
Volume 4 6

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Chapter Six: The Water Spirit

The hills and mountains overlooked the dark blue waves of Ragdorian Lake as they rippled. The sun’s illumination on the lake was spread like a layer of shimmering glass.

Saito and the others arrived at the lake on horseback.

Because Louise disliked riding alone, she and Saito took the same horse. She sat in front. It seemed like she didn‘t want to leave Saito‘s side even for a single moment.

Montmorency and Guiche were riding on separate splendid grey horses.

"This must be the famous Ragdorian lake! No, the beauty of this lake is indescribable! The Water Spirit is in there! I’m impressed! HO-HO-HO – YAHOO!" yelled Guiche while whipping the horse and sending it plunging down the hill.

However the horse was afraid of water and when it reached the shore it came to an abrupt stop. Following the laws of inertia Guiche flung off his horse and, with a thunderous crash, fell head first into the lake.

“Can’t reach the ground! It’s deep! Deeeeeeep!”

Guiche desperately cried out for help while struggling in the water. It seemed that Guiche did not know how to swim.

“I wonder if we should reconsider our fellowship after all?” muttered Montmorency.

Saito nodded.”That would be nice.“

Louise looked up at Saito with a worried face. “Montmorency is nice?”

“I d-don’t mean that. Just wait. I will return you to your normal self.“

Saito then brought the horse close to the shore.

Guiche, after a long struggle, was shivering and soaked from head to toe when he finally reached the shore. He had a bitter look on his face.

“Hey hey, shouldn’t you help me? Do not desert someone who cannot swim!”

However, Montmorency completely ignored Guiche and was instead looking at the lake suspiciously.

Saito asked. “What is it?”

And Montmorency answered, “Strange.”

"What’s strange?"

"The water level has risen. Ragdorian’s shore should be further down."


“Yes. Look over there. That is a rooftop sticking out. It seems that the village has been flooded.“

Following Montmorency’s gaze, they could indeed see the roof. Saito could even recognize the dark shadow of a sunken house in the clear water.

Montmorency walked up to the shore, dipped her finger into the water and closed her eyes. After a while she stood back up with a worried expression on her face.

"It seems as if the Water Spirit is angry."

"How do you know that?"

”Because I am a Water-element user, Montmorency the Fragrant. The Tristain Royal family is connected with the Water Spirit of Ragdorian lake by an old oath. The Montmorency ‘Water’ family has been negotiating with it for many generations."

“And now?”

“And now, for many reasons, other nobles are doing it as well.”

"Then, have you seen the Water Spirit?"

“Only once when I was young. When we needed to create a drainage for the territory, my family sought the Water Spirit’s cooperation. A big glass container was made to transport it. However, because the Water Spirit has a lot of pride, it can be extremely aggressive. In fact, it is because of it’s aggressiveness that my family’s drainage scheme failed. My father said to the Water Spirit ‘ Don’t walk. The floor will get wet’...”

"What does the Water Spirit look like?"

Saito asked while showing curiosity.

"I have never actually seen it."

Guiche, flapping his wet shirt that he took off, nodded in agreement. Louise, who had absolutely no interest in the discussion, hid herself behind Saito’s back and unconsciously held on tight to the hem of his parka.

“Beautiful! Quite so...”

At that moment, an old lonesome farmer hidden behind a tree stepped out.

“I suppose, my lords, that you are nobles.”

The farmer looked away with an embarrassed face.

“What’s the matter?” Montmorency asked.

“My lords, did you come to negotiate with the Water Spirit? If so, then we have been saved! Please, quickly make your negotiations and solve this flood problem."

The party looked at each other. It seemed like this farmer was a resident of the village that sank into the lake.

“That, well, we... came here just to see the lake.“

Ultimately, Montmorency could not tell him that they came here to get the Water Spirit‘s tear.

“I see... Really, lords and the queen are now only interested in the war against the Albion, not even noticing such remote villages as ours. They can’t even imagine how hard it is to collect the harvest...”

“Haa,” the farmer sigh deeply.

“What on earth happened to the Ragdorian lake?”

"The water started to rise about two years ago. The water level increased slowly, flooding the port first, then the temple and fields... See? Now even the eagles’ nests are flooded. The local lords that are responsible for this territory indulge in entertainments in the royal court and pay no attention to our pleas.“

“Yoyoyo,” the old farmer weeped bitterly.

“For years we lived on this land, depending on the moody Water Spirit. Honestly, it‘s good when it stays at the bottom of the lake... We really want to understand why it has suddenly become interested in our land. Because this land belongs to men! But, only a noble could communicate with it. I’d like to know what we poor farmers did to make it lose its temper.“

Saito and the others bent their heads in embarrassment.

