
Volume 10 10

Chapter 10: The Hero of Ivaldi[]

Kirche’s dance was beautiful, but Louise, Montmorency and Sylphid were hopelessly unskilled.

Matching a simple rhythm, Kirche made a melody with her dance. The other three behind her saw that and moved as if trying to mimic her, but they could not do it.

Nevertheless, to the soldiers who were craving for entertainment, it was good enough. That’s because the dancing young girls’ figures were only messily covered with cloth at the breasts and the waist.

The wine they brought was spent very quickly.

Shaking her sexy body, that red-haired girl was just like the incarnation of fire - shaking bewitchingly and passionately. The flashily swinging red hair was like a flaming torch.

On the other hand, the blonde and the pink-haired lady were merely shaking their waists rhythmically with her. But strangely, their movements were noble-like, and they possessed a high-class radiance as if that was a dance presented in the palace.

As for the blue-haired girl, initially, she could only sway about clumsily like a new-born fawn. However, in time, she got the hang of it, and started raging around happily.

Her wild presentation did not look like a dance no matter what, but watching her face brimming with joy brought happiness to those people.

The soldiers gulped and emptied the wine.

Inside, Baron Misscoeur left his seat. He did not touch the served wine, not even a drop.

Kirche saw Baron Misscoeur’s soldiers head towards her. As if that was a signal, Kirche stopped her dance.

Worried, Louise whispered into Kirche’s ear.

“That commanding officer didn’t touch the wine. Is that okay?”

“I’ll do something about it, so leave it to me. Umm, Montmorency. You prepared the sleeping potion so that it would work exactly after an hour right?”

“Yeap. But I think there might be slight differences between individuals...”

“So, 30 minutes from now, huh. Please deal with these soldiers appropriately. In 30 minutes time, I should have returned too.”

A soldier rushed up to Kirche and whispered a few words to her.

Smiling sweetly and nodding, she went after Baron Misscoeur who had disappeared.

The remaining members exchanged looks with one another.

“She said she was buying more time, but...”

The drunk audience started shouting unanimously.

“Hey!! The performance has ended!?”

“If so, come here, and pour us some wine!”

“I don’t want to! Pouring wine for the soldiers!?”

Montmorency trembled all over with fear. She had been humiliated by dancing in front of commoners wearing such an embarrassing costume. If she had to serve them wine as well, she would probably no longer be able to take it.

“W-We’ll dance! Quiet!”

Part two began. However, the dance team was without Kirche, and matching the horrendous music, they merely shook their waists roughly to the delicate rhythm. Because of that, the soldiers began to grow tired of it. Apparently, the huge success in the first part was due to Kirche’s presence.

“What the heck is this!? Return our money!!”

Wine bottles and dishes flew towards them.

“Shit! Cocky soldiers!”

Poinkk! Being hit by wine bottles squarely at their heads, Guiche and Malicorne exploded in fury.

“W-Wait! If you get angry here our plans will be spoiled!”

Saito anxiously stopped them.

“What’s wrong!? Since you’re dancing, strip!”

“I can take off my clothes now?”

Kyui, kyui! Seemingly happy, Sylphid was about to strip off her clothes when it was Louise who- Pongg! hit her at the head.

“Why did you hit me!?”

“Have some dignity! Dignity!”

“But I have no dignity in this form!”

Sylphid said, pointing at the dancer’s costume that barely covered her breasts and waist.

“You have no choice!”

At their confusion, the soldiers booed them down.

“Oi, oi! So how!”

Saito coughed, and unsheathed Derflinger from his back. The soldiers became silent in an instant.

Malicorne and Guiche tried to stop him anxiously.

“Pl-Please stop! Don’t be violent!”

But Saito...

“After this, I’ll show my sword dance!”

...shouted desperately.

Under the attentive eyes of the silent soldiers, Saito swung Derflinger about.

“Cresent Moon Blow! Hoyaa!”

He jumped, and struck the ground.

“Jumping slash! Heeyaaa!”

The soldiers did not respond, but... in time, a roar started.

“Y-You’re INSULTING us!?”

“We train with swords every day!!”

“Why must we watch you bastard’s pathetic sword dance!?”

“Oops, we better go...”

