
Chapter 233 Tyr Vs Jökull!

Tyr was up against Jökull, and both men stared each other down but Jökull was fuming because he knew that this put a hitch in the plan.

Try had his sledgehammer strapped to his back despite having his two axes equipped.

It was strange considering the weight ought to slow him down but it acted as a symbol of his kill.

This did not stop the battles around them from proceeding, as the familiar chaotic scene of war soon encompassed the battlefield and despite Tyr\'s attempt to warn people of the danger that came by standing in his way, not everyone heeded this warning and lunged at him but Tyr defeated those that dared draw their blade against him all in a single move, not wasting one single motion.

"You are strong," Jökull commended Tyr, he recognized him as a worthy foe to die on his blade.

Tyr was not in the mood for chit-chat because he knew the longer they delayed here, the higher the chance of reinforcement, and the best way to make any army lose morale is by taking the head of the one in charge.

Tyr charged at the bald man, who had on a helmet, his dreads swaying with the wind as the blistering winter shot through his body.

Tyr was surprised that their body did not give out after staying beneath the snow but this should dull their movements because their body temperature was low, they needed to warm up before they could fight at full strength, this was their window to cut down their numbers before this happens, and that was why Tyr was focused solely on Jökull because he did not know what this man would be like if he allowed him to regulate his body\'s temperature but he knew that the battle would be a lot more difficult.

Tyr swung his ax in his left hand but it was not aimed at his head but at his midsection.

Jökull dodged this with relative ease as all he had to do was take a step back but this was exactly what Tyr intended as Tyr\'s body language changed in an instant as the spring in his step allowed him to close the distance even before Jökull could complete that step back.

Tyr swung his ax in his other hand but this time he wanted to take off his head, the awkward positioning of Jökull\'s body at that very moment eliminated him from dodging this attack or at least that is what Tyr thought. Jökull simply fell back-first into the ground to dodge the follow-up, the snow cushioning his fall and Tyr had lost balance momentarily due to the force in which he swung.

Tyr felt a gut-wrenching pain throughout his body but the focal point was from his lower torso.

Jökull had kicked him during this time he was opened, he would have stabbed him but kicking was the best course of action as he knew this window would have closed if he used his sword.

Tyr was sent crashing into the snow, he was on the floor and in a vulnerable position.

Tyr blinked once and twice but he did not even have time to regain himself as Jökull came flying like an eagle that had swooped down for its prey, thrusting his sword forward in an attempt to impale Tyr\'s heart but Tyr managed to avoid it by rolling to his side.

This man was strong and this was exactly what Tyr expected, this was the kind of battle that his body ached for.

Battles that brought him closer to his potential and what better way than a life-or-death struggle with an enemy?

He jumped to his feet and quickly distanced himself from Jökull, who casually removed his sword from the ground after his missed attempt to kill Tyr.

Kolbeinn was fighting but he was keeping an eye on Tyr.

He knew who Jökull was, a man that had the same potential as Sturla and Sighvatur but his servitude and respect for them never allowed him to advance past a certain stage for he thought it blasphemous to be on the same level as the very people he revered.

Tyr was an unknown, his potential that is so this was a good opportunity to gauge just how strong he might become.

Jökull\'s skin was not looking as pale as it did a few minutes ago, he was warming and if he was this skilled when his muscles contracted, then one could only imagine how strong he truly was.

Jökull charged at Tyr with his sword, he was faster than their first exchange but it was nothing that Tyr could not handle as he expertly parried Jökull\'s downward swing with the ax in his left hand and simultaneously attempted to bury the ax in his right hand in Jökull\'s skull but Jökull grabbed Tyr\'s wrist right with his unequipped hand before headbutting the younger warrior.

The force dazed Tyr as he stumbled backward, his body was full opening and it looked like this battle was over as he had no way of defending himself against Jökull\'s finishing blow.

"You have fought well…" Jökull muttered right before thrusting his blade to impale Tyr\'s heart.


Gudrun saw this and the fear in her eyes was telling as she tried to aim her bow in that direction but she was stopped by Kolbeinn.

It was not in their place to intervene but this was not why he stopped her, he stopped her because this battle was over but it was not Jökull that was the victor.


The blade made contact with Tyr\'s skin but like a dancing willow, it rolled right off his body as the younger warrior spun around it and Tyr landed his first hit, an important one at that.

Tyr always downplayed his abilities so his opponent would have a false gauge and sense of his abilities, but he would assimilate and adjust to theirs.

He had used a refined version of Kolbeinn\'s skill, he had refined it after his second clash with Gissur.

An opponent is more likely to go for a finishing move if their action is the one to create that opening, and the headbutt from Jökull was powerful but they were nothing compared to Gissur\'s fists.

These little things that seem insignificant are what gave Tyr the victory.

"Is that it?" Jökull asked and Tyr looked up in shock because Jökull showed no visible distress to being injured and that was because he was not.

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