
Chapter 280: Nyx - The Snake

Chapter 280: Nyx - The Snake

"Come now, Hades, must we do this again?" I begged at the Underworld king glaring down at the little girl in tears.

"Yes, she damn near ate. Zag and many others within my home. Cerberus even lost a damn leg!" He shouted, slapping his fist against his throne. "Locking her ass up is well justified!"

"He grew it back, didn\'t he? and We got Zag and the others away before they died." I shouted back, getting a somewhat comical look from Hades.

"It\'s that damn brat, isn\'t it!" He coldly muttered, "Ever since he stopped using his spear, that little shit has been acting up."

"Ty is no shit!" The little girl in tears shouted, glaring at hades with righteousness in her heart. "Big Cerb bit Ty, so Ty bit him back!"

"That\'s what dogs do! They bite and scratch. If Arsene bit you, would you bite his damn arm off?"

Lost for words, Ty turned to me with tears in her eyes, "Uncle Hades is being mean to Typhoeus!"

Captivated by the giant globs of tears pooling off the little cutie, I could not help but take her into my arms, "SOOOO CUTE!!! Bad Hades!!!" I shouted, rubbing my cheek against the little dragon girl.

"Yeah, Bad Hades!" Ty shouted alongside me.

Clenching his face with his large hands, Hades wearily sighed, "I have never wanted to leave my realm this bad before... when will you have enough souls to leave?"

"Ty is shy, just a few divine souls. Once Papa gives Ty some, I can leave." Said Typhoeus snuggling within my arms.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Arsene sent me a message for you. Seeing you are so busy." I quickly said in haste, "It would seem living for so long; your perception of time is twisted. Anyway, it will appear that a snake is coming into our midst."

"A snake?" he repeated, narrowing his cold, sharp brow in amusement.

"Quite right, from Asgard no less."

"Are we not in war with them in a few realms?" Hades mentioned, "We have no good standing with those pantheons. Why would one come to us?"

Giggling, I covered my mouth, "Arsene did not say, and I did not ask. but things have been rather lively with him around, don\'t you think?"

"Quite right, It\'s been a while since my spear severed a head from its body. That boy truly knows how to die with class. I can still remember spiting him in two, watching his organs spill out, yet all he did was smile, arching his head high with pride."

"That\'s... That\'s not what I meant. I swear all you men think about is War, food, and sex!" I irritably complained.

"Come now. I have not —when is the snake coming?" He asked in a soft murmur.

"Sorry, I forgot." I lightly said, releasing Ty from my arms. "he will be here in a few days or weeks. I do not know."

"It\'s okay," He bitterly muttered, "come, let\'s go eat."

"yeah! Let\'s go! Ty is very hungry! Cerb Leg tasted funny!"

Knocking her upon the head, Hades snorted, walking off in a puff of rage. Chuckling at his angry expression, a peculiar thought suddenly came to me. "Ty, do you not want to see your mother?"

"Mommy is with Big Bad Sitri. Ty cannot see her!"

Shaking my head, following behind after Hades, I spoke, "No, I was talking about Gaea. She is the one who created you using the power of Tartarus, and it\'s due to her that you are here."

"Do not put ideas into her head Nyx. Gaea is a capricious bitch; she will only use that little girl. You know, how she gets when an idea pops into her mind. Ty is a perfect example of that." Hades warned, turning to me with cold dark eyes. "Just for injuring her son, a god who could not die. He gave birth to not one but two creatures to destroy Zeus. She is not to be trusted."

Pressing on, I simply looked down at the confused Ty, puffing her cheeks. Shaking my head at the foolish idea, we gathered at the table filled with various dishes from Tartarus. Smiling to myself at the little dragon gobble down without any class, I giggled.

"Why did you want to have dinner with Arsene?" I suddenly questioned. "More importantly, why did you use me as a messenger?"

"Because your free," He said, placing a bloody piece of meat within his mouth, "You have no job, so I figured I would annoy you as you do me."

"So I annoy now?" I coldly asked.

Staring into my eyes with a grim expression, Hades nodded without any hesitation, "Yes, but I always welcome your company."

Feeling my face get a little heated, I smiled, hiding behind my hair,

"Anyway, I wanted to help him form the last bit of Mortal Dao he needs. He is at the tip, and he only needs a little more. Plus, it\'s been a while since I have seen my daughter. I figured a dinner would be killing two birds with one stone."

Wiping my mouth, I slowly began to frown, "Mortal Dao is different from heavenly. It can change your personality or enhance what was already there. He could very well change into something even we fear."

"Do we not fear what he will become already?" He stated, turning his gaze towards the young child eating to her heart\'s content, "He is a true monster of the Nines, and we both know that. While we are family through Tenebrae, we will do well to remember his origin."

"Yeah, but I don\'t think he will betray us. He is far too prideful even to consider betrayal." I heartily said.

"then you\'re naive. Pride means nothing to demons. He lies, cheats, and does whatever he wishes. While I, too, believe he will not betray us, I also think we need to speak to Arsene about the path he walks. I am sure you have seen the things he has done within Midgard. Even from here, I can feel the rage of Yggdrasil."

"If you are so uncomfortable, why train him with me?" I asked, not understanding why. "Why show him your Spearmanship, The Circles of Tartarus, or your archives?"

Releasing a smile that sent waves down my soul, he pointed towards me, "Because you asked me too. What other reason could there be? "

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