After the farmer finished grumbling and left, Montmorency took something out of the bag attached to her waist. It was a tiny frog. It was bright yellow with many black spots.

Montmorency put the frog in the palm of her hand, it stared up at her inquisitively.

“Frog!” Louise, who was afraid of frogs, screamed and drew closer to Saito.

“What is with this poisonously colored frog?”

“It is not poisonous, I tell you! It is my dear familiar!”

Apparently this tiny frog was Montmorency’s familiar. Montmorency raised her finger, and gave an order to her familiar.

“Listen Robin, I want to contact an old friend of yours.”

Then Montmorency reached in her pocket and took out a needle, in one brief moment she stuck her finger with it allowing a ruby of bright red blood to gush. Turning her finger over she let a drop fall on the frog.

After that, Montmorency cast a spell, treating the wound on the tip of her finger. Then she brought the frog close again.

"Since she knows who I am, she should know who you are. Robin, please, in the name of the great spirits of the dead, seek the old Water Spirit, and tell her I wish to speak with her because of our alliance. Do it for me, understand?"

The frog slightly nodded and disappeared into the water with a splash.

"Now, Robin went to call the Water Spirit. If she can find it, she is likely to bring it here.”

Saito looked doubtful. He hesitantly said “When it comes, we have to tell it a sad story, but I wonder what could be good. Maybe this story I know about a master and a dog would do. However, it is very old and I wonder if it would be suitable...”

“Sad story? What are you talking about?”

“Because we need tears of the Water Spirit. How else would we get them if we don’t make it cry?”

“You really are ignorant. Well, I guess since even non-water element mages don’t know it either so it is unreasonable to expect a commoner like you to know. The Tear of the Water Spirit is only a name. It doesn’t really shed tears.“

Saito and Guiche looked at each other. Louise, lonely without Saito’s attention, rubbed her cheek against his back. It was really weird! Though one could die from such a cute Louise, all that mattered now was Montmorency’s story.

"Then, what is the tear of the Water Spirit?" Guiche asked.

“The Water Spirit... compared to humans, can live a long, long, long time. It is said to have existed 6,000 years ago, when the Founder Brimir established Halkeginia. Its body, like water, can freely change its shape... and in a sunshine it glistens with seven colors...”

The moment Montmorency said this, the surface of the water began to shine.

The Water Spirit had appeared.

30 meters away from the shore where Saito and others were standing, the water was shining.

The surface of the water was churning non-stop. Then the water swelled up like a rising cake. Saito watched it with an expression of surprise. The water was constantly changing shape so one could not even see hands. It looked like a huge amoeba. Though its flashing lights were beautiful... it made them uncomfortable.

The frog, Montmorency’s familiar, hopped back to its master with a splash. Montmorency held out her palm and caught the frog and patted the frog’s head with her finger.

"Thank you for helping to bring it."

Then Montmorency stood up, spread her hands towards the Water Spirit, and opened her mouth.

“I am a Montmorency Margarita La Fère de Montmorency. User of water, member of the lineage of old oath. I have put my blood on the frog to help you remember. If you remember, answer in a way and with words that we understand.”

The Water Spirit... rising out of the surface of the water... slowly started to gain shape like a clay figure.

Saito’s eyes popped out from surprise while watching this.

The mass of water slowly shaped itself into Montmorency‘s form and smiled faintly.

However, it was bigger than her and had no clothes. It looked like a nude, transparent Montmorency. It was just like an ice statue.

The Water Spirit’s expression changed into various forms. After the smile followed anger, and then crying faces. Each time she tried a new expression, the face of the water moved.

Indeed, she looked beautiful. Like a constantly changing jewel.

Then her face became expressionless again as the Water Spirit answered Montmorency’s question.

“I remember, human. I remember the liquid that flows in your body. The moon has changed 52 times since our last meeting.”

“I’m glad. Water Spirit, I need to ask you something. Although it might seem somewhat insensitive, could you give me a piece of your body?“

Part of its body? Saito wondered. What‘s that?

When he poked Montmorency, she turned around annoyed.

"Although it is a tear, it is impossible to make immortal spirits cry. They are... different from us. I do not even know if one can call them living beings. Either way the tear of the Water Spirit is a part of its body."

"So we have to cut down its body?!"

Saito shouted in surprise.

“Shh! Not so loud! The Water Spirit can get very angry! That’s why it is nearly impossible to obtain the tear. How the people in the city’s black market are able to get it... I simply cannot imagine."

The Water Spirit smiled.

"Oh, it smiled! It must mean it’s ok!"

But, the words that came out of its mouth... maybe because it still didn‘t understand how to to speak properly, were completely opposite of its expression.