The soldiers stood up and were going to leap at them. At that moment...

A gentle sound of flute could be heard.


They turned around, and with a serious face, Guiche was blowing a flute. Malicorne started playing the drum seriously too. A very graceful melody.

“Waah, this... isn’t this court music?”

It looked like Guiche and Malicorne had begun a musical performance they were required to memorize as part of their fundamental education. Completely different from the previous music, it was a gentle tune.

Slowly, Montmorency started dancing in accordance to the tune. There wasn’t the furiousness Kirche’s dance had, but it was a movement that overflowed with grace and elegance.

Apparently, the combination of the bold costume and the elegant court dance had captured the soldiers’ hearts. Obediently, they started viewing the dance appreciatively. Saito held a sigh of relief.

Montmorency’s elegant dance continued for another twenty minutes.

While they were doing that, the effects of the sleeping potion started taking place. The soldiers started dozing off one by one. Under the moonlight, as if inviting the fairy of sleep, Montmorency continued dancing slowly.

Ten minutes were needed until every one of them fell asleep.

The sleeping potion Montmorency had mixed was a powerful one that would make the consumer fall asleep for a day.

The courtyard turned into a large bedroom. The sight of 300 soldiers and nobles lying prostrate, asleep, was quite a magnificent one.

Saito and the others exchanged glances, and took out the wands hidden inside their musical instruments. After they finished equipping themselves, the party went to the castle tower of Alhambra. The crumbled, white castle reflected the moonlight and shone bewitchingly.

After this, we’ll have to find Tabitha and her mother in this castle... and rescue them both.

Before that, we would probably have a showdown with the elf. Saito prayed that the elf wasn’t there.

Just like an abandoned castle, here and there, parts of Alhambra Castle had collapsed. Ropes were tied across at dangerous places, as it was not possible to proceed any further. The interior was exactly like a maze.

Whilst pretending to be lost, Kirche investigated the castle interiors. But... Tabitha’s figure could not be found. Because it would be bad if the sleeping potion were to take effect, Kirche halted her temporary search and headed towards the room of Baron Misscoeur, the one who lead the soldiers.

Entering the entrance hall facing the courtyard, she went up the stairs immediately. At the right of the passage upstairs there was a metal door that looked like it had been made recently. She used the knocker to hit the door, and with a sound of a key being turned, the door was opened.

“Oooh, I’ve been waiting! Come, come on in!”

Although Baron Misscoeur assumed a grim face in front of his soldiers and subordinates, he changed his looks and ushered Kirche in.

“Well then, I’ll have to hold an examination. Nah, it has also been arranged by the king’s order that I am to check every single person entering this castle. Yeap, every single one.”

Baron Misscoeur stretched out his hands towards Kirche. But, Kirche gently brushed the hand away.

“You can examine me anytime, right?”

Whilst saying that, she sat on a bed beside a wall, facing him. Crossing her legs, she smiled.

“Hey, mister commanding officer. I’m a lady who’s full of curiosity. So, I would like to ask something... is that okay?”

“What do you want to ask?”

Baron Misscoeur displayed a doubtful look.

“Are you protecting a super valuable diamond here?”

“Diamond? Ahaha! What a shame! The thing we are protecting here is just mother-and-child prisoners. What? You all came here to steal some non-existent diamond? Well then, I’ll have to carefully check you...”

Kirche avoided the hand which went about at her shoulders.

“I want to have a look at the prisoners. I am veeery interested in such things.”

“What an unusual woman. What would you do after seeing those people?”

Baron Misscoeur inserted his hand into the hem of Kirche’s dancing skirt.


He noticed the thing his fingertip touched.

Slowly grasping the thing and pulling it out, Baron Misscoeur looked at the thing he was holding, and cried out.

“You, a mage...”

Still smiling, Kirche snatched the wand from Baron Misscoeur’s hand, and shoved him away. She quickly recited a spell, and a huge fireball appeared at the tip of her wand.

That fireball was held at the nose of the baron who had fallen back. Having a fireball a few times bigger than his head placed in front of his nose, the baron held his face away in terror.

“Well then, shall you guide me to where the prisoners are?”

