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Chapter 97 Ray's Escape Story

"Bangg… Thudd",

Aliya hit Ray right in the head. Her anger, above the roof as she shouted,

"You bastard, I am going to make sure that you remember this for the rest of your life", Aliya said as her eyes blazed in anger. She accessed her storage space and took a large hammer out of it.

Taking the hammer out, she lifted it above the head as she looked down at Ray,

"You are gonna regret sleeping here", She said as brought down the large hammer and hit it right in the middle of Ray\'s face.



The hammer fell right in the middle of Ray\'s face and just as it did, Ray\'s eyes snapped wide open as he screamed at the top of his lungs while clutching his nose.

Not a second later, Ray, summoned his sword as he changed his stance and slashed down hard with his sword.

"Swish… Clangg",

"What the hell Ray? Why did you hit us? Have you gone mad or something?", Aliya shouted at Ray as she blocked his sword with her staff.

"Aliya? What the hell Aliya, here I thought that the wolves found me", Ray responded while he sheathed his sword and held his nose.

"Also what the hell are you going with that behemoth of a hammer, and why did you hit me?", Ray asked as he sat down as took in deep breaths.

On the other hand,

Listening to Ray, Aliya put down the hammer as she said,

"First of all, the hammer is mine to use. So what issue do you have with it and secondly, who the hell sleeps right in the middle of a forest while surrounded by a few trees as a cover while crazed enemies are searching for you",

"Now listen, that hammer isn\'t a normal hammer. It\'s so big and it hits so hard that my nose still hurts", Ray said as he continued to run his swollen nose while he continued,

"Secondly, so what. So what if I sleep here in the middle of the forest? You might not know but these trees that I am sleeping in between have a special smell hindering characteristics while even if I wanted to run away, I can\'t",

"What? Why can\'t you move away from here?", Aliya asked in amusement while she looked at the trees around her.

"Well, that last abomination I fought while saving your necks had a strange immunity to magic. So I had to fight it melee and during that combat, I received enough damage to stay down for a while. That is also when I sent out the distress message to you", Ray answered as he continued to explain the whole story,

"After that, I used a minor recovery potion and hid in the bushes. Who would have thought that right after I healed a bit, those crazed half-transformed wolves came and ruined my plans? I fought some but wasn\'t recovered enough to fight them all. Thus, I ran here and expended all my energy during it", Ray concluded flatly as he looked at Aliya.

"Then why were you sleeping over here? Shouldn\'t you be awake in case those wolves found you? Also, are you hurt? Do you need healing?", Aliya asked in concern as she looked at Ray.

"Didn\'t I tell you already, these trees hinder the senses of a solve and predators that hunt using their senses? Along with that, this specific formation of trees also hides my presence from them. As for injuries, I drank a healing potion, so I don\'t need healing. But I am out of energy, that\'s why I slept to recover some. Only for someone to come and hit me in the face", Ray said as he answered all of Aliya\'s questions.

After that, he asked his questions as he spoke,

"Now you tell me, how is everyone doing? Are they okay? And did you encounter any issues finding Elina and Tim? Also, any sign of the dean?",

"We found Elina and Tim not long later. When we found them, they were injured. Too badly to heal in full, especially Tim. He had lost an arm and when we got there, we found him unconscious and covered in blood while Elina was the same but less injured and in a semi-conscious state", Aliya spoke as she described to Ray, the condition in which they found the two siblings.

As she described everything, tears welled up in her eyes as Tim\'s arm lay on the ground lifelessly while Tim lay down on Elina\'s lap struggling with the last of his breaths.

While Ray heard this, even his eyes turned red as he imagined what the scene must have been. However, he imagined how hard it must have been for the siblings.

Thinking this, his eyes turned bloodshot as he lost control of his temper. And just as he lost control over his temper, his body changed.

Just within that moment, his bloodline energy also got agitated as his transformation began. Light golden scales started to appear while his body started to change all over.

However, Ray sensed it and controlled his anger almost instantly. Hence, not letting the scales fully surface while the changes remained minute and soon reverted to normal.

Calming himself down, Ray spoke,

"How are they now? And where are they now?",

"They are fine for now. As for where they are? Tim came with us and when he saw that you were okay, he went to scout the surroundings to make sure we stay out of danger",

"As for Elina, she is also fine. Currently, she is with Noah, distracting the rest of the wolves so we could reach you", Aliya answered as she also sat down for a moment.

As Aliya sat down, she remained silent for a moment. During this time, everything seemed to have turned silent except for the voices within the forest.

Emma stood in her position as she asked Ray,

"Now what?",

"What do you mean?", Ray asked her for her peculiar and strange question.

"I mean what do we do now? We saved the students and got the evidence and information we needed while the dean also got here to deal with issues over her. So I mean to say that basically, everything is done and there is nothing left for us to do", Emma answered coldly as she looked down straight into Ray\'s eyes as she continued,

"I am not missing anything, Am I? Or have you hidden something from us",

As Ray listened to Emma, he understood everything she said and where she was coming from, but when he heard her last sentence and the tone she spoke it with, it triggered him off.

It triggered him that he helped her up so much. He even got himself captured for her and she doubted him like this.

Shaking his head, Ray said,

"First of all, there is nothing to hide from you guys. I have told you all there is to. As for why we are still waiting, we are waiting for the dean to come and pick us up. The forest isn\'t so safe at the moment", With that, Ray continued,

"Also, if you like this team and want to be a member here. Then remember one thing, whether it may be I, or anyone from the team. You aren\'t to doubt our words, not speak to anyone in such a questioning tone. While no one would do the same with you. Understood?",

While Ray said all of this, his eyes turned cold as he looked at Emma in slight anger,

"Yes, Understood. I apologize for my mistake", Emma apologized as she kept her head down.

"Tringg… Tringg… Tringg…",

While she apologized, Ray\'s phone chimed as he received a couple of messages. Opening the texts, he saw that they were from the dean. Reading them, his expression changed as he smiled,

"I guess it\'s our good luck as the dean just texted for us to meet at the location he sent, we are finally leaving the forest".

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