日韩 另类 综合 自拍 亚洲

Chapter 111 Training Elina (Part 2)

Next Day,

6 am,

\'Knock… knock… knock\',

"Who is it? It\'s 6 in the morning, what happened?", Aliya shouted opening the door.

"Uhm… is Elina up yet?", Ray asked as he looked sideways.

"Who the hell would be up at this time? Are you out of your mind?", Aliya scolded Ray as she continued, " Also, why are you looking sideways? Why don\'t you talk while looking at me",

"I can\'t, just tell Elina to be ready for training in 10 minutes. I am sure you would understand",

"Okay, I would tell her that but why are looking sideways? Is there something wrong with me?", Aliya asked, annoyed over Ray\'s behavior.

"It\'s not much, but just that you should cover up before opening the door", Ray said flustered all over as a blush crept over his face.

Saying what he had to, he ran away and headed to the training room while he still felt his heart beating wildly as blood rushed to a certain part of his body, thus enlarging it.

However, Ray controlled his turbulent emotions as he still had a training session to take.

Meanwhile, Aliya closed the door while being confused over Ray\'s unusual behavior.

Turning around, she found Elina rubbing her eyes as she spoke,

"Yawwnn… who was it Aliya? And what\'s up with your face",

"It was Ray, he said to wake you up for some training session. Also, I feel that he was acting very weird, he didn\'t even look straight at me", Aliya told Elina in amusement over Ray\'s strange behavior.

Listening to Aliya speak made Elina chuckle as she spoke,

"That is what you call a gentleman",

"What do you mean gentlemen, he was so rude that he even ran away without saying anything", Aliya retorted in anger as she thought that Elina might have misheard her.

"Nope, he is a gentleman and he wasn\'t rude to you. Why don\'t you look down?", Elina laughed as she told Aliya to have a look at herself.

"What do you mean by that… Ahhhhh", Aliya thought as she shrieked all of a sudden when she looked down only to find that she was wearing her underwear and her shirt was unbuttoned. Thus, showing her large cups in all their magnificence.

"That assh*le, he could have told me earlier but I am sure all that was an act and he would have been peeking all the time… Arghh.. I will kill him", Aliya spoke in anger as she buttoned her shirt and went back to bed in anger.

On the other hand, Elina merely laughed as she went to get ready for the training session.

Meanwhile, Ray walked into the training room while lost in thoughts.

"They were huge", Ray thought out loud as he entered the training room. His thoughts were all occupied by what he saw.

"What were huge?", Noah asked cheekily as he came closer to Ray and observed Ray\'s expression and the receding blush on his face.

"Boo… I mean melons, they were huge and round and..", Ray stammered all over as he went on to talk but controlled himself as he stopped in the middle of his sentence as he said, "Nothing, just some melons I saw for sale this morning",

"Ohh! Really? I would also want to see them", Noah asked even more cheekily as he came closer to Ray and teased him while he asked,

"Come on tell me, what did you see?",

"I said it\'s nothing, if you want those melons so badly, I will send you the link", Ray said while raising his voice as he tried to salvage himself from the embarrassing situation.

On the other hand, seeing that Ray was getting uncomfortable with all his teasing, Noah stopped as he changed the topic and asked,

"Did you call Elina? Is she going to attend the session?",

"Yeah, I called her. She will be here in 10 minutes", Ray said expressionlessly but deep within his emotions went out of control again over what happened yesterday and just now.

"It\'s normal, it\'s just teenage hormones messing up with me. Nothing more", Ray thought and consoled himself as he tried to stay calm.

"Hey Sirius, why don\'t we have a spar until Elina comes", Ray changed the topic and asked as he tried to calm himself down by having a spar.

And what better candidate for a spar if not Sirius?

"Yeah, let\'s have a spar. I have been resting for quite some time already, it\'s time to move my muscles for a change", Sirius said with excitement as he stood up from his seat and got ready for a spar.

"That guy only shows expression when fighting, what a maniac", Noah thought as he saw Sirius being all excited over a spar.

On the other hand, Ray also got ready while he took a wooden sword from the rack and said,

"There are no rules other than these three:

One, no usage of beast armors or spirit souls is allowed. Two, no lethal attacks, and three, no area of effect attacks",

"Okay, bring it on", Sirius spoke as he banged his fists and transformed partially as fur grew on his hands and legs while his eyes turned crimson and his claws elongated.

Seeing this, Ray also got ready to fight as mana within his body churned and his affinities got activated while a bolt of lightning started to snake around his body with the surrounding temperature increasing by the moment.

15 minutes later,

"Bangg… Boom…",

Elina entered the training room only to find sounds of fighting coming over from there,

Entering the training room, Elina found Ray and Sirius fighting against each other, and just as she was about to speak and stop them,

"Don\'t, they are having a practice spar. It\'s nothing much, no use of lethal moves is allowed so you don\'t have to worry", Noah spoke as he stopped Elina from ruining the fight.

Elina nodded as she took a seat besides Noah and spectated the spar.

Currently, Ray was using his lightning as the main attacking force while the fire supported his attacks as it increased the intensity and power of his attacks.

On the other hand, Sirius used his half-transformed wolf form to increase his speed and strength while his mobility and dexterity remained at the top too.

"Let\'s see how you take this attack", Ray said as he used his lightning to cover the whole sword while he used the fire to boost his movement.

Kicking the ground, Ray leaped in the air as he swung his sword around while a small blaze followed his silhouette as his movement speed increased.

Sirius responded to Ray\'s attack with an attack of his own as he also jumped in the air as he extended his claws and slashed fiercely.

"Booooommm", Both attacks collided as a loud blast occurred that sent both Sirius and Ray flying backwards.

"Okay you both, Elina is here. So let\'s train her and end the spar", Noah stood up and said as he finished the spar.

Meanwhile, Ray and Sirius landed on their feet as they nodded to each other in appreciation.

Ray then looked over in Elina\'s direction as he said,

"Hey Elina, let\'s teach you some basic hand-to-hand combat",

This brought Elina out of her reverie as the majestic scene of Ray and Sirius colliding against each other kept playing in her mind. However, she shook her mind as she stood up and nodded resolutely.

With that, Ray and the others did some basic punching, evading, stomping, and various exercises.

"Okay Elina, the first thing is to observe your opponent\'s attack patte Ray said as he demonstrated to Elina over how he observed Noah\'s movements before taking any action.

"After that, use the opponent\'s attacks against him", He said as he demonstrated how he used Noah\'s punch against him by grabbing his punching hand and then bending it over and kneeling Noah on the stomach.

"I understand", Elina said as she observed everything very closely and imprinted all the movements in her memory.

"Now, you try", Ray said as he started to punch Elina while Elina tried to dodge his attacks and counter his movements.

This continued until it was time for class as Ray stopped and said,

"That\'s enough for today. We will practice more tomorrow and teach you basic weapon mastery and find a suitable weapon for you".


A/N:- Hello all. Hope you all are having fun. Also here is the bonus chapter. Sorry for being late.

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