
Chapter 340: Lori Emhore - Faithful Blade

Chapter 340: Lori Emhore - Faithful Blade

Dispatching the last of the filth, I sternly wiped my blade clean. Recalling the man hidden within a veil of darkness. There was something hateful about him. However, even I did not see how he appeared behind the Pirate Captain obtaining that scepter instantly.

All I knew about Abaddon was that he was arrogant. The way he walked, the grace in which he killed, all of it seemed to belong to that of a royal. The blood of his victim did not even touch his cloak.

"Clean up this mess and continue towards Sar\'ar. We have already lost valuable minutes!" I commanded our Captain in an iron tone.

Stepping towards the Captain quarters, where she resided, I entered, "Lady Daeva, I have taken care of this mess." I gently said, losing my commanding tone before Tala Daeva. Queen of the House of Daeva.

(A/N: Zanris full name is Zanris Daeva.)

"You mean with a little help," She mockingly stated, eyeing me with her sparkling emerald eyes.

Lowering my head, her intent gripped my soul, pushing my head even lower, "Yes," I shamefully whispered.

"I witness everything regarding that low-born insect. Leave him be for now." She commanded, scornful of my very sight. "how much longer till we arrive?"

"A week," I replied, not wishing to displease her.

"My clan does not know about this. Are you sure your god can grant us a weapon to defend ourselves against that monster?"

"Of course, Lady Daeva. Her Majesty came to me long ago. with a vision of us!" I faithfully told. Remembering the warm light that filled my soul, bringing me to greater heights. Without the Guiding Light of Ashna, I would not be what I am. "She holds with her a weapon that is said to sever the light from any demon of Nine!"

"That damn Arsene Snow! Not only does he hold great power, but he also has that bitch as well! That cursed Scara clan allowed her to live! Even after all of my schemes. If the Gods of our Realm shall not help, then we must turn to others."

Hiding my smile beneath my lowered head, I joyfully agreed, "She is awaiting us, your grace. Sar\'ar, the land of Spirits, is where we must go. Near the mountain of dreams, she shall await us."

"Stupid girl!" Tala gracefully stated, sending a measured stare my way, "Your house brought me this information. Should this trip prove to be a waste of time, then I promise you that not only will your clan become extinct, but you will also beg for FLames of War to reach our lands."

Holding not fear, knowing Ashna would be awaiting us. I beamed, "But of course, your Majesty. I would expect nothing less."

Narrowing her emerald eyes filled with scorn, she grew silent for a bit, "Ask the Cooks to prepare dinner, and invite this Abaddon. I wish for no more unexpected incidents."

Bowing, Tala waved me off. Following her command, I withdrew from the captains\' chamber, heading towards the only room upon our ship that emitted chilling darkness. Gently knocking, the cabin door opened wide, revealing a chilling black figure.

"What?" He coldly inquired, obviously holding no interest towards me.

"My master would like to invite you to dinner." I relayed, following my lady\'s wish to the T.

"I do not eat anything caught in the ocean. Anything else will be fine," He said, shutting the door before I could say anything else. Appalled by his nerve, I gritted my teeth. Who does this bastard think I was? Did he believe I was some simple woman?

"Ashna will not forgive this transgression of one of her apostles. One day you shall be smited to ash." I sinisterly wished, taking my leave to help the cooks prepare.

Approaching the kitchen, I informed the head chief of a dinner for two. Holding a heavy heart as his very survival depended on it. He bowed, proceeding with the utmost diligence, for his very life was on the line. Tala did not like flaws. Everything needed to be perfect for anything less meant death.

Watching closely to make sure no poison or anything dangerous could be made. I resisted the temptation of what lay before me. Tala would smell it on my breath or know. She sees all within this ship.

"Thirty Seconds," I muttered, watching the Head Chef along with his team set the table, using the finest silverware.

"I see you have finally done something correctly." Said Tala startling me from behind. Twisting around in a bow, I remained bowed. "Where is our guess?"

"He is—"

"Here," His calm yet chilling voice resounding, appearing out the shadows like a ghost. Frightened by his comprehension of Dao, I turned to Tala, who remained cool like a Golden God.

Carrying herself with grace, Lady Tala took a seat. Beconing wiht her hands. The CLoaked man took a seat.

"Will you not remove your cloak?\' Said Tala, trying to probe deeper in.

"Do you have anything to offer to have me remove it?"

"Your life," Tala replied with cold grace.

"So the House of Daeva things themselves to be gods?" Abaddon amusingly said, caring not to show respect.

"So you know of me?"

"Of course, I heard of you from Zanris herself. It\'s actually quite the honor. Who would have thought you would be a World King."

Shocked, I gripped my sword when the chef swiftly came out with a large squad of servants to fill the table.

Chilling the air with her hollow expression, my heart fell on ice. "Who are you?" Tala furiously asked in a strained manner.

Pulling out a fork and knife, Abaddon eyed the food. "I know quite a few things. The question is why you are working with Ashna. You are truly playing with fire. Freya is not a forgiving God, you know."

"Who are you?" We both asked, filled with killing intent.

Appearing not in the least bit entertained, the gripped upon my sword only grew tighter as I waited to split this man in half in a single stroke.

"Who I am is not important because I have no interest in her. But rather the Lord of the Seven Isles. Mind telling me who that might be?"

"Why not a trade then?" Tala suggested. Seemingly indifferent whether Abaddon agreed or not.

"Sure. I have quite some interesting news that will put fears within both of your hearts." He said, astonishing both of us.

"And what would that be?"

"You first, " He amusingly said, as if all of this was a game. He was playing with us, but I knew he was not lying. Her divinity was telling me he would tell the truth.

"His name is Ragnar, The Faded Prince," She muttered, knowing that that monster could hear us. We were, after all, about to enter his territory.

"Ragnar, is it? How interesting. But a deal is a deal. Arsene\'s Snow Handmade Zanris, and Silvia Scara, are on their way to Sa\'ar. Once they find passage, they will be heading too well. If you wish to know, I would ask for more information." He said, but I could hear his contempt; he was enjoying this!

"You bastard! Just who are you?"

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