“...bastard, are you the Duke of Orléans? A spirit which doesn’t exist in reality?”

“Nope. I am just a thief. For your information, I am short-tempered. If you don’t want every hair on you head to be burned to ashes, take me there quickly.”

Baron Misscoeur trembled.

“No way. I can’t do that.”


“He is there. I will be killed by him.”

Kirche’s raised her eyebrows.

“He? You mean the elf?”

“Th-That’s right. Forgive me! If it’s money I’ll pay. That’s why...”

From the other side of the door a high-pitched, clear voice could be heard.

“What’s with the money?”

Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Baron Misscoeur let out a shriek.

“Lord Bi-Bidashal!”

The door opened, and the figure of a tall man covered in a foreign robe appeared.

After casting a glance at Kirche, without paying the slightest attention at the fireball at the tip of her wand, that man asked in a dubious voice.

“Who are you?”

Kirche’s reply was the fireball. Released from the tip of her wand, the fireball swelled up, as if swallowing the thin elf. However, Bidashal did not even try to avoid it.

’The fireball burned the elf up in an instant’... the instant she thought that, in front of her eyes, it changed its target and turned 180 degrees.


A shriek of shock leaked out of Kirche’s mouth.

While Saito and the others were rushing up the stairs leading from the courtyard to the entrance of the castle tower... the wall of a certain section of the castle tower exploded suddenly.

“What was that!?”

Guiche shouted.

Next, the figure of someone dropping from the center could be seen.

“Isn’t that Kirche!?”

Together with the broken pieces of the wall, Kirche slammed onto the ground. They rushed to the collapsed Kirche.

“Such bad wounds!”

Montmorency started chanting a Water spell hastily. Sylphid transformed herself too, and started casting recovery magic at the same time.

“Elf... be careful...”

Saying that, Kirche fainted. It was quite a huge damage.

“Guiche, Montmorency. We’ll leave Kirche to you.”

“G-Got it.”

Saito broke out in a run. Louise chased after him.

“Wait! Wait for me!”

“What is it!?”

Saito screamed out in fury.

“Your opponent is an elf! If we don’t proceed carefully...”

“There’s no time to do that! Kirche is already injured! If we don’t hurry, Tabitha could be in danger!”

Louise raised her voice too.

“You’re in danger too, aren’t you!”


Dumbstruck, Saito stared at Louise. Whilst catching her breath, Louise shook her head.

“I am scared of your courage... scared of your courage that causes you to plunge towards 70,000 enemies and not be afraid of the elf...”

“What do you mean!?”

“Your courage... Isn’t that a fake courage you were given as Gandálfr? If you’re afraid, then you can’t protect your master – that courage which acts on its own.”


“I cannot allow it. The contract I gave you has turned you into someone unlike you. So please... don’t show that courage to me.”

With eyes brimming with tears, Louise looked up at Saito.

Saito muttered in a tired voice.

“...if that’s the case, okay.”


“I actually don’t have any such courage. I am ashamed to say it, but to be frank, I’ve been trembling fearfully for a while now. Trembling with excitement? Quit joking. I am shivering in fear.”


“Even during the time I plunged towards the 70,000, I was afraid I was going to die. I was so scared I froze all over and did not move. I forced myself to lift my legs off the ground, and to move forward. That is the courage of Gandálfr? Don’t talk nonsense. If anything happens, I’ll tremble all over in fear like this.”

“So, so why...?”

“I cannot show such a pathetic appearance, can I!? To start with, I’m a guy right!? Just like that, because of some twist of fate I was born a male! That’s why I cannot act foolishly, and have to show a good appearance! Besides, I’m Gandálfr. I’m not ordinary, and I have received powers. All the more, I can’t escape! Because it’s me, I can probably do it. That’s why there’s no way I can escape!”

Tears overflowed from Louise’s eyes. Whilst weeping, Louise hit Saito.

“Why are you hitting me!”

“I misunderstooooooddddd~~~~!”

Saito was perplexed by Louise who was angry at him. But now was not the time to be puzzled or go against her.

“Okay now, just prepare your spell.”

Being told that, Louise nodded. With his right hand, Saito grasped the handle of Derflinger he was carrying at his back. The runes on his left hand shone. He gently hugged Louise with that left hand.

