
Chapter 1211 Godwood

Resting in the atrium located within the heart of the Godwoods, I stared in awe at the elven tapestries and designs. As if elven architects refined the building, I listened to the flow of water around the pond, the tweaking of birds and animals coming and going. It felt like I was back in the forest despite being in a city.

"You should go out more, Disciple," Mephisto said, the laziness in his tone almost intoxicating as we chilled on a comforting settee.

I glanced at him, sinking deeper into my seat. "You look like you\'re about to fall asleep," I reply, releasing a yawn of my own. "It\'s so peaceful in here."

"Might be because of the Spiritual Energy soothing the darkness in our hearts. It makes you sleepy. You can reject it if you want."

"And lose my sleep high? Pass."

I felt so good. All I wanted to do for the first time in a long time was sit in my chair and watch some anime or read a book. Gods, how long has it been since I felt so lazy?

"Zariel, you good?" I asked, peering at my brother, floating aimlessly within the pond. But no reply came, leaving only the sounds of his soft snores and the slight rippling of his heartbeat stirring the water. "He is knocked out."

"This guy got the right idea," I muttered, closing my eyes, unsure why I felt so at peace here. I was never really one to care for peace, and yet in some way, when it arrived, I didn\'t reject it. It was almost as if some part of my being craved it. A foolish notion but one I couldn\'t refute.

By the time twilight had reached its zenith, I was torn from my slumber to the stary pale blue eyes of the beautiful woman with long snow-white hair. She blinked, her small oval-shaped head tilting with a kind of wonder to it.

"Greetings, firstborn."

I\'d never seen her face, but that voice…."You\'re the Maiden, right?"

"That is correct."

"Ok…" I said hesitantly. " Then why are you staring at me."

"You are the Firstborn."



\'Is that all?"

She nodded. " I\'ve only read about you. Same with the Second and Third."

"Does Luna make a lot of visits?" I asked, fishing for information.

"Iluthath was sealed off for a long time. So no. But she did appear a few cycles ago to relay all that occurred within the Snow Family. Please bring the twins upon birth to be ordained by the Heavens and Abyss."

Why does she give me Avar vibes? Her tone is so flat.

"So, does the Maiden have a name?"

She shook her head. "I\'ve reincarnated so many times. I\'ve long forgotten my name. Everyone just calls me Maiden."

"You\'re an odd one, aren\'t you."


I glanced at Mephisto and then Zariel and then towards the moonlight twinkling through the skies of the ceiling, bathing the atrium with moonlight.

"This was your Mothers favorite place within Iluthath." She told me in a reminiscent tone. "I\'d thought I\'d forgotten my Lady, having lived so long. I\'ve forgotten everything else."

"How did you meet Mother?"

The Maiden smiled and peered up towards the moon, a fondness in her pale eyes. "It was during the Age of Torment. The Eighth King of Hell, Bael, who\'d recently risen to power through the bloody harvest of souls within the Nine Hells, slaughtering all other Hell Lords, escaped the Nines.

A/N: Merely an incarnation, not the real Bael.

"Lord Bael\'s mind had become so damaged by the Hell Lords that Ilutahth had become a wasteland of hellish torment during this reign of madness. During this age, those that could challenge him… left this matter to faith, fearful of others taking advantage of them should they defeat the King, a mistake on their part. They were ignorant of Bael\'s power, which marked the First appearance of a True King of Hell within the Material Plane."

She looked at me, the paleness in her eyes deepening to that of a silvery hue. "Did you know that Ilutath Means Realm of Blood? Ever wondered how it got that name? It was all due to Bael. He\'d bloodied the world to such a degree that scholars destroyed its old name for a new one.

"Hells Gates became like domains of conquest. Should one appear, everything within a few kilometers became a wasteland or cattle for the demons. The Devils and Demons showed no mercy. Those that became cattle lived a life so depraved that not even reincarnation could purge their souls.

"I was a product of devil and elven. Amassing some protection due to my blood. I was able to escape. Finding myself within the Godwoods, although it wasn\'t called that at the time. Where I met… your mother. The day I saw her was the day of a full moon stained red by bloodshed."

"I don\'t know why she did it, why she took me in. why she drew her sword. But in a single stroke. Every devil, demon, and half-blood was slaughtered. Their soul Flames purged to such a degree only the cores remained with a single stroke. My Lady had Ended the Age of Torment. Those that saw what she did gave this forest the name: Godwood in reverence of her almighty power."

Mother was so powerful? No… Iluthath, at the time, was so weak. But it\'s interesting. At what point did she kill the other forsaken? And when did my children appear before her, allowing her to heal their injuries? Better yet, when did Mother emerge in this world?

"That day…" The Maiden continued. "She appeared, shrouded by moonlight. Her Highness, Lunafreya descended from the highest heaven and revealed herself to your mother." And then she smiled, almost giggling. "Do you know what the first thing she asked was? Become my second disciple."

Startled and a little amused, I merely listened, enjoying the story I was sure Zariel was listening to. Mephisto as well.

"Your Mother turned her down without a second thought. Furious, Her Highness called upon her first disciple to challenge your mother… he lost… He lost miserably. Leto, I believe his name was. It\'s fascinating how powerful she was despite being in such a low realm. She breached dozens of layers of Authority with her Forsaken Blood. "

"Breached?" I muttered.

"Hmmm." The Maiden nodded. "Your blood Firstborn ignores all laws, all concepts, and if you can master it. You will also be able to breach other people\'s Authority just like your mother."

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