"I refuse, human."

"Is that so? How unfortunate. Oh well, we’ll be heading back now."

Saito was shocked by how easily Montmorency gave up.

“Hey hey! Wait a moment! Don’t give up on Louise so easily! Hey, Water Spirit!”

Saito pushed Montmorency aside and faced the Water Spirit.

“Wait! You! Stop it! Don’t anger the Water Spirit!”

Montmorency tried to thrust Saito aside, but Saito didn’t even flinch. Guiche inclined his head wondering. Louise silently drew closer to Saito. Seeing such a scene, it was hard to tell which one of them was the familiar.

“Great Water Spirit! Please! I will do anything you ask for your tear! A little bit! Only a little bit!“

The Montmorency shaped Water Spirit didn’t answer anything to Saito, who was prostrating on his knees while pressing his head against the ground.

"I beg you! The most important person to me right now is in trouble! Don‘t you have someone important to you as well? My important person right now needs help... and for that, a part of your body is needed! Therefore, please! Look!“

Hearing this Montmorency stopped trying to pull Saito away and let out a deep sigh. Guiche, who was moved to tears already, nodded. Louise, feeling insecure, kept on clinging to Saito.

The Water Spirit changed her appearance few times before taking Montmorency’s shape again, and said to Saito,

“Very well.”

“Yes! Really?”

“But with one condition. As a mere human that doesn’t know the reason of this world, you said that you would do anything?”

“Yes! That’s what I said!”

“Then repel those that attack me, your comrades.”

They looked at each other.


“Yes, I have raised the water level as far as I could. I no longer have the energy to fight them. If you can fight them off, I will bestow unto you my tear.”

“No, I hate fights.”

Saito put his hand on Montmorency’s shoulder and patted it.

"You want to eat prison food instead?" Saito once again threatened Montmorency about the forbidden potion and she, like the day before, could not help but to give in.

“I know, alright! I’ll do it!”

So it was decided that they needed to discover the identities of the people attacking the Water Spirit.

The place where the Water Spirit lived was at the very bottom of the lake. Someone, using magic, had attacked her there in the middle of the night.

Saito and the others hid themselves in the shade of the tree on the shore at Gallia’s side, a place that the Water Spirit had shown them, and then waited quietly for the assailants to come.

Guiche, to cheer himself up before the battle, took a sip from the wine that Saito had brought. When all of his anxiety was gone he started to sing. Saito pushed his head aside.

Louise was in an extremely bad mood because Saito was talking only to Montmorency.

"Why is he nicer with Montmorency than with me? Does he love her? Or maybe he just hates me? waah waah" This thought came with an angry cry from Louise.

With her roaring around like that Saito was forced to kiss her cheek many times to calm her down and put her to sleep. After that she slept calmly next to him, breathing softly with a blanket wrapped up around her. It was easy to guess that anyone would be like that if a potion made them fall madly in love.

Saito asked Montmorency “The people that attacked the Water Spirit went to the bottom of the lake. How can they breathe under the water?”

Montmorency thought for a while.

“Maybe it’s a water element user? With a ball of air created around the user it’s not that hard to get to the bottom of the lake. At the same time, even if you use water magic and are able to breathe underwater, directly touching the water would be suicidal as the Water Spirit controls it here. So maybe it was an air element mage, that way one can avoid touching the water.

According to the Water Spirit, she was attacked every night on a regular basis, having bits of her body cut off. "

“But how could someone wound it and still go unnoticed?”

“The Water Spirit’s movements are slow... Besides, if you separate the Water Spirit from her source of water, her magic will eventually wear out. Using a strong flame would make her evaporate gradually as well. It becomes impossible to change it back into a liquid again after being turned into gas.”

“It is impossible to turn back?”

“The Water Spirit’s soul is like moss. Even being torn to pieces it can reconnect itself into one again, as long as it has all the pieces. It is a really complicated creature compared to us.”

“Hmmm...” Saito nodded.

“And because the attacker is not touching the water, the Water Spirit cannot reach him.”

“Then it is not that powerful at all.”

“Really... You do not know how scary the Water Spirit can be... Even if for a single moment one lost concentration and the air ball disappeared allowing the water to connect – then it would be dreadful. Water controls the lives of all creatures, if you lose the protection of an air ball, then you would enter the Water Spirit’s territory where challenging her is something that even the greatest daredevil would not do.”

Saito sighed. Really, Halkeginia was filled with creatures that in the past he could not have even imagined.

Two moons were shining high above in the sky. It was midnight.

Saito shut his mouth and with one hand withdrew Derflinger, that was hanging on his back , out.

Montmorency, scared by the sudden tension, muttered in a shaky voice.