“Hmm, actually.”


“It was written on my report card that I was the kind of person that tends to just go with the flow. This is who I am, so up till now, no matter how much I heard about magic or legends or even Gandálfr, I just didn’t feel surprised at all.”

Louise frowned a little.

“...which one is it? Your courage. Is it a real thing? Is it really Gandálfr’s after all?”

“Surely, once I hear your Void spell, my heart would jump, and my fear would disappear a little. But the effect of being Gandálfr was only something like that. Apart from that... it is my very own courage which flows easily.”

Whilst letting her tears fall, Louise gripped Saito’s sleeve. So, Saito’s “love” is also...

Nevertheless, now was not the time to be immersed in sweet feelings,

At the next instant, from the castle tower, a few fireballs flew towards them.

Saito held out his sword. The small fireballs were absorbed by Derflinger and were extinguished. As if repelling them, Saito charged forward, ran up the staircase and slashed the pillar of the entrance hall.

The pillar was cut into two, and Lord Bidashal who was standing behind it, appeared.


Without even giving him the time to recite spells, Saito drove the handle of the sword towards his stomach. Lord Bidashal fell back onto the bed.

Whilst poking at the fallen Baron Bidashal with his leg,

“This guy is an elf?”

He asked Louise.

“No. You know it too, right? Elves have pointed ears...”

From the top of the stairways leading to the second floor, a human figure appeared.

A voice like the clear sound of a glass bell could be heard.

“You all are friends of the girl just now?”

Seeing that silhouette, Louise said.

“Just like him.”

From the wide staircase, the elf descended slowly. Derflinger which was being grasped tightly, said in a sad voice.

“Elf... nothing we can do now. For our safety, we’d better pull back here.”

“If we pull back we can’t save Tabitha.”

Step by step, the elf came down from the stairs.

“I am Bidashal the elf. Let me inform all of you.”

Using the word “elf” in his self-introduction, was he trying to play on the fears of Saito and the rest?

That was an unnecessary move.

Even if he didn’t do that, there was a power of limitless intensity in that peaceful voice. Different from the enemies they had encountered so far, a hidden terror; that’s what Saito felt.

“Wh-What is it!?”

“Leave. I do not like battles.”

“If so, return Tabitha!”

“Tabitha? Ah, that mother and daughter, eh? That is impossible. “Guard them here.” I have unfortunately made such a promise. I cannot hand them over.”

“If so, we’ve got no other choice. There’s no way but to fight.”

This guy is strong. The battle experiences he had until now taught him thus. The instinct he had as a living being started warning him about the creature in front of him, who surpassed him.

But still, Saito gripped his sword.

Grasping his sword, he looked forward.

However, his legs did not obey him.

Whenever the elf took a step forward, Saito took a step backward. He was then reminded of the words Agnes taught him.

“Look for openings.”

No matter how much he looked, his opponent was full of openings. Wherever he swung his sword, that should be a hit.

Why is he that defenseless?

"Partner, it’s useless. Stop it.”

Derflinger said in a slightly impatient tone.

And yet... Saito readied his sword and rushed forward.

“Ooo, Woooooooo!”

A voice close to desperation. He dashed forward with his shivering legs. Jumping in front of Bidashal, he swung the sword downwards... but,


The air in front of Bidashal distorted.

As if he was swinging a lump of rubber, the sword was repelled backwards. Just like jumping on a trampoline, Saito was blown backwards.

Saito rolled down to the entrance hall in front of the courtyard.

The elf stopped halfway at the stairs, and looked down at Saito.

“Leave, you barbaric fighter. You cannot win against me.”

Louise rushed up to Saito who had collapsed.


Ouuuuuuuccchhhh! Saito stood up. Having struck the stone marble floor, his body did not move for a while. Although he was Gandálfr, his body was still of living flesh and blood. However nimble he might have been, the damage he received was still there.

“What kind of person is he... it was as if there was a wall of air in front of his body... What happened?”

Derflinger muttered in a bitter voice.

“That is ’Counter.’ Just like the elves who hate fighting... What a troublesome magic...”


