
Chapter 326: Loki - The Wise Snake

Chapter 326: Loki - The Wise Snake

Pressing my palms behind my back, I stared at the entrance to the underworld, a little reluctant.

Listening and watching the river gently flowing along, I floated down from the air and onto the shores.

"You must do it," It said within my ears, like a whisper of wind.

Humming in response, I followed the river down the stream, feeling the intent of some being watching me, studying me.

"It\'s a trap," It whispered as though someone could hear. "He knows, He Knows!"

"He cannot know, for I did not know? How could he?" I foolishly replied, never learning from the past.

"Then why come? Why come? Why send you? He knows!" It insisted,

Twirling my finger within my hair, I giggled, not responding this time, as night suddenly appeared. Observing the air becomes similar to the vacuum of the Bed of Chaos, I took a step back, unsure if out of fear or something else.

"Loki," The night said, yet there was nothing around me, only the darkness. "Is there a reason you are here?"

"HE KNOWS! GET OUT, GET OUT! IT\'S A TRAP!" It howled, tearing at my soul to flee, to hide. Standing my ground, a joyful smile appeared upon my lips, but \'its\' warning still rang within my heart.

"I am here for an alliance, Lady Nyx, one with Hades and the one I am sure you have felt. Arsene Snow."

\'She sees through you! Play upon the curse, peer into her deep love.\' It once again rang, yet this time, I listened.

"I am sure you know about him? The Demon and Devil Hybrid, while also a child of Tenebrae? Come now, Nyx, are you telling me you have not felt such a presence?"

"And how would you know about that?" Nyx ethereally asked, never appearing but speaking, "I was under the impression you were not a child of Tenebrae unless someone told you about it?"

\'She knows about Soloman! She knows! We must know! Find out! Find out! Find out!\'

Narrowing my eyes at the odd connection one would make, I shrugged, " You are not the only one I know who is connected through Tenebea. I am sure you know of—"

"Loki, it\'s fine; we also wish to make a trade!" Nyx indifferently said as a dark misty swirling portal appeared just above the river.

"No," I stated, "I do not believe it\'s wise to enter there. How about the base of Olympus where the river of Aeneas resides?"

Stepping out of the darkness Nyx, standing alongside one of the most feared gods within the none pantheons, appeared.

"Hades," I uttered with a sheepish smile.

"They know! Arsene warned them! All of this was to have me trapped." It once again repeated."FLEE FLEE!

Pulling out the letter given to me by Arsene, I narrowed my eyes, "So, it was all a lie? Gathering the titans? Invading Midgard, and

"Having you control the Aesir Clan?" Hades completed crossing his large arms with his spear, " No, far from it, I believe that is his plan, but he warned us of your arrival long ago."

"For what reason?" I grimly asked, feeling the power of Night and Blood being to rise upon the land. Watching the hairs upon my body begin to rise.

"To make you waste time," Hades lightly said, "Just as your doing now."

"No, this doesn\'t make any sense? Arsene needs gods, especially one like me?" I hastily said, drawing two swords from space.

"True, he does need you, and you will help him," Hades said with a deep smile. "But you could not be trusted, Loki. Freya is one thing; she has a true goal, but you. You are different."

Lossing my grim expression, I suddenly laughed, dropping my blades, "When did he find out?"

"He didn\'t say, nor did I ask," Nyx darkly uttered, opening her hands as the skies began to bleed, falling like rain.

Watching the bloody darkness pass right through me, I snickered, not bothering with the odd properties of this power, "What a letdown, and here I thought I could fool him? Soloman will be quite disappointed."

"So that\'s who you were working with," Nyx hummed in response as I shrugged.

"I\'d rather not say who I\'m working with, but it\'s definite not Prince Sitri or Soloman," I cryptically said to their shock. Flying up towards them, the rain slowly began to twist and bend, forcing us into the shadow realm. "But I\'d really like to know why you and Arsene asked me to come all this way simply for me to enter the shadow realm?"

"No light, no sound, we are gone. We are missing," It said, sending me into laughter.

"We needed you gone from Midgard and to vanish." Nyx lightly as we appeared within the depts of a castle. Studying the walls, Nyx chucked.

"You will not remember it, so do not bother, but we will have to insist. Tell us who you are working for?"

"I work for many; I have honestly lost track; why do you think Heimdall was able to fool me? I was gone most of the time, but I figured you want me to give a message to Sitri or Soloman, correct?"

"Leave! We must leave! Trap, we are! Death awaits if we stay! Leave! for he is looking!" It shouted within my soul, sending chills through my heart.

"Arsene said to keep you here," Nyx kindly said, turning her back, "He said your absence will be a special tool."

Releasing a smile for the first time, Hades placed his spear upon his shoulder, "Loki, how would you feel about helping kill a Prince of Hell?"

Widing my eyes, my jaw dropped as I took a step back, not truly expecting this. I understood taking me here to hide my aura from prying eyes. This would put me in a tough spot with Soloman and Sitri, who I spied for, but this!

"You\'re a Lord of Deception, not on Sitri\'s level, but you are still one, and we want you." Said Nyx without pushing forward.

"What is Arsene planning?" I impatiently asked, feeling my heart banging against my chest like drums. Killing a Prince of Hell was said to be an impossible task.

"We were only given a small part, your part actually. You are to head to Sitri and Soloman and tell them Arsene has convinced Tang Feng to help him do something with the abyssal rune."

Shuchign my brow, I licked my lips like a snake ready to pounce, "The letter about having the titans attack Midgard and the other realms was a ruse... no, it was true but a cover to do something like this! I am both your pawn and your bishop!"

"In a sense," Hades lightly said, "And the best part, whether you comply or not, Sitri and Soloman will seek you out."

"And I could spill the beans."

"Please do, but I don\'t think you will. You want to see it, don\'t you? What will Arsene do? What state will the Bed of Chaos be in once the death of Sitri occurs? Both the Angels and Devils are gathering on Midgard, and Arsene is the cause."

"Yes, I do, especially the amount of divinity he will obtain once his name begins to spread. The Monarch of Darkness, Arsene. The one who was able to kill Sitri, a prince of hell."

"Yes, it will be quite a sight," He said, sending a chill down my heart, "So I will ask you, Loki. Who are you working for!" Arsene asked, appearing from a mist of darkness.

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