
Chapter 54 Monstrous Profile

Aaron was continuously worrying about the Clan Wars but nothing would come out of worrying anyway so Kira advice him to take deep breaths and calm down.

He too went to the large cave to take a rest which was only for guests which Aaron had asked to make.

Well, natural caves are quite hard to find, due to which Wolves can make caves or dens on their own where they can stay.

That\'s how they have evolved after all.

In any case, it was late at the night, probably around 11 PM. All were sleeping while the guards were guarding.

Some of the White wolf clan decided to help the Biola clan thus they were shifting positions in regular intervals.

The same way they continued. Lan was also resting because he had to leave the next day quite early.

Kira had tasked him to take a look at their terrain if it was safe enough to return back after all they had abandoned their homes!

Shin was also resting, under a tree that is. Well, usually higher wolves are provided with dens. Lower-ranking wolves are not provided with dens or caves because there couldn\'t possibly be that large amount of space available to build so many dens!

But the fact was that Shin was provided with a den. However he insisted on sleeping out under a tree the reason for which was quite simple, he liked cold things and the climate outside was cold enough for him to enjoy.

Well, his Cold Resistance skill didn\'t have any effect because that skill was only for extreme cold conditions and not all conditions! Therefore he could still feel the exciting coolness in the air.

It was foggy but not much, only a bit due to which vision wasn\'t affected. Moreover, who cared about it right now? The guards? Maybe they did, but other than them, all were asleep so there was no need to even think about it.

It was soon a new day. Lan got up quite quickly and left as soon as possible. Everyone rested until the sun rose and shone with its bright light!


\'A new day...\'

Shin rolled on the ground on the soft grass when the sunlight fell directly on his face.

He barely opened his eyes. All he did was just sit upright with his eyes closed probably because he was still drowsy.

Well, he sat for around an hour in the same position finally after which he decided to walk and stretch a bit.

He could find many more wolves here and there. They were chatting with each other.

Right now no one paid Shin any respect because they had no idea who he actually was. The only ones who knew about his greatness or actually might have overestimated him were Kira, Siara, Aaron, and Lan.

Surely, the ones from the White Wolf Clan were a bit respectful to him since they had seen Kira calling him \'master\', but oh well, in the end, they were too busy to even notice such a small pup walking near them.

\'Sigh, I never thought that I would be ready to evolve again so quickly...\', he said this after reaching the same cliff where he had a small chatter with Aaron the day before.

\'I was level 24 just yesterday and now I am already level 25 only because all the members got their curses lifted?\'

\'It wasn\'t even me! It was Argant who did that...\'

\'But in a way, indirectly it was me I guess...\', Shin was not exactly sad or pissed off, he was just annoyed by the fact that he had to complete another stupid mission to evolve and that too so early!

\'I can still recall that message that appeared that time...\'

[ Congratulation ]

[ You have earned a new title \'The Curse Lifter\' ]

[ You will be able to erase or lift curse much more easily ]


[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have met the requirements to evolve ]

[ Find a particularly safe place for the evolution to start ]

That was the message that had appeared back then.

\'I mean, just look at that title, couldn\'t it have given me some better title?\'

\'A curse lifter? For real?\', all he did was sigh.

He took a look at his monstrous profile and status to see how much he had advanced.

[ Profile ]

Name: Shin

Sex: Male

Age: 22 days 01 hours 11 minutes 01 seconds

Weight: 0.7 Kg (1.5 Pound)

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Evolved Warrior Wolf ]

Rank: D || Max. rank: ???

Level: 25 || Max. level: 25

HP: 65/65 || Max. HP: ???

MP: 40/40 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: 980 || Max. Exp: 980

Atk: 70 || Max. Atk: ???

Def: 68 || Max. Def: ???

Speed: 85 || Max. Speed: ???

Int: 50 || Max. Int: ???

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Bite Lv.2

2] Dash Lv.4

3] Copy Lv.2

4] Heal Lv.2

5] Transformation Lv.1

6] Flame Wave Lv.1

7] Dark Manipulation Lv.1

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.1

9] Aura Control Lv.2

10] Dragon\'s Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon\'s Aura Lv.1

12] Hymn Of The Dragons\' Lv.???

13] Total Curse Immunity Lv. Max

14] Curse Eraser Lv.1

15] HP Eater Lv.1

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.1

2] Heat Resistance Lv.1

3]Shock Resistance Lv.1

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.1

7] Language Translation Lv.1

\'Sigh, come to think of it, the skill Dash leveled up twice when I was running to save Siara and Copy leveled up when I learned the skill HP Eater...\'

\'The Dash skill didn\'t give me much of a shock because it was the longest distance I had ever run with my fastest speed...\'

\'But the Copy skill sure was a surprise. It activated on its own and leveled up with just copying one skill...\'


[ Skill Dash Has leveled up ]

Lv.2 -> Lv.3

[ Skill Dash has leveled up ]

Lv.3 -> Lv.4

[ -> On usage, your speed will be raised by 4 ]

[ -> Dexterity of the limbs will be increased by 10% ]

[ -> Fatigue will be accumulated with the rate of 0.2 per second ]

[ -> Skill will get deactivated automatically when the fatigue reaches 30 ]

And the other was the skill Copy of course.


[ Skill Copy has leveled up ]

[ Lv.1 -> Lv.2 ]

"Well, it\'s good to be strong and I want to grow stronger..."

"And someday, I want to assume a human-like appearance..."

"But for now I need to find a safe place..."

And when he was saying that out loud, he heard some noise as if someone was walking towards him.

He almost immediately turned his head to the back only to find the unexpected.


"What are you doing here?"

To be continued...

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