
Chapter 337: Arsene - Isles of Yudrol

Chapter 337: Arsene - Isles of Yu\'drol

Twisting through the alley covered in mist and filth, I strolled hastily towards the port within my sight. Having the sent of filthy seawater, brown in color, enter my nose, I did not blink, much less react.

"You came," Silvia whispered from the mist, "Have you found anything?"

"Nothing, it\'s like no one knows of what happened to Yu\'drol. But I need you to remain hidden, at least till we figure this out." I gently stated, stepping on the tattered pier that appeared like it would fall apart at any moment.

"I understand you wish to have me hidden, but you bring more attention than I." Silvia defiantly said, "You are but a shadow. While stealth is your specialty. We need to—"

"Enough!" I heartlessly uttered, wishing not to hear any more. "I am using myself as bait, and you are interfering in manners you cannot comprehend. Now remain silent and go find Zanris. She should have been here two months ago."

Shooting fire from her stern gaze, Silvia\'s scarlet hair glimmered in anger. Flickering from my sight, I did not put much thought into this trivial dilemma. Silvia was always an excitable girl that allowed emotion to cloud her judgment, and I could not afford for mistakes here.

Taking leave of the port, I made my way through the dark alley once again, lifting my heavy cloak over my body to hide what I was. There was nothing weirder than a man with glowing darkness emanating from his skin, with dripping blood from his eyes. The first time I entered this damn city, I was persecuted by these naive fools.

Heading north, then west, and finally, east, I arrived before a tavern, with a small sigil of my crest embedded into it at its roof. This made it relatively easy to locate even for a man like myself with a crippling sense of direction.

Pressing in, I made for the bar tossing a dark crystal down, "Tell me about Yu\'drol? Why has the way been lost?" I softly inquired in a voice unlike my own.

Eying the crystal for a bit, the bartender eyed me; then, those around staring with heavy intrigue. Swiping it into his sleeve in a blink of an eye, he spoke in a soft, rugged timbre, "Became like this about six years ago. From the reports, many believe it was done by the Lord of the Seven Isles."

The same story, how many does that make.

"And does this Lord have a name?" I asked, waiting for an answer that none could give.

Pausing for a second, the bony face of the bartender sent me a weighted gaze as if to glean something. Tossing him another crystal, he did not reach for it as I thought but remained silent. Holding a rather prideful stature.

"You will need a boat and a crew to find him. If you wish to head to Yu\'drol, you need to find that man. He was the one who sealed it, and from what I hear, it was done on the orders of some Beast."

Reaching for the crystal, he turned around, pouring me a beer from an aged barrel. Slapping it down, he eyed me, for a second, before moving on.

Lifting the tankard, I tasted the oddly strong beer frothing at the top. Feeling the warming heat within my chest, I finished the icy beer with a single swig. Rising up, I turned around before speaking, "I hope to see you once again, whoever you are." I said, taking my leave without looking back.

I had many questions regarding that man with a boney face. He appeared a little old, with sharp eyes, but that was it. I could not tell his intentions, and he looked to be human, but I knew there was more to it.

Stepping out of the tavern, I pulled my cloak tighter to my body, pressing through the skies blistering with light. Wandering aimlessly through the City of Giddian. I listened to all the rumors that could pertain to anyone with a ship.

The Seven Isle were all connected to the Isle of Yu\'drol, and one needed to pass all seven to enter the main island. It wasn\'t a long journey taking only a month or two by boat; however, with that damn Curse upon Yu\'drol, I was stuck.

I had sent a few gods to inspect, but even they could not enter, they said it was not a formation, but an actual curse, something I, along with them, had no experience with. A formation I could get around, but a curse was different.

This Curse would twist their minds, causing them to kill one another, had I not felt the intense battle and ordered them to stop. I was sure they would have died. Whatever this mist was, it, however, only worked on gods and those that tried to fly towards Yu\'drol, which seemed to be missing.

From the information I gathered from Zelvak and the bartender. I knew that I needed to travel by boat, to have any idea as to figure out how this damn Curse worked. Everything had a weakness, and I needed to play by its rule, at least for now.

"Pirate ship or Trading ship? Let\'s see who is traveling to any of the Seven Isles."

Flickering back to the port, I eyed the empty pier. Touching my chin, I narrowed my eyes towards the ship surrounded by a heavy mist in the distance. It was fairly large, although I had no gauge as to if it truly was. I was not a man of the sea. Activating the rune of Teleportation, I vanished from my original spot, appearing on board instantly.

"Captain Harthorn is on deck! ATTENTION!" A man that appeared to be no more than a bandit screamed with an absurd sense of pride.

"Aye boys, we are heading east towards the Isle of Sar\'ar. A few refugees are currently on their way there. however, I hear there is a rather interesting person on board." Siad the Captain with a fiery passion.

Smelling the heavy scent of liquor, I hid within the shadows of some random fool, masking my presence as I listened.

"Who is this person, Captain?" The Random fool I was hiding in shouted.

"I hear she is a worshiper of some new god. I do not know her name, but it appears she holds something I wish for. Now man, your station, it will take three days for them to appear." He claimed in a demanding tone that sent shivers down many spines.

Harthorn was large, appearing rather barbaric, dressed in dark black garbs befitting a pirate. He reeked of liquor and honestly did not seem competent. But none of those around him dared to stare the man in the eye. They all feared him, but not so much to ask questions.

Watching from the shadows of those that move in haste, I flickered from shadow to shadow, entering the cabin beneath. Covering my nose at the familiar scent, I did not bother to look around, already knowing what type of trade Harthorn was in.

Finding my way back to the deck to relax. I soon found a secluded spot high above everyone where nothing could happen. I closed my eyes, resting myself for the battle to come.

"I hope I can find a peddler ship. I have no interest in staying on a Trafficking Vessel.

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