“Anyhow, because I hate savage fights, I’ll leave it all up to you.”

Guiche, who obviously drank too much wine, started leaning towards Montmorency “Don’t worry Montmorency. I’m here. I will bravely protect the maiden from war and punish the villain.”

“Listen, just go to sleep already. You reek of alcohol.”

“Guiche, be a decoy.” Guiche nodded red-faced.

Saito took a deep breath. The fighter’s intuition that he gained from experiencing many fights was now telling him that someone was near. His mouth was filled with saliva. I’m guessing that that someone is an enemy? But, will it be all right? I’m the legendary Gandálfr. I should be able to beat mages up. Did it matter a lot against the dragon knights that attacked me before?

Unnoticed to himself, Saito had become very self-conceited.

He gazed at Louise’s sleeping face and muttered silently Wait for me, I will definitely bring you back,

One hour passed after that, then suddenly shadows appeared on the shore. It was from two people. With their hooded robes it was hard to tell if they were men or women.

Saito gripped Derflinger’s handle. The rune on his left hand began to shine. However, he hadn’t left the hiding spot. He still could not decide whether it was these people that attacked the Water Spirit or not.

Then the pair pulled out their wands while standing at the waterside.

It looked like they started chanting spells.

Convinced that there was no mistake by now, Saito stood up from the shade of the tree and moved towards the pair. Two people should be an easy match. Because I already defeated Wardes and ten-times larger orc demons, and this is just a single pair. Hey, they are not even looking in my direction. Easy victory, easy victory, I could overpower them with a whistle.

Saito hid himself behind the tree right next to the pair. Seeing him squatting himself down, Guiche started chanting the spell.

The ground where the pair stood suddenly rose and became a huge hand-like tentacle that twined around the assailants’ feet.


Saito dashed out of the shade of tree. The distance to the mages was about 30 meters. Saito, demonstrating Gandálfr’s power, closed the distance in less than three seconds.

However, the enemy’s reaction was quick. The assailants started muttering spells the same time when the ground was raised. The flame flew out of the end of the wand, burning down the soil that was gripping the pair’s feet. The smaller shadow acted in a surprising manner. Instead of releasing their spell towards Guiche, the person aimed it towards Saito, who wasn’t prepared for this.

The shadow turned around quickly and then swung the wand. Just like in the fight with Wardes before, an air hammer hit Saito’s body. Saito, who had not expected such an attack, took a direct hit and was easily blown away.

In no time, an ice arrow followed. Saito turned his body and jumped up, dodging it, but the taller mage shot a big fire ball at him. Though Saito tried to dodge that too, the aiming was too accurate since Saito’s movements were anticipated beforehand.

“Partner! Raise me!” Derflinger shouted.

Saito boldly blocked the flame ball with his sword, and yet even though it was absorbed into the sword, it still exploded, scattering around fragments of fire.

Saito looked confused and was petrified.

Though he frantically tried to rub the pain away, his eyes still hurt since sparks had entered his eyes. Saito became more panicked. Crap! Their wands.

He lowered his guard thinking that the enemy would concentrate on Guiche.

The enemy was experienced in combat and anticipated an attack from a different direction, not being surprised in the slightest by the ambush.

Moreover, they worked together skillfully. While one was preparing the spell, the other was releasing it. Though this was a simple tactic, the results were very effective. Anyhow, there was no opening.

Raging winds snatched the sword out of the hands of the petrified Saito.

His body suddenly felt heavy. In the corner of his eyes he could see another huge fireball coming his way. Saito gave up. His momentary arrogance quickly vanished.

Aah, I am an amateur after all. Gandálfr’s power gave me more confidence than my actual skills were worth. Being straightforward doesn’t work on all enemies! Aah, Louise, sorry! Louise!

However even now the goddess of fate did not desert Saito.

The moment before the fireball knocked against Saito, the area in front of him exploded. The fireball and Saito were blown off. This magic was... Louise’s ‘Void’!

“Don’t bully Saitooo!”

Louise’s scream echoed through the night. It almost made Saito cry. Louise helped me. Though she was asleep... but she was probably woken up by all this noise.

Louise waited for an attack, but their guard was off now. Thus, Saito could now recover. Somehow, he wrenched his right eye open and picked up Derflinger.

He was about to burst into another attack...

But the pair stopped moving. Louise’s scream made them realize something. The two shadows looked at each other.

And removed their hoods.

The faces that appeared in the moonlight were...

“Kirche! Tabitha!” Guiche shouted loudly.

“What?! It was you?!”

Feeling relieved, Saito collapsed on to the ground, exhausted.

Surprised, Kirche shouted as well.“You? Why, darling?!”

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