
Chapter 198 - The Flow of Fighting (1)

Chapter 198: The Flow of Fighting (1)

The five directors of Dungeon Market had different areas to take care of.

It was the “strongest power,” Orobas, among them who was in charge of the territory of the King of Pride, north of the demon world.

Because of this, if the King of Pride wanted to make a secret deal with the Dungeon Market, just as the King of Gluttony made a secret deal with Samael, the lady with the “fastest wing,” who is in charge of the east of the demon world, he had to face none other than the manager of the north, Orobas.

But the one that the King of Pride was facing now was a completely different person.

It was in a large, spacious room, but only two were facing each other now.

As always, the King of Pride was dressed in white. The one sitting across from him wore colorful robes and boasted of his gorgeous look befitting his robes.

His seven horns standing tall like his pride caught the king’s eye first. His head shaped like a rooster’s with cockscomb and his two legs made of a snake with different poisons also evoked a strange and mysterious feeling.

He was one of the five directors of the Dungeon Market, namely Abrasax, the “strongest mana holder.”

He was originally in charge of the west side of the demon world. The King of Fury and the King of Violence were supposed to be his clients.

“You were doing great. Congratulations!”

The most important thing in the demon world, which could be called a world where the strong preyed upon the weak, was the strength or weakness of one’s mana. At least, Abrasax thought so.

Abrasax’s nickname, “the strongest mana holder,” was not a fake or exaggeration. He was truly the “strongest mana holder” that the Dungeon Market boasted of. There was nobody comparable to him in terms of pure mana among the five directors who stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

This man with such a tremendous power talked politely to the other man.

He never used honorific language when he was dealing with anybody who was weaker than himself. He used honorifics only when dealing with someone who was at least on par with him.

The King of Pride was well aware of this. That was why he felt happy when Abrasax greeted him even briefly.

“The King of Envy is just a hysterical old man. In fact, what really matters is what happens next,” the king said.

He was talking about what to do after defeating the King of Envy, or to be precise, what would happen right before he defeated the king.

“Unfortunately, it seems difficult for me to help you openly at this point, sir.”

Abrasax, who had a rooster-shaped head, had nothing like facial expressions on his face. The only thing that could tell his feelings was his two eyes under his seven horns shaped like a crown.

The King of Pride didn’t bother to look into his eyes.

As before, he responded leisurely, “I don’t care because the Dungeon Market is like that in the first place. It has been like that since it was first made.”

He twisted his voice at the end, suggesting he was very displeased at the moment.

Not knowing whether he noticed a subtle change in the king’s voice, Abrasax asked with a surprised look, “Do you know the beginning of the Dungeon Market? Oops! Sorry about my stupid question. If there is one place in this demon world that is older than this Dungeon Market, it is the royal family of the King of Pride.”

The king was not sure if he really made a mistake or if he deliberately tried to promote the “royal family of the King of Pride.”

But the King of Pride didn’t feel better. Just thinking about the start of the Dungeon Market or merely recalling the reason why the founder of the Dungeon Market established it made him even more displeased.

In fact, even the five directors of the Dungeon Market did not know about its founder, let alone why he established the Dungeon Market.

The founder was arrogance itself. And it was just absurd to know that the product of his arrogance had been continuing through thousands of years until this moment.

‘The King of Greed.’

The man who doesn’t exist anymore, who had never shown himself for a thousand years.

Therefore, the title “King of Greed” was used for only one person in the demon world.

It was impossible to think of anyone else.

The King of Pride tried to subdue his displeasure. After reading his intentions, Abrasax began to talk about the deal earnestly.

A secret deal was struck between one of the six kings and one of the five directors.

And the deal was a little more special than any other secret deal.

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‘It’s very unusual.’

Gardimundi, who was led by Jun, the assistant butler, to a rather luxurious room, sat down and looked around.

No matter how often she looked at the room, it was far from a typical reception room. When it came to the reception room of a demon king, it was supposed to have a wonderful royal throne, vassals of the king standing on his left and right, and a wonderful red carpet leading from the king’s chair.

But this room was different. First of all, it was small, and there were a sofa and a table. The sofa resembling a semicircle as if to hug a shiny table was soft and comfortable, but very suspicious. She felt like she was in a high-class bar room.


Gardimundi rolled her eyes again. She fixed her eyes at the ventilation at the corner of the wall made of red and colorful wallpaper. She saw four glowing eyes through the lattice-patterned lid of the flat and long ventilation openings. One pair of them belonged to a little girl and the other pair was those of a baby dungeon meerkat.

They didn’t seem like a watcher. She felt like they were rather little kids who came out secretly out of curiosity.

‘Is she the master’s daughter? Maybe not.’

Gardimundi looked straight again, feeling rather complicated. Fortunately, she heard the voice of Jun, the assistant butler at that moment.

“Our master has arrived!”

The very door where Gardimundi entered was opened. Gardimundi once again had doubts about the authenticity of the reception room, but she hastily got it out of her mind. Now it was more important for her to welcome the master of the Mammon family.

Gardimundi quickly got up from her seat and turned to the door. When she made eye contact with him naturally, she greeted him politely by putting her hands together.

“Gardimundi of the Garura clan, the messenger of Her Majesty the King of Fury, is honored to greet the master of the House of Mammon.”

“Nice to meet you. You must be tired from your long journey here. Thanks for coming. Make yourself at home.”

At the moment, Yong-ho was torn between using honorific language and talking informally, but he chose the latter to be on the safe side. As if she didn’t expect his honorifics, Gardimundi looked slightly surprised but sat down with a smile.

Then Yong-ho sat in a one-person chair across from Gardimundi. Catalina, Kaiwan, and Ophelia, who followed him, stood behind his back.

‘Was the rumor true that he was a womanizer?’

She once heard rumors that he was accompanied by several women all the time. She felt the rumors might be true.

‘Hummm... His sexual preference is unique.’

A dark elf with a sober expression, a sharp-looking beauty with gray hair, and a red demon woman who looks pretty mature.

Gardimundi noticed that she was bothered by the gaze of the woman with gray hair, in particular. In a situation like this, Gardimundi would have taken issue with it and pick a fight, but she didn’t. She was in the House of Mammon, and above all, she came here as the envoy of the King of Fury.

After ignoring her sharp gaze, she got up again and presented the gift she had brought.

“It’s Amrita that the King of Fury made herself.”

She didn’t have to explain further because it was obviously a gift of friendship.

Ophelia received a golden box containing Amrita gladly on behalf of Yong-ho.

It seemed that they were going to have a successful talk.

“The King of Fury wants to build a good relationship with the Mammon family. I think her message in this letter is better than my voluminous words. She has written it in person.”

Here was a letter the king wrote herself, in addition to the precious liquor she made in person. Ophelia smiled more happily, unlike Kaiwan whose facial expressions became a little more ferocious. After handing over the golden box containing Amrita to Catalina, Ophelia walked again to the front and accepted the letter. After checking it out briefly, she gave it to Yong-ho.

He took a big breath because the scent leaking out of the letter was really pleasant, as if to confirm the widespread rumors that Gandharva was a clan with a good smell. He even felt his heart was pounding for no reason.

He opened the envelope and took out the letter. Her soft, gentle handwriting that befitted her fresh and nice look caught his eyes.

It took about a dozen seconds for him to read the letter.

While everybody was waiting for his reply in a tense moment, Yong-ho folded the letter and asked Gardimundi, “Can you wait for a moment until I write a reply?”

“Sure, please. I’m going to wait gladly.”

“Then excuse me for a moment.”

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