


Mu Lan smirked at their confusion. "First young master always likes to keep a low profile. Please don\'t mind him. As for our most popular second young master, please welcome him in the stage with applauds."

As the guests including the employees of the Mu Corporation clapped, Mu Feng wearing golden attire came on the stage. He took the red mike from Mu Lan and said, "Thank you everyone. I really appreciate for coming here and giving us your precious time. Since you gave your time to us without any doubt, we won\'t disappoint you." Mu Feng memorized his script well. "Today you will able to see a great show. This beautiful mysterious woman beside me is the inventor of something new and she signed a contract with us. We took her new design in the consideration and thought that it was worth to try. However, till it was ended, we had no clue how amazing it was."

Although Mu Feng was speaking about the invention, he had no clue what was it. Everything he was saying was a great fat lie. It was all thanks to Mu Lan\'s great script.

\'Sis is so shameless. How can she praise her own invention? She is using my body to boost herself.\' Mu Feng was displeased.

However, he continued. "Our new inventor is called Red. She will show you her amazing creation. And then we will hold auction. You are the lucky guests who can obtain it. You know that we never disappoint you."

He handed over the microphone to Mu Lan. "I\'m honored that second young master complimented me. I don\'t think I deserve that much."

Mu Feng\'s look told, \'What do you mean by I complimented you, you shameless woman!\'

Mu Lan put on a smile and said, "Anyway, before I start presenting my invention, let me show you a video clip."

As she said, a white screen came down and through a projector a scene of last night could be seen. It was Mu Feng was painting a living hell.

The guests didn\'t know what to say. They never thought that Mr. Perfect Mu Feng had a bad quality. He couldn\'t paint. When they heard Mu Feng\'s description though the sound box, they had hard time standing still.

Mu Feng\'s face was slightly red in shame. He scratched his nose and glared at Mu Lan.

Even though the guests were holding their laughter, they suddenly noticed that the projector was on the stage, attached to the end of the screen. They were busy looking at the white screen coming down, so they didn\'t realize that the stage divided and a projector came up.

The projector was as small as remote control. A pen-drive was attached to it. The projector was wireless and with a pen-drive anyone could use this projector.

Mu Lan described, "This black tiny projector can be kept right in front of the screen. While presenting, no one will have to think about whether they mistakenly covered the light coming out of the projector. You can use Bluetooth to show your project. You can also use pen-drive and hard-drive. It can be charged just like a normal cell phone. It is six inches long and four three inches wide. It is lighter than your cell phone. You can take it anytime, anywhere. If it is taken care of properly, you can use it for ten years or more. I can guarantee you."

As Mu Lan depicted, on the screen the projector was shown in details so that everyone could see it properly.

Everybody was amazed seeing this new projector. They clapped in unison and praise came out of their mouths.

Mu Lan continued, "Let\'s bring the latest creation of second young master."

One female employee from Mu Corporation brought the paper on the stage and with Mu Feng\'s help they opened it together.

Everybody looked at the square page. In the right corner, there was a fairyland and in other three part, it was living hell.

The stage was divided one again and a white, large and yet thin machine came out. The female employee opened the lid of the machine and put the left side of the painting in the machine and closed it. Then she turned on the machine. Then the employee brought a round metal thing and put it on Mu Feng\'s head. The round metal thing was giving a red signal just like the machine. In the end, she bound a black silk lace to cover Mu Feng\'s eyes.

Mu Feng was dumbfounded and didn\'t stop.

Mu Lan spoke, "Second young master, can you see anything?" She held the mike in front of his mouth.

Mu Feng truthfully said, "I don\'t." But he was confused.

Mu Lan said, "Good. Do you remember what you were trying to paint last night?"

Mu Feng was embarrassed. "....I do."

"That\'s wonderful. Why don\'t you bring the image in your mind and describe it to use once again. Please try to specific and shared with us as you are painting." Mu Lan encouraged him.

Mu Feng took a deep breath and started speaking, "I wanted to finish what my sister started in the corner of the page. I wanted to make a fairyland with magical horses. First of all, they sky will be blue, lavender..."

As he described, the machine began to work as well. People gasped around the stage as they gathered around and saw how the machine worked. The machine worked exactly like the way Mu Feng described. The paper went inside as red, brown, orange, black color and came out as sky blue, while, green, lavender etc. colors.

"Oh, I think I will draw a golden star in the left side of the sky...." Mu Feng continued without knowing what was going on. But hearing gasp he could tell that something exciting was going on.

As he described, the paper went middle from the left side once again and everyone saw a golden star in the left side of the sky which wasn\'t there before.

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