
Chapter 120: Three More System Users

Chapter 120: Three More System Users

Offshore Port; it was a crowded place, being one of the largest ports after the destruction of the Great Megwest Empire. It was situated in the northeast of Gallatena, the continent where the Great Megwest Empire, Heroica Empire, Entropica Kingdom, etc. were situated upon.

Currently, three people had arrived at this port, wearing a turban of sorts on their heads to shield themselves from the sun. Offshore port had rather warm weather, with it being sunny for most of the year.

And the sea waters had warm currents throughout the year, causing the place to be hot and humid. Though, due to the pressure fluctuations in the place, rainfall never happened. Therefore, it was a weird location for people to live in.

But despite everything, it was a bustling place thanks to it being situated on a plain which was surrounded by mountainous terrain.

“Our goal is to head towards the Hateka Continent. Living in the Level 5 Dungeon, Keworm Dungeon is our target. Based on Lord Spirit’s orders, we have to investigate more about him.” One of them said.

“Let me sell some of the Darble Crystals with us to procure enough travel funds.” Another of them said before mixing into the crowd.

“And, I’ll collect all the information related to our journey.” The final of the trio said before making a beeline towards one of the shops, having spotted a friendly-looking shopkeeper that seemed bored. He was the perfect target to obtain information from.

System Host!

Thanks to the ten conditions given by Compass Carburettor, they had been investigating through numerous port cities. As such places was where numerous goods were either imported or exported, people from all parts of the world arrived at the place. So, they were the perfect spots to gather information.

And, those from the Secret Society—Grogars—that were sent to scout for information targeted these port cities first, collecting every piece of information they obtained that matched the ten conditions as much as possible.

All the information was relayed to Duchess who collated them all, matching them through various records, word of mouth, rumours, etc. She also sent people to infiltrate the libraries of numerous Kingdoms and Empires, making them collect a plethora of information of which the condensed amount was relayed to her.

Now, seated in the Iron Castle situated in Level 5 of the Mohart Dungeon, all Duchess concentrated was on this task. And soon enough, she zeroed in on three targets, those that could be System Users.

After all, they were high profiled, had enemies and allies everywhere, lived a life where every event they experienced could be written in books, and most of all, had abilities that didn’t conform to common sense.

It was not to mention their growth speed had broken through most, if not all records and they remained undefeated among their peers. Such targets were the definition of System Hosts.

And now, she had to confirm whether they were actually System Hosts or not. So, she had dispatched scouts to other continents in search of information. Some of the continents were easily accessible while others were hard.

Thankfully, they had enough Katia to move about in the air. That was how they travelled quickly through the place. And the Grogars dispatched as scouts had around 300 Darlac, enough to travel for long distances using it.

Though in paths without human activity, they returned to their Grogar form and just ran through the place, using their big physique to advantage.

As days passed in such a fashion, she obtained some conclusive information, relaying everything to Compass Carburettor.

Seated in the cave where Princess Raecha was held captive, Compass Carburettor listened to the information, thinking, ‘There are actually three other System Hosts here. That is surprising. The first is the Emperor of a Great Empire. He had attained that position only five years ago. There is still a lot of unrest and chaos there. The second calls himself an admiral of the sea, ruling the waters between the various continents. He boasts the largest fleet of ships and has taken down giant ocean monsters unarmed.’

‘And the third calls himself the Dungeon Master, having seated himself at the lowermost level of the Keworm Dungeon, a Level 5 Dungeon. And, he has existed for almost sixty years now, having become inactive for the past decade as the Great Rateuk Empire has been proven helpless against him time and again.’ He tapped his chin, thinking.

‘All three have been around for numerous years. So, their foundation isn’t something the current me can challenge. They are too strong for me to face against.’ Compass Carburettor nodded, knowing very well his limits. Even while facing a hatchling System Host like Regriel, he didn’t have the guarantee to be able to kill him.

So, he dared not assume he would be able to kill those that had been around as System Users for decades. He simply thought about his life on Earth. Having been the user of the Money-Making System for two decades, he had reached a point in the world where his wealth and authority couldn’t be questioned even by countries.

After all, he had the majority of stocks in companies that formed the beating hearts of numerous countries’ industries. One word from him was able to cause major financial losses to any country he wished.

This was the foundation he had attained on Earth. And it was in two decades. Similarly, the System Users on this world too would have a similar, if not a stronger foundation than him. Daring to go against them was simply foolish.

But, that wasn’t the reason he wished to find them. His goal was now to kill the Slave Harem System and understand the ins and outs of his ability as a System Slayer first. Only after that would he think about anything else.

And, he was finding information about them to figure out the time at which they would return to the System World, intending to use them to leave this world. After all, he too was pressed for time. Upon killing the Slave Harem System, he would have already obtained everything he could from this world.

Moreover, thanks to Secret Society that was created in this world and had given him the identity as a Spirit of this world, Compass Carburettor wouldn’t lose the powers he obtained here once he returned to the System World.

That meant…his Warble would remain with him, allowing him to remain a Haggon without any trouble.

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