
Chapter 86: Prologue to War - Contingency within Contingency

Chapter 86: Prologue to War - Contingency within Contingency

It was quite an eventful day today. However, my little bet with Yura had easily turned into a failure. This girl had beaten me so bad I simply had to stop. It\'s crazy how much better at killing when compared to me. I called bullshit; she is way too good.

Stepping out of my searing hot shower, I gazed up at the moon with a half-smile. The information I received from Tray was quite sweet. It was worth burning a bridge with a heavenly rank cultivator...Then again, I did gain a new slave.

"Shadow, prepare my ship; we will be joining the war with Romga." I muttered, knowing he was watching, "Also, make a list of all the participants that I may want to join."

Making my way into my kitchen, I began making a small pizza with bits of Isaella as a replacement as pepperoni. Yura had said what happened was a rare event, but I could not throw away such a delicacy.

"Arsene, is that the same meat from that night?" Yura suddenly asked, scaring the shit out of me as she appeared like a phantom.

"God Damit girl, at least make yourself known before walking in." Honestly, I don\'t think I will ever get used to cooking a person so blatantly in front of someone. "Ever thought of wearing a bell?"

Yura didn\'t seem to respond as she just stared at me or rather the oven behind me. "It is...do you want some, or are you scared of what could happen," I asked with a half-smile, secretly wishing to taste her lips once more.

Placing her fingers on her delicate lips, Yura smiled, "It can only happen once per beast. It\'s a rare occurrence Arsene. It will not happen again, but what are we actually eating? After Emma knocked me out, I found a massive amount of Yin qi within my dantian the next morning."


Looking into my dantian, my mind quivered at the azure blue yin qi about three times the size of my dantian, orbiting my core like it was the center of the universe.

How could it grow slow easily without my knowledge, and more importantly, what exactly happed when my body adapted to this energy? Maybe I can call for that little loli?

"Arsene?" Yura called out, breaking my concentration.

"It\'s a high-ranked beast, one that I found by surprise," I said with a smile as ding sounded. Removing my pizza from the oven, I placed it down as Yura took a deep breath in.

With a profound stare, her smile faded as she eyed me with a dark light, "Arsene, Ashna will be attacking soon. In fact, I will not be surprised if we get bombed by a heavenly ranked cultivator in a few days."

Drawing my chief\'s knife I smiled, before dividing the pizza up into four slices. Hearing the slit crunch as cheese drizzled over my blade, I chuckled, "Yura, I had about a decade to plan. Unless they send a heavenly transformation cultivator, we have nothing to worry about. This war is over before it started."

"Than your as foolish as Greyson." Yura curtly replied with disdain, "All your plans should have been revised the movement you found out Ashna was a New God. Let me tell you. New Gods are far stronger than any being within this Mortal Plane. Even though this planet is special, we are fucked if Ashna gets even some semblance of Dao."

"While I don\'t really understand what a new god means, do you really take me for a foolish person?" I asked as I placed a slice over her plate. "The moment I found out, my plan skipped over a, b, c, d, e, f, and g."

Opening her eyes, Yura gasped, "What do you mean?"

"Yura, I will be an enemy of this nation soon. I will be hunted like a dog within a few weeks, if not days. I want them to come. I want them to find me. With Holy Legion, I am forced to initiate my most powerful contingency."

"You\'re going to burn this nation...Along with the others." Yura suddenly whispered, bringing a cruel smile to my face.

"Yes, terrorism is not a concept the three kingdoms are familiar with. They prey upon the weak and worship the strong. A rather foolish concept as it is the weak they protect. Cultivation has nothing to do with talent regarding the various minds that Asterion, Romga, and Godwin have. Tell me, Yura, aside from Selma, who truly deserves the title they hold? But how many of them are absolute monsters in cultivation? Answer all of them."

"The weak, these are the people I work with. These are the people I take in when they are at the bottom and have nowhere to go. I have fostered their talent for years, and now I have some of the greatest blacksmith, Formation masters, and Inscribers on this little Island, as you call it. The bombs are merely decoys, they are effective, but there is more to it than just mindless slaughter. The billions of lives I took are all a part of a bigger picture. "

Taking a bite of the warm pizza, I melted inside as I chuckled, "You better eat before it gets cold," I said with an indifferent grin. Having the odd sensation to watch people feast upon my prey. It was honestly enjoyable, knowing we were the same in some way.

Looking at my Isaella Pizza, Yura took a large bite as her eyes grew like sources. It was not long before the entire pizza was devoured. Licking the plate clean, she beamed, "Are you not afraid I will tell someone?" She asked in a smile filled with tomato sauce.

"You? Not at all, but even if you did. The moment Godwin lost a few billion lives, I won." I said, rising from my chair with a smile, "I cook you clean."

Rushing back to my room before she said anything, I suddenly frowned as I stared at Nora and Zel layin on my bed...I really need to start locking my door.

"Mother told me this might happen," I said, removing my shirt, showing off my shoulder. "My milkshake brings..."

"FUCK OFF," Nora spat in annoyance, "It\'s about Zel and Winfor?"

"Oh, my poor body. But I was honestly hesitant? Not sure how I would react if Zel and mine touched... If you catch my drift...But I\'m down for a three-way...Wait, did you say Winfor...That would be a four-way...a little too much for me. "

Growing bright red, Nora quivered, whether it was Rage or embarrassment, I will never know as she struck down on my head. "Damn it, be serious; Zel wanted to speak with you."

Zel had a smile but. I could feel a tinge of sadness as he stepped forward, "Well, can you help me get Winfor?"

"Huh, like to the gym or the movies?" I asked in bewilderment.

"Be serious, Arsene. I heard you fucked the Queen. It must have taken some serious game. Can you help me out?" He begged growing red.

"STOP, STOP, STOP, why the fuck would you believe that? And I have only had sex once, aside from pissing people off, I have zero experience regarding such matters," I defend, confused at how we even got to this conversation.

"Really?" Both Nora and Zel yelled.

"Yes, can you all leave, please I need to cultivate?"

"No, last night something must have been in the air because me and winfor..."

"Nope, nope, don\'t tell me. I don\'t wanna know." I yelled, "Tell Yura or Edain."

"Grow up, Arsene," Nora screamed, "THis could potentially get Zel killed. Asterion doesn\'t take well to those of Zel\'s taste."

"What the hell do you want me to do? Zel, if you like this dude fuck the rules. You\'re a grown-ass man." I said, leaving my room in a hurry...That was painful.

Headin\' to my underground basement, I sighed in relief at the quietness. "My only safe haven. I hope no one discovers this place. I really need to speak with Yura about these little pests. It\'s time for them to go. "

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