
Chapter 1 A God Falls/A Virgin Falls Harder...

"Death was coming."

As a god that had ruled in the heavens for as long as the primordial energies could be traced in time, he never believed this was something he would one day say or even think.

But Fate always had a tight fist around the necks of all under the holy Dao.

Of course this included the gods in the heavens.

"Ahhh!" he grunted as another Divine spear was plunged into the side of his abdomen.

His golden Divine blood flowed with his old aged life force out of him.

"Forgive us Eros. Its not our fault. You brought this upon yourself." One god in full Golden armor answered to Eros's questioning dying eyes.

"This happened because you were becoming too strong. Your existence has offset the natural balance of Power in the heavens. So please die for us, and let us eat your Godly divinity."

Another god added.

"My divinity! This betrayal is all because you wanted my power?" Eros thought to himself, "If you all had only asked a little, wouldn't I give you some? You all that have been my brothers and sisters since the beginning of time have fallen to the same greed that you despise seeing in your mortal children."

As he closed his dying eyes, he could still feel as more Divine weapons were plunged into his body.

Gods were known to be very relentless beings.

These gods that had betrayed him knew it. They were not going to allow him any opportunity for revival.

After all, what was most terrifying was not a demon, but a god that could do the deeds of one.

As he floated in the beautiful nothingness of the Heavenly realm, a god with a large golden crown on his head and silk shining robs approached him.

This was the god king. He dug his hand into Eros's chest.

Eros felt the pull.

Gods did not survive with hearts like mortals, but rather their divine orb.

The god King pulled out the divine Orb from Eros's chest.

"No!" Eros muttered under a low breath.

Seeing the most important thing in his existence taken away from him incited his anger even more.

Even as a god, his biggest and only dream had been to enjoy the pleasurable softness a woman's body could provide until the end of time.

Ever since he came into being, there was nothing he found so pleasing like the union of two bodies in pleasurable togetherness as their nether regions extracted joy from each other in sensual exchange.

Where all disgust that came with being sweaty or vulgar went out the window once horniness had set in.

This was why he had chosen the path of his Divine energy judiciously.

Unlike his many brothers and sisters that either chose War because of its honor, or wisdom out of pride.

He had chosen to be called the god of Love and desire. Or like the other gods like to call him, he was the god of Perversion.

He had cultivated the path and paved the way for sensual pleasure in its most purest form and was worshipped by all around the world. Whenever two bodies engaged in the holy, most sacred natural act, it was praise to his name and power.

In fact, his power increased a little whenever even the gods participated in the act of love making.

No matter how hard they tried, the heavenly Dao only saw to benefit him whenever two bodies engaged in bedsheet combat.

However, never had his power become so prominent as it was now.

After all, mortals with their science and technology had created ways for their sensual lust to increase.

At first it was just the Rated 18 Magazines that school boys and girls would hide under their beds to enjoy from time to time without their parents knowledge.

And then it evolved into Rated 18 movies, and now, every smart phone on the surface of the earth was only a click away from a Rated 18 site.

In fact many of such sites were produced so largely on a daily that even he could no longer bother to keep up with them.

The holy act of love making had now become so rampant in the mortal world that just the sight of a well curvy Mannequin on the road could give a man an arousal for the entire day.

And yes! all that sensual frustration that came with movies and the magazines and the thoughts were fuel for his divine power.

And now, a time in history were the god of perversion was the strongest being in the heavens was at hand.

Even when mortals were always at war and the gods of war grew strong, the King of the gods had never felt his position so threatened as he did now.

However, Eros was never one to be born with ambition. In fact, most of his day was filled with waking up in between the bosom of a woman's chest or thighs.

This was the only desire he ever had or at least, it was the only desire that he ever wanted to have.

Not until now.

He that had never felt a shred of hate before felt nothing more so strongly at the moment.

However, his anger and Hate could not help him right now.

They had used one of his freshly acquired Concubines to poison his wine. They had promised to share some of his power with her, and she had agreed.

How could she not? After all, he had elevated her from her mortal state just because of her beauty and extra gifted backside.

And now she was back stabbing him for power.

In his heart, he knew that he couldn't have expected any more.

Several times on his visit to the modern mortal word, he had heard the mortal men say, "I die for fat Booty!"

But now, he was literally dying for fat Booty.

He was a God. At such pinnacle of existence, his death was going to be absolute when he was gone.

If only he had the chance. If only the heavenly Dao could understand his wish and give him the opportunity at another life, he would come for them.

He would have his revenge.

Just as this thought surfaced in his head, a crying woman rushed into the scene.

This was his most Cherished and Favorite Concubine.

She looked at what was happening and with tears, hatred and anger in her heart, she rushed forward for the divinity in the king of the Gods hand.


A Divine spell was cast for another realm...


At around the same time in the University of streets of a very popular country, another person had just met the unfortunate arrival of Truck-kun in the middle of the road.

However, this person was really not a fortunate person.

He was coincidentally also named Eros. His father had thought it was a good name and that just like the story of the heavenly god, his son was going to be pulling 'bitches' from all works of life.

After all, which father didn't want to have such a son?

But reality was an awful teacher. Eros was now 34 and he was still a virgin.

It was not just because he was not handsome, but because he was very shy and afraid of women, and he literally had no game or as the young ones called it these days, he had no Rizz.

Even his father out of shame for such a son refused to see him at his death bed.

But the heavenly Dao was always fair in its ways, and Eros was gifted with incredible intelligence.

He was an incredible psychologist professor in a very prestigious country.

As faith would have it, he met a beautiful young lady that happened to be Sapiosexual.

That is to say, she did not mind that he was fat and somewhat ugly, she liked him only for his brain.

Unfortunately, she happened to be one of his students at his university.

With the strict rules in the university, he could not fulfill his canal desires with her, and was forced to break up the relationship before it became something good.

However, he had underestimated the lengths she would go to have him in her bed.

She ended up lying that he raped her to the police.

Even before investigations were done, the university wanted to protect its reputation so bad that it kicked him out.

His remaining family and friends also left him. In this modern world, no one wanted to be associated with a rapist.

His life was over, and the career he so loved had been taken from him.

In his depression, he wanted to commit suicide, but he was just too much a coward to do the deed.

And so he went to the dark web, and paid an assassin to do the deed. Although he did not know who would do the deed, he ensured that the person he paid for it was in his immediate vicinity

Life was over for him.

But just after he had clicked the button to pay the assassin, the police knocked on his door to tell him that the investigations were done, and that he was vindicated.

The policeman had even come over with one of his cousins under a storm to apologies for what had happened.

And then his phone rang and he checked to see that it was a message from the University telling him they were sorry for the Sack letter.

His life had just been put back together again.

He was happy about such a change and wanted to celebrate, but he then remembered what he had done on the Dark web.

Immediately, he rushed to his computer.

However, the storm outside intensified and they was a sudden power outage.

He immediately rushed out of his house to his neighbor's place. He wanted to cancel his request.

This was when it happened.

As he was crossing the road, a truck came out from nowhere and hit him.

As life left his dying eyes, he watched as a man came down from the truck with a cigar in his mouth and made a phone call, "Tell the client that the Job is done. I expect my money by noon tomorrow."

No doubt about it. This was the assassin he hired.

His blood flowed out of him and washed away with the water on the street.

The last thing he remembered as he stared into those headlights was praying to the heavens and even Truck kun to give him a second chance.

He had died a thirty something year old virgin...

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