
Chapter 25

Chapter 25: 25

“Do you have Satellite Phones here?” I said, hoping.

“What’s that?” Juan said.

I explained to him that those are phones that doesn’t use the cell sites to connect to other phones. It gets its signal from the orbiting satellites across the world.

“Oh, sorry no.” he replied.

“Well, at least I tried. That would be too easy if they do.” I said to myself.

I looked at the crowd once again, “As I was saying, you could stay here and hole up. But if you go outside with me, there are three options. First, there is a DDR camp at Malanday at the highschool, there’s good military presence there and it is next to a hospital, I could drop you off there. Second, I figured that some of you probably used your own vehicle to come here, I suggest you take some supplies here and head to everywhere you want to go. I suggest to your other family members or to the provinces. Most of these things are in the city and it’s safer there. And Lastly…” I paused as I looked at everyone once again.

“I have a place, It’s a small compound. We have food, water and secure walls. I can give you a place to stay but you must contribute and do as I say. I’m not gonna say much on it but we’re a group of people that wouldn’t wait for anyone to do something about this thing. We do what we can and what we should.” I continued.

“Decide for yourselves now because I’ll leave tomorrow at first light. Juan, can you guide me upstairs to the roof?” I said.

“Uhh, sure, follow me.” He said as he guided me to a set of stairs.

Allan also followed me upstairs while Jenny was is sitting on one of the benches. A few minutes of walking then we reached the rooftop. Like clockwork, my radio buzzed.


“Sky, do you f.u.c.k.i.n.g copy! Answer dammit!”



“You said freaking 30 minutes! F.u.c.k.i.n.g answer already!”


I was about to answer them but I had a little thought. I picked up the radio and I composed myself before I started to speak.


*snarl* *growl*


I waited a few moments then I heard the radio buzz again.


“Sky?! F.u.c.k! SKY!”


I tried to hold back my laughter while the two beside me is giving me weird looks. I did the zombie voice again then it clicked. Someone must’ve left the radio on and I heard shouting while I heard someone start to cry. I hear someone grabbing the radio and I think it was Oscar.


“You f.u.c.k.i.n.g idiot! Stop doing that, everyone is devastated. Zombies can’t use the walkie you dumb f.u.c.k. Kid! F.u.c.k.i.n.g talk normally Kaley almost fainted, you stupid f.u.c.k!”


“That’s totally not cool man, you can’t joke at a time like this.” Allan shakes his head but I saw in the corner of my eye that Juan has covered his face and his shoulders are going up and down holding back his laughter.

I finally relented and I talked to the radio. After an hour of scolding from my aunt and Oscar, I finally told them the situation.


“It’s a mall here, do you need anything besides the essentials?” I said.



“None, just get your ass here tomorrow morning kid so I could slap some sense into you.” He said.


We said our goodbyes and I surveyed the situation below. Something caught the corner of my eye. A few steps away from the 2nd fast food store on the left I saw an armored van parked some ways in the parking area.

“Juan, does the bank below have a door connecting to the supermarket?” I said.

“Yeah, down below. It has a glass door connecting to it next to the fastfood area.” Juan said.

I planned the steps in my head then we headed down.

“What’s the plan now?” Allan asked me.

“Grab another bag and fill it up. Take the essentials because we’re gonna have a sweet ride tomorrow. You know how to drive right?” I said.

“Yeah, I know how to drive. What do you mean by essentials? Like food and water?” he said.

“Yes, food, water, medicine, clothes etc. Also change those slippers, grab some boots your size.” I said.

He started gliding through the aisles to get what he needs and I saw Juan talking with the other people with Jenny. He also told me that they also placed Bert in the freezer while they packed their own things.

“You guys decided on what to do?” I asked them.

“I think my family would go to the DDR camps.”

“I’ll grab my motorcycle at the front and go to my family.”

“Can we really come with you?”

“I’ll also get my car at the front and drive towards the provinces.”

“I’ll also go to the camps.”

“Me too.”

Everyone made their choice to leave this place. That’s the most logical decision here because if all the food here ran out, what can they do?

“How about you two?” I looked at Jenny and Juan.

“My family is probably at a DDR camp in the Bulacan area not the one close to you, I’ll check one of them first before going straight to our house. Can I still go to your place if…they are not there?” Juan said.

“Yeah, the place is still open for you if you change your mind. It’s located at…” I whispered to him.

“I…I’m not sure where to go, I-” Jenny stammered.

“Come with us then, well, uh, if it’s okay with Sky.” Allan said.

“We’d need more people there actually, especially someone who could use a gun.” I said.

She stayed silent but she still nodded in the end. I told everyone to grab everything that they could and to ready the bags for tomorrow at first light.

I called Juan over after all of them finished packing their bags. He’s now holding a fire axe along with a few others.

“Do you have alarm clocks here? And can I borrow your keys? I said.

“What? What would you use them for?” he said.

“Those things are attracted to noise and I’ll use the clocks to lure some of them away from the armored van. I can’t keep on using my gun though it’s easier. I’ll run out of bullets before I know it.” I said.

“Hmm, I have those little timers that people use when cooking, or do you need larger ones?” Juan said.

“No, that’s good. I’ll take them all. Let’s prepare everything for tomorrow, it’s gonna be a big day.” I said.

We found several bags at the shop to place our items and some that we need are already in boxes ready to be moved. We have plenty of food in the store so we each had several bags of it divided among us and only the medicine are the ones distributed equally. There are two delivery trucks at the back of the store and most of the vehicles of some of the civilians are at the front where the armored van is also located. Don’t forget my bike also at the shoe store a block away from the supermarket. I also spotted something special in a corner of my eye and placed that box carefully in our pushcart.

I made Juan check the rooftop from time to time on the location of the zombies, they mostly gather to the park for some reason unknown, though there are a few stragglers all around. I borrowed his keys and I went to check on the bank while Jenny and Allan accompanied me.

Each glass door is securely locked but I still tapped on the glass a few times to check for any surprises. Sure enough, a figure emerged from one of the cubicles in the bank area. It was a guy wearing blue overalls with a vest that is possibly bulletproof with a few things hanging from his body and one of them is possibly what I really need, the keys to the armored van.

The two tensed from seeing the guy but I just redirected the guy to the gaps of the glass door and I slipped my blade through his head.


He slowly slid through the door in which I start to search for the keys that is labeled for the side door to the bank. I opened the door and pulled the guy through the hallway. I pulled from him a Glock 21 with an extra magazine, a canister of pepper spray and the keys to the armored van. I also pulled the vest and the guy’s boots off. Although the vest has some bits of blood smeared on it, like someone wiped it with their hands, it’s still a standard issue bulletproof vest. Allan is eyeing it almost uncomfortably so I gave it to him.

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