
Chapter 304 After Him...

With a powerful tug, Aizel exerted his strength and yanked on the chain, causing Ashlyn to be pulled closer to him.

However, just as they were about to collide, Ashlyn swiftly executed another swap, switching positions with Aizel once again.

This time, Aizel found himself ensnared by the chain, momentarily immobilized. 

Sensing the imminent danger, Sekki, in a dazzling display of transformation, morphed into a formidable lightning-charged sword. 

With the help of Aizel\'s skilled hands, the electric blade rushed forward and slashed quickly at Ashlyn.

Yet, to Aizel\'s surprise, Ashlyn effortlessly deflected and parried each attack, displaying a mastery of combat.

With swift determination, Zareena stepped forward, her hands adorned with a cluster of sharp golden leaves. 

In a coordinated attack on Ashlyn, Aizel, and Zareena timed their attacks perfectly.

However, Ashlyn\'s adept reflexes allowed her to effortlessly parry their attacks, continuously swapping positions to evade their strikes. 

As the battle intensified, Soren, recognizing the need for a different approach, clapped his hands together. 

In an instant, an unseen force of gravity showed up on both sides, creating a strong pressure like a pincer that tried to crush Ashlyn from both sides. 

It was as if two unseen hands of gravity were closing in on her, testing her resilience and resolve.

"It\'s time to end this little spar,"

Suddenly she vanished and a portal appeared behind Soren. 

Ashlyn appeared from behind through the portal, grabbed him by the neck, and slammed him to the ground. 

Another small portal appeared in front of her, and she punched straight inside it.

A strong punch connected straight at Aizel\'s jaw stunning him and making him lose consciousness in an instant.

As the intensity of the battle grew, an ethereal phenomenon unfolded before their eyes. 

Countless portals materialized throughout the area, resembling miniature galaxies adorned with shimmering stars in a mesmerizing shade of purple.

"I think this is enough," Ashyln said.

Zareena, Seraphine, Edumont, Raven, and Daisy quickly grouped up together with Ashlyn.

Soren, despite his wounds, started to get back up on his feet. Aizel, on the other hand, lay on the ground unconscious.

"You can stay out of it. Ashlyn let\'s go one more round," Soren said.

"Idiot, the tournament is starting tomorrow. Just give it a rest already,"

Aizel\'s eyes fluttered open, and he swiftly rose to his feet. 

"That punch was heavy,"

"Believe me, I was holding a lot while fighting against you guys," Ashlyn replied.

"But still you made me use portals, which is commendable. Raven, you need to support more in the fight. 

"Same goes with Daisy. I like that trick you pull on me, make sure you have more in your bag,"

"Are you satisfied Aquarian?" Ashlyn asked.

"Aizel why are you holding so much?"

"It was just a spar, and besides I don\'t want to show anything to anyone right now. I will go all out tomorrow."

"What about you Soren?"

"I don\'t like fighting in groups," Soren replied.

"Well let\'s leave for now. I hope you guys won\'t do the same thing tomorrow,"

Everyone nodded and then left the island. 

"Ashlyn, you were just passing some time against us," Soren said. 

They have returned back to the study hall in the castle. 

"What do you want? You all are Grade III mages. Do you guys want me to bully you?"

"Don\'t act tough just because you were born before me."I think you should take a look at

"Whatever," Ashlyn left the hall.

"Let\'s go and eat outside Daisy. Even Hazel wanted to try that Red Mass of Goat,"

"Okay. Seraphine are you joining us? Hazel is also coming?" Daisy asked.

Seraphine simply nodded. The trio then left the hall.

"They could have also asked us to join," Raven said.

"Let it be, we will have our own feast in the castle," Zareena replied.


"Seraaaaa...Softieeee...." Hazel shouted as she ran towards them in the corridor.

"What\'s up Ginger, ready to go and eat?" Aizel asked.

"Yes, I was waiting for you guys,"

"Let\'s go then,"

The four people left the castle and walked steadily toward the diner where Aizel, Ashlyn, and Daisy had eaten before. 

The streets bustled with activity as they navigated through the lively crowd, their destination fixed firmly in their minds. 

"Aizel," Seraphine suddenly whispered.

"Yes, I know,"

"What happened guys?" Hazel asked.

"Someone is following us," Daisy replied.

"Follow me," Aizel said.

The group walked faster, and their steps echoed in the narrow alleys as they skillfully made their way through the maze-like streets. 

Their senses were heightened, aware of the distant presence following their every move. The pursuer, undeterred, shadowed their steps from a distance, a silent predator lurking in the shadows. 

As if emerging from the very fabric of the buildings, a multitude of mages materialized, their concealed countenances shrouded by masks. 

They surrounded Aizel and the others, their dark clothing blending in with the darkness around them.

"Seraphine, protect both of them," Aizel whispered.

"What about you?"

"They are after me; I will lure them."

"Is that the one that we are ordered to bring?" One of the mage spoke.

"Yes, he fits the description. Let\'s do the job quick, master can\'t maintain the barrier for too long."

With lightning running through his veins, Aizel darted quickly in different direction, his moves a blur of electrifying speed.

"Look at that kid, hahaha...

"How tough could it be to catch a Grade II..

"After him...

As the pursuers relentlessly chased after Aizel, a brave few remained behind to confront the girls.

Aizel quickly jumped and climbed to the roofs. His nimble movements let him move around the city in a very graceful way. 

With calculated jumps and impressive parkour skills, he effortlessly bounded from one building to another, creating a mesmerizing display of acrobatics.

However, as Aizel noticed that he had distanced himself from Seraphine and the others, he deliberately slowed his pace, enticing the pursuers to close in on him.

"He is slowing down...

"Has he given up.....

In a moment of sheer surprise, the pursuers witnessed Aizel abruptly shifting his direction and charging straight toward them.

The sudden switch in roles caught them by surprise, and they went from confident to a mix of confusion and alarm.

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