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Chapter 376 Facing An Earth Drake [Part 1]

Chapter 376 Facing An Earth Drake [Part 1]

"Sighh, Amanda please come here," the dean lightly called out.

Amanda turned and froze, the dean\'s expression wasn\'t any good. She could clearly feel the unease on his face, not to mention him sweating head to toe.

Carefully putting the cat down, she walked towards the Dean and asked, "Everything good?"

"No, I feel a premonition," the dean answered.

"What kind of premonition?" Amanda asked, raising an eye brow as she knew of these premonitions the dean had. After all, the dean was the Lord Of Souls and was closely related to death as well and hence, his premonitions weren\'t just to be glossed over. They were closely related to fate and would mostly turn out to be true.

"A premonition of death," the dean simply answered, following his answer the cave turned to silence.

Amanda\'s face turned paler by the second as she understood what the dean implied,

They were in grave danger and as far as she knew, they had to do something to escape the fate the premonition foretold of.

"We should move out of here," the dean said and Amanda only nodded. Her hand wa swayed as the fire burning in the center was snuffed out. The dean slowly stood up and raised his cloak up, revealing the almost healed wound on his stomach.

"How much time until its healed completely?" Amanda asked, a bit worried about the wound.

"Not much, its almost healed and isn\'t much of an issue anymore," the dean answered back and then raised his scythe in the air. A dark flame burned on the scythe\'s tip as the dean chanted in his mind,

[Soul Fire:- I the Lord Of Souls hereby use the laws of around this world to remove our aura and record from this place],

Uttering those words, the fire on the tip of his scythe flew out in the air and spread through the cave as it burned out any evidence of them having stayed here.

"Let\'s go," the dean said, appearing a bit paler than before. After all, he had taken the help of the laws of an unknown world and that had used considerable amount of strength, even for someone as strong as the dean.

"hmm, lets go," Amanda said and then followed behind the dean, not before picking up the cat and taking it along with her.

"Why are you bringing it along?" The dean furrowed his brows, looking at the cat sleeping soundly in Amanda\'s arms.

"Dont be jealous, I want to keep it with me. It will be my pet," Amanda replied with a slight glare that shut the dean up, "Where to?" Amanda asked after a short pause.

"Away from danger, I can sense something coming from within the forest and so we are going the other way," the dean declared as his cloak flapped in the air and he took flight.

He flew just high enough to reach the crown of a few small trees, carefully avoiding flying too high or staying on the ground.

Amanda did the same, using her powers to form an aura around her and then flying just behind the dean, her expression tense as she carefully looked around her.

As they had left the cave and ventured a bit deeper into the other side of the forest, they noticed just how dangerous the world really was. Every where Amanda sensed, she could feel various eyes staring at them, ready to devour them at a moment\'s notice.

"Prometheus, I don\'t think this place is safe," Amanda spoke up, fear shining in her eyes as her voice quaked in fear.

"Amanda, its still better than that," the dean replied, keeping himself close to Amanda, "This is a strong world and from what I could feel, we need to be careful or else even a weaker being might be able to finish us," as the dean spoke those words, a flash appeared right in front of him.

Hurriedly using his scythe to block the figure, the dean saw that it was reptilian being with scales over its body while its body itself was smooth and slithery, reminiscent of a snake but from what the dean saw, it was very different from a snake.

"A new being," the dean only muttered before flames engulfed the figure and burnt it to crisp, as that happened; a message flashed in front of his eyes,

[Killed A Hatchling Bashe],

Seeing the text, the dean was surprised. That figure had flashed too fast and with the strength it collided with his scythe, he had to use half of his total strength and from what the system had said, it was only a hatchling.

"The universe sure is large and infinite where various unknowns reside," as he said those words, the dean felt his vision expanding, realizing the depth of his own words while his own understanding of the universe as a whole changed drastically.

Not being careless anymore, the dean took a vigilant stance and slowed his speed by a small margin and kept on moving forward. He could still feel the premonition of death approaching and ever since he left the cave, it had only become faster and faster.

Right now, the dean was sure that it would be long before he would have to face whatever was causing that premonition and so, the dean was gathering his power as well.

"I will see just what it is to cause me such fear," the dean thought to himself as he kept on weaving through the trees.

"Prometheus, I feel something following," Amanda called out from the back.

Turning around, the dean saw Amanda and noticed that she was completely pale, as if blood had left her body as whole, "Is it that bad?" The dean asked, to which Amanda only nodded.

The dean said nothing and silently thought. Amanda wasn\'t too strong when attacking but her specialty was her control over magic and her skills. That was also why she could sense the being around her at a larger range than normal people could and while her perception was unusually high, she also had a technique that allowed her to feel a beings power and so, when that thing must have enter the range of her perception; Amanda clearly felt it and that made her turn pale.

"It must soon enter my range of perception as well," the dean thought and then looked around, trying to find a clearing where he could prepare himself to face off against whatever was chasing them.

[Domain Of Souls:- Arise],

The dean muttered as the area around him was suddenly obscured by a thick fog. It wasn\'t fog but miasma, to be exact, it was the miasma of death originating from origin of souls of all beings.

This was a new height the dean had reached recently and using the miasma of death, the dean was able to make his domain even stronger than before.

Unknowingly, the dean was now walking an even greater path than before. If before he was the Lord Of Souls, continuing to walk this path would make him none other than the Lord Of Death and maybe that was what fate had destined for him from the beginning.

However, the dean currently knew nothing about it. As the miasma covered the area around him, the unnaturally silent forest turned even more silent. Even the sound of wind wasn\'t there and only the faint sound of his and Amanda\'s heart beating could be heard.

Not long later, another being appeared in his domain. Sensing the presence of that being, the dean only frowned. Dispelling a bit of his miasma to have a look at the being, the dean\'s frown only deepened.

Dark grey scales, a long tail that whipped in the air with such ferociousness that the surroundings trembled from its every swing. Its legs short but sturdy as whenever it took a step, the ground trembled. It\'s face covered by the thick scales while a rocky crown had been formed above its head, resting there; showing its mastery over the element of earth.

Its eyes glared at the dean and Amanda and then at the small inconspicuous cat laying in Amanda\'s arms, sleeping soundly.

Huffing slightly, a warm gust blew out of it\'s nostrils, it continued to glare at the dean.

On the other hand, the dean kept on observing his enemy while he thought to himself,

"There\'s no doubt about it, it is a drake and from the looks of it, its quite an old one. An earth drake that had lived over two centuries sure is rare but this one looks even older," as the dean was thinking, the drake suddenly leapt up. Its front legs rocking in the air and then it stamped down with all its might.

Following it, the earth itself trembled and the ground rose like a wave.

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