
244 Chapter 244

Charging from all directions, the Deadbeats lift their baseball bats swinging them down upon the Hoplite wall. Raising their shields heroically, the Hoplites block the attack however, small explosions echoes against their shield. Raising my eyebrows, I realize that the Deadbeats attacks would explode much like my trident. Defending just became harder…

"David, try to avoid being hit for free, try to deflect the attack or dodge the attack altogether." - Ian

"Will do Ian!" - David

Glancing at the Banshee above me, I check its stats while thinking of a course of action.

Name: Banshee

Race: Spirit

Health Points (HP): 100/100

Mana Points (MP): 50/50

Strength: 10

Vitality: 50

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 20

Agility: 35

Luck: 1

Skill: Puppeteer, Injection, Ghost Spike, Wail, Spectral Walk (Passive), Physical Resistance (Passive)

Puppeteer (Active) 1MP - Attach mana strings to a creature, allowing the Banshee to control the creature for 10 min, giving the creature a 10% increase in stats. If the monster accepts the Banshee's control, then the skill will be active indefinitely or until the Banshee cancels it. Cooldown 10 min.

Injection (Active) 10MP - Can only be used on the Puppeteer target. Banshee will give the target 20% of its remaining MP and HP as well as an additional 10% in stats. Cooldown 30 min.

Wail (Active) 2MP - Scream at a target, reducing its Agility by 10% as well as having a 10% chance to 'Fear' the target. Cooldown 10 min

Spectral Walk (Passive) - The user is able to move through objects and walls but is unable to move through living beings.

Physical Resistance (Passive) - The user takes 25% less damage from physical attacks.

With its skill set, I thought of a tactic that may or may not work, after all, the Banshee doesn't seem to be a fighter and looks to be more of a supporting monster. Ordering the Banshee, to use Puppeteer on a Hoplite, I plan to increase the Hoplite's strength in order for it to effectively defend against the raging Deadbeats.

From the tips of the Banshee's fingers, multiple thin blue translucent lines attach themselves onto a Hoplite changing its eyes into two glowing blue beads. At the same time, I order the same Hoplite to accept the Banshee's control, as Injection is used, boosting the stats of the Hoplite even higher.

,m Revealing its increased strength right away, the Hoplite immediately smashes its shield against an incoming attack from a skeleton while also pushing the skeleton back a couple of steps. Surprisingly, the skeleton's bones showed signs of cracks forming along the rib cage. Following up his attack, the Hoplite steps forward and sweeps across the right with his weapon.

Supporting the Hoplite's attack, the Banshee activates Ghost Spike at the immobile skeleton, piercing through and shattering the ruby skeleton but as it shatters the small bone shards glow crimson intensely. Like fireworks, the bone shards explode scattering more bone shards in every direction. Explosion after explosion resonates across the whole floor as bone shards explode near us as well as the other skeletons.


Commanding the Hoplites at the front to block as many of the exploding bone shards, I cast Earth Spike near Rebecca as I catch a glimpse of a bone shard flying in her direction. Luckily enough, the Earth Spike forms in time as a small explosion breaks the tip as dirt falls on Rebecca's head.

"Push the skeletons away if you kill any or if they look like they are about to explode!" - Ian

"Easier said than done! Hellfire!" - Kingston

Creating a wall of flames on the left side, Kingston cuts off part of the skeleton army, while Ken breaks a couple of the Deadbeat's skulls. The crimson shine happens once again as bone shards that Ken shatters illuminate in front of him.

"GET DOWN!" - Gopopo

Coming to his rescue, Gopopo activates Demon Lash, pushing the headless skeleton into the air with one whip and hitting it through the wall of flames. Explosions occur on the other side, but, Gopopo misses a couple of small shards letting Ken take a hit. Rushing to his side, Kaede helps Ken up.

