels to feel that your own life is worthless? That you began to wonder would they mourn me if I died? It is a sad emotion to feel. I bet some people had it harder than me when they are in their teens. But when you are in pain, the only thing that matters are your own pain. Probably that is why people that is hurt by the same scars could also recognizes such people who were hurt by the same scars. Because the pain stay. They did not beat me, or scold me. They just neglected me. And somehow that cuts deeper in the heart. A beating warm heart turn cold. Tell me if that is a good recipe for a family?’

Will then said

‘You whine a lot today’ Azief chuckles.

‘Is it not compatible with my image as the strongest man in the world?’ Will then reply

‘Well, probably no one would guess that you would whine for such things.’

Azief smiles and he said

‘It is because I am with you. And the only reason I could whine for such things is because that life felt like a lifetime ago. It even felt like it was not even my life’ Smiling they look at each other and laugh a bit

Then Azief added

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