“Repelling all attacks and magics –a strong Ancient Magic. Looks like that elf had made a contract with the ’power of the spirits’ in this castle. What an elf. What an amazing ’user’ this guy is...”

“Ancient Magic? THAT of the Water Spirit?”

“Remember, partner. This is the ’Ancient Magic.’ Until now, all the enemies were but trying to imitate it. Not even Brimir himself could win against the elves’ Ancient Magic. Alright kid, the real show has only just begun.... Well then, what should we do?”

“Don’t play with me! If we cannot use swords or magic, what should we do!?”

Bidashal lifted both his hands.

“O power of spirits hidden within these stones, with the ancient covenant I command you. Turn into pebbles and strike these enemies of mine!”

Around Bidashal, the huge rocks which formed the stairs rumbled and started rising up.

The pieces of rocks exploded in mid-air, attacking Louise and Saito.

Saito tried to fend off the countless assailing stones that were like scattered gunshots. However, there were too many of them and those that were not fended off hit his body.

Saito shielded Louise in front of her, and stopped those with his body.

One of them struck Saito at his forehead, and blood started trickling. For one moment he almost lost consciousness... but Saito still endured it.

Louise supported Saito who seemed to be falling down.

“Hey Derflinger! What should we do? What on earth should we do!?”

“There is no other way. Only your element can do something to this guy, someway or another. You’re the one who has to act, Louise.”

“But, no magic can work! What in earth should I recite? Ah, I left Founder Brimir’s prayer book at the academy, so now I can’t do anything, can I!? I can read it when I can? What is that! Why can’t it be available anytime anyway!”

“You have mastered that spell long ago.”


“Dispel. There is nothing else which can nullify Ancient Magic apart from ’Dispel.’”

“Oh yeah, Dispel!”

“But still, looks like that elf has made all the powers of the spirits in this place into his allies. To nullify all of that is something big. Can you gather enough willpower to cast such a Dispel?”

Louise was taken aback. But... she could not run away.

That’s because Saito was standing in front of her, wielding his sword.

Besides not admitting the defeat of her familiar, as a master, she should not admit her own defeat.

No... it was something simpler. That’s because there was no way she could abandon the guy who was so attracted to her.

Attracted to me, that’s possible huh? Louise reflected back upon it. She was astonished at herself for still having the time for such things.

Maybe I can.

Louise readied her wand.

Because the mage and the warrior guarding her still hadn’t left, the elf looked a little angry.

“You savage. Stop this useless resistance. I already have a contract with these stones which form this castle. Every spiritual power residing within these walls is my ally. Both of you will never win.”

Saito bared his teeth and roared.

“...shaddap you long-eared fool! Who’s the savage here!? I hate those people most who like you, think they are so great!”

Bidashal shook his head, and lifted up both his hands again. Then, the rocks of the wall were ripped out, and they turned into a gigantic fist.

“Wh-What is that!?”

A fearful voice escaped through Louise’s mouth.

No matter how great a mage is, there is no way he can make an enormous rock fist whilst reciting such a strong defensive spell.

Staring at the rock that had formed like clay, Saito trembled all over.

“So that is the ’Ancient Magic’ of the elves...”

The gigantic rock fist aimed and flew towards Saito and Louise.

In the living room, reading the book out loud, Tabitha’s ears caught a loud sound of explosion.

After that, silence ensued for a while, but... this time she could hear the soft noise of something cracking off.

Her mother cringed in her bed, afraid.

Tabitha gently embraced her mother. What on earth has happened?

“It’s all right,” she whispered to her mother. Getting down from the bed, she went to the door to check things out.

But... the door was shut with the ’Lock’ spell. Deprived of her wand, she could not do anything. Once feared by others, now the Knight of the North Parterre, Chevalier Charlotte, was nowhere to be seen. The one who was there was only Charlotte Hélène d’Orléans, imprisoned and utterly helpless. Even if she wanted to check what was happening outside, she could not even do that.

Tabitha returned to the bed.

Her frightened mother stared fixedly at the “Hero of Ivaldi.”

Tabitha picked up the book, and started reading it, like she had done for many a time.

Whilst reading the book, Tabitha thought,

What if... someone has come to save me?

Sylphid’s face floated in her mind.

Kirche’s face came into her mind.

I hope it’s not them, Tabitha thought. That elf is probably no match for anyone.

Finally, Saito’s face came into her mind.

The young man...who professed himself to be the legendary familiar.

The sword user who defeated me.

Saito who had defeated me, a Chevalier, with a sword. If it’s him... what if it is him who has come here to rescue me?

But... she shook her head.

Such miracle would never happen.

Someone who can win against that elf does not exist.

Any hope will lead to despair. Hasn’t that been the case all this while?

That’s right, there had never been a time when my anticipation was rewarded.

Tomorrow I’ll lose my soul. This fate will not change.

Slowly, Tabitha started reading the book again.

Ivaldi confronted the dragon inside the cave. The scales of the dragon which had been living for thousands of years were glittering like golden bars, and had turned very hard.

The dragon said to Ivaldi who was shivering in fear whilst holding his sword.

“What a small being. Get lost. This is not a place you should come.”

“Return Roux!”

“That girl is your wife?”


“What kind of relationship do you have with her?”

“Nothing. I had only stopped by at the village to have some bread.”

“You throw your life away just for that?”

While trembling all over from fear, Ivaldi proclaimed,

“For that I have gambled my life!”

Louise and Saito were blown off by that rock fist into the courtyard. Their friends who were looking after Kirche ran up to them.

“Saito! Louise!”

Using his body as a shield for Louise, Saito, who had received the blow of the rock fist with Derflinger, had broken his right arm.

Montmorency started reciting recovery spells at his arm.

In an anguished voice, Saito said.

“Run. We will do something.”

“That’s enough, just keep quiet!”

Malicorne chanted a wind spell, and dispersed the incoming pebbles.

Reciting an Earth spell, Guiche made a huge wall in front of them.

Nevertheless, the elf’s magic was too powerful.

Standing at the top of the stairs leading to the courtyard, Bidashal easily pulverized the wall Guiche made, and fired the stone pebbles as if Malicorne’s magic was nothing.

Saito stood up, and hit the pebbles away with Derflinger.

“I haven’t healed your right arm yet!”

Montmorency shouted angrily.

“No time for that!”


“Louise is reciting her spell.”

The entire party turned back.

Without anyone noticing, Louise had stood up, readied her wand, and was already chanting her spell clearly.

...Ûruz Thurisaz Ansur Cen ...

Louise squeezed those words from within her mouth.

Gyfu Nyd Nauthiz...

The willpower and energy within her mind transformed their essence, as they finally turned into words that could change the rules of the universe, and flowed out of Louise’s body.

Louise was amazed at the willpower that was dormant within her.

Her willpower, something she had been amassing in herself for the past sixteen years, had changed into "Explosion" and annihilated the big armada that assailed Tristain. And now, the sensation that was forming in her mind...was the same as that time.


Eihwaz Yara...


Louise asked herself.

Why did she have such willpower within herself?

Where did she acquire the willpower to enable her to chant such a long “Void” spell?

Willpower is the strength of the heart.

Louise had known that anger or happiness would multiply the power of magic. The strength of the spell is not determined by one’s talent alone.

Anger? Happiness? Sadness?

Then she thought of a feeling which was neither of those.

The question that was born from within Louise brought forth a hypothesis.

The only feeling swelling so expansively within Louise...

Is that the source of Void?

Yr Eoh Is!

The spell had been completed.

Derflinger yelled.

“Cast that ’Dispel’ on me!”

Louise pointed her wand at Derflinger and swung it down.

The “Void Spell” enshrouded Derflinger, and the blade shone brightly.

“Partner! Now!”

Saito targeted Bidashal at the top of the stairs and rushed forward.

Raising Derflinger over his head, he swung it down.

It clashed with the invisible barrier, “Counter.”

But this time he was not repelled backwards.

The “Void” Louise recited concentrated at one point of the barrier... dispelling the section that came into contact with Derflinger.

Just like slicing a sticky fruit into half, it slowly sliced the “Counter” barrier apart.

It was merely an instant.

Breaking the barrier apart, the spiritual power protecting Bidashal scattered.

The tall elf was shocked.

“Shaitan... so this the power that polluted the world!”

No match for them, the elf merely looked on and grasped his left hand with his right one. The “Wind Stone” sealed inside the ring started functioning. Like a puppet pulled by threads, Bidashal rose to the sky.

“Descendants of Shaitan! I warn you! Never approach Shaitan’s Gate! Should that happen, we will surely destroy you all!”

While looking at the elf who gradually disappeared into the sky, Saito slowly collapsed on the ground. That was because he felt relieved and thus let himself loose.

Three hundred soldiers behind them were sleeping.

In front of them, countless rubble rolled about.

Having used up her willpower, Louise fell to the ground and started snoring.

Guiche whispered excitedly.

“I actually won against an elf. Unbelievable.”

“Didn’t you just lose?” Montmorency said.

Saito carried Louise up.

“Okay, let’s go. Our job’s not done yet.”

“Where to?”

In a stupid voice, Malicorne asked.

“To find Tabitha!”

Carrying Louise in his arms, Saito started climbing the stairs leading from the courtyard to the castle tower.

Kirche woke up. She was being carried by Malicorne and Sylphid. She smelt the burnt smell of her scorched hair. My hair has become curly, she thought absent-mindedly. The burns on my skin are not so bad. Maybe that was due to Montmorency’s Water magic.

Oh my, I’ve never thought that I would be showered by my own fire.

What’s wrong with the elf? The figures of Saito walking in front, and Louise being carried by him, came into her sight. Looks like they have somehow dealt with the elf.

In the history of our families, I have become the first Von Zerbst to thank La Vallière. While thinking that, Kirche lost consciousness again.

Ivaldi struck the dragon with his sword, but he was stopped by the hard scales and was forced back. The dragon used its claws, huge jaw and spouted flames to injure him.

Ivaldi fell many times, but he got up each time.

When the dragon delivered the final blow by spouting his flames, something astonishing occurred. The sword Ivaldi was holding shone brightly, and repelled the dragon’s flames. Ivaldi then sprung up, and drove his sword through the dragon’s throat.

Dummm! With a sound, the dragon collapsed to the ground.

Ivaldi headed towards the room behind the dragon.

Roux was hugging her knees and trembling in fear.

“It’s all right now.”

Ivaldi extended his hand.

“The dragon is dead. You are free now.”

Finishing reading the book at that line, Tabitha’s glance rested on her mother. She was snoring peacefully. The terrible sounds just now had stopped without her noticing.

At the other side of the door, footsteps could be heard.

They were different from those of the elf or the soldiers.

Why? Tabitha’s heart asked.

Hope expanded within her heart.

Tabitha tried to deny that.

That’s because it is impossible.


No one would come to the country border between Gallia and the elves to rescue her. But still, as a user of Wind element, Tabitha’s refined ears kept telling her that those footsteps were familiar. An unusual pair of shoes. The unseen, soft-sounding shoes.

She heard the sound of someone trying to open the door.

Realizing that it was locked, Bang! The door was cut apart.

The instant the face of the one she saw when she rushed out of the Academy; the black-haired person, came into sight... Tabitha broke down. The dear feelings, the emotion which she had forgotten, swept over her.

It was relief.

The ones who entered after Saito were Guiche and Malicorne. Louise was carried by Saito on his shoulder. Montmorency and Sylphid, who had metamorphosized into a human, were together with them as well. Carried by Sylphid, Kirche had come too.

“Onee-sama! You’re all right! Kyui!”

“Oh, thank God, thank God! You’re here!”

Guiche and Malicorne wore smile on their faces too. Kirche was unconscious due to her injuries. Surely she had fought for my sake.

In a daze, Tabitha looked up at them.

I thought I had been fighting alone all this while.

However, I am not alone.

I’m not alone.

Carrying Louise on his back, Saito approached her, and extended his hand to her.

“You all right? Are you hurt?”

Tabitha felt something warm trailing down her face.

Tabitha wept like a child.

The forgotten tears of relief flowed down.

Whilst shedding tears, Tabitha thought to herself.

Maybe I have been searching.

In the midst of my independent, solitary fights, within my already frozen heart, all this while, maybe I have been searching.

From the imprisoned place.

From the depths of my cold heart.

For the Ivaldi who would come to save me.

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