"KEN! Be careful next time!" - Gopopo

"Are you okay?" - Kaede

"I'm fine sis. Don't worry about me and focus on the monsters in front of us." - Ken

Placing a hand on Kaede's shoulder, Ken punches forward, activating Ferocity and Predatory Grasp. Shaking her head while smiling, Kaede also activates Ferocity, accompanying Ken in his attacks, and helping him by pushing the exploding Deadbeats into the approaching army.

Defeating the Deadbeats on the other side, Yor and Gibing were like machines. With Gibing's hard-hitting punches, he would create cracks throughout the monster initialing the exploding sequence. At that moment, Yor would quickly pull the monster by the trench coat sweeping the legs to make it fall and fling it into the other skeletons.

Charging at the flung skeleton, Gewari and Frank push it deeper, escaping as the skeletons surround them. Using the other skeletons as shields, the explosion only impacts its fellow bony friends. David and Howard support the Hoplites in the front, with the buffed Hoplite leading the defense front. Each skeleton that approached it didn't stand a chance, only to be beaten down and shattered into tens of pieces.

Following his example, I too went on a killing spree but instead of fighting a defensive battle, I took an aggressive approach. Knowing that everyone will be okay, I use my two lower spider legs to charge forward, piercing through with my trident and meeting explosions with  explosions. Reaching a fair distance inside and being surrounded by only skeletons, I grip my trident tightly and stand on my feet.

Letting my spider legs attack behind me and my side, I focus on the front. Activating Cleave, I create some space for me to move about, stabbing at their skulls with the point of my trident and hitting their sides and feet with the butt. Flowing around them like water, I narrowly dodge each and every swing of their baseball bats as I weave deeper and deeper into the crowd. Explosions follow closely behind me as I defeat Deadbeat after Deadbeat, however that didn't bother me, in fact, I welcomed it.

With each explosion that happens behind me, I know that the damage will spread to the other Deadbeats around it and if I was lucky, it would mean that I kill more than 2 Deadbeats with a singular Deadbeat's death. Blasting through the crowd and meeting with me, I see Kingston in his crimson armor as he shatters the skull of a Deadbeat near me, kicking its exploding bones away as he lets out a small laugh.

"I was nervous at the start but who would have thought the biggest problem left on its own." - Kingston

"Calliope might have been the biggest problem, but that doesn't mean she won't be back. We need to finish this as soon as possible and deal with that heart above us. At the moment, it hasn't made a move but what if it does?" - Ian

"Right, and it is a bit suspicious that she left so suddenly as well. She looked angry, but I felt like the anger wasn't directed at us since that intense aura didn't blanket us again." - Kingston

"You're right about that but did she really think we would die to these monsters?" - Ian

"Maybe she thought we would just die to them exploding on us… wait." - Kingston

"No… No…" - Ian

"These monsters aren't going to all explode at once right…?" - Kingston

"Kingston didn't I say not to jinx anything…" - Ian

Quickly, I glance around searching desperately through the gaps and cracks of the monsters, and in the far distance, away from anyone else I see what I had feared. A Deadbeat had just turned crimson, exploding in the back line. Glancing around, I start to see them glow more and more starting from the back.

"Kingston! We need to get back and find a way to defend against that, right now!" - Ian

"Already running. Hurry up!" - Kingston

Clicking my tongue, I chase after Kingston arriving back at the group. Thoughts fly through my head at frightening speeds as I think about how to deal with the exploding skeletons as I see them start to light up faster and faster. Looking at everyone around me, my eyes fall upon Kingston, David, and the Hoplites.

"David you need to use Jahannam Naar Dire. Right now! Aim for the right side. Kingston, take my trident and blast through the middle, but as close to the edge of David's skill. We need as much space as possible. Everyone else, get as close to the wall as possible. Hoplites bring your shields up and block as many skeletons plausible. If needed, break formation." - Ian

Giving Kingston my trident, he readies up next to David who left the front and went to the side, in front of Gibing and Yor. Covering his body in flames as he prepares his skill. An exchange of looks between the two happen, and Kingston grips the trident tightly, leaning his body forward as he waits for the signal.

"Alright, Ian. David, cast it!" - Kingston

"Jahannam Naar Dire!" - David

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