
Chapter 78: Beginnings of the Secret Society (16)

Chapter 78: Beginnings of the Secret Society