
Chapter 48 XLVIII

"Hahahahaha!!!" a loud laughter was heard startling the group but it soon faded away as though the person had gone out of hearing range.

"They're here, Protect the Lord" One of them said as they came closer forming an even tighter circle.

"We can hear you, show yourself and fight like a true Orc!!" One of the bolder ones shouted out into the empty forest

Her shout caused the entire group to frown but they understood her reason and hoped that the enemy they were facing would actually listen to her or at least fall bait to her taunt in some way that would give away their location.


A loud and very deep growl was heard and turn to its source, the group saw an incredibly large wolf step out of the forest into the small clearing they were in. Following it was a very large green creature, an Orc wearing animal pelt and carrying a large club made from animal bone. Seeing the creature that towered over her, the girl nearly dropped her spear but after several of this torment, she knew that wouldn't help her in any way.

Following the lead of the Orc, many more stepped out of their hiding spot with hideous grins on their faces, beside them were some animal or the other that they had tamed along the course of their lives. Seeing the army that was slowly forming in the clearing, the group knew that they had no hope of winning.

"You are out of options, you can either surrender or be killed" The Orc that had stepped out first spoke much to the surprise of the girl in the middle.

She had being fighting against these monsters for hours now and not even once have any of them spoken in any language she could understand so hearing this one speak, she couldn't help but be shocked. Unlike her though the rest of her team weren't as surprised by this, they knew that with a higher rank came the ability to understand the common language and above all, a higher rank meant better intellect.

"You're just a mere orc with no hope of ever evolving, surrender is not an option" one of the males amongst them shouted with disgust clear in his tone.

"The same could be said about you, You're just an ordinary High Orc while I am an Orc King, I don't need to evolve, I just need to kill you and have them bear my children" The Orc replied with a hideous grin on its face as it placed its weapon on its shoulder

Hearing the Orc's statement, the entire group with the exception of the girl suddenly lost a whole lot of energy as a cold chill ran down their back. High Orcs may be the next thing in terms of evolution for Orcs but not all High Orcs were super powerful. The Ordinary High Orc was as powerful as three regular Orcs and could be easily dealt with by any Orc General.

Now they were face to face with an Orc King. A being with power on par with the Wyverns and The Undead Knights. This however wasn't the scary thing about an Orc King, it was that wherever he went, one should expect an army of at least 10,000 Orcs which meant they were probably surrounded by at least 10,000 Orcs.

"We should surrender" the girl said after giving her situation a brief thought

The Orcs may be vile and all but with the presence of the Orc King, she may at least get some time before she is killed or raped by these monsters. Trying to resist would probably lead to either immediate death or eventual capture and then brutal rape. Both options weren't good but common sense dictates that one chooses the path with more chances for your to escape.

"Listen to the creature, It seems to be the smart one amongst you…. Don't worry, I will make sure you aren't treated harshly" The Orc King said as it began to walk closer to the team

"My Lord, you may find it worth your while to trust a goblin before you try trusting an Orc" The male said as he prepared for a battle he knew he would probably never win

"Stop... we surrender" She said as she threw her spear on the ground

"My Lord?!" The male shouted in shock

"I cant believe a mighty High Orc such as yourself, follows such an inferior creature" The Orc King said as he vanished from his location, only to appear where the male was previously standing

The Male High Orc was sent flying through the forest by the large frame of the speeding Orc King. His head, back and legs could be seen bent in very odd positions as he smashed into tree after tree. The rest of team immediately threw down their weapons in fear that the same would happen to them but they still didn't abandon their duty as they formed an even tighter circle around their Lord.

"Pathetic!" The Orc King said as he disappeared again on to appear in their center with the girl now in his hands.

The Orc King grabbed the young girl by her hair and lifted her until her face was at the same level as his. Ignoring her screams, kicks and punches, the king spat on her face and proceeded to throw her into the crowd of orcs.

"Arghhh!!!!!" She screamed as the Orcs groped, dragged and pulled her around

"My Lord!!" The remaining High Orcs shouted as they tried to save her only to be tackled to the ground by hundreds of Orcs

"Orcs serve no one!!" The Orc King whispered as he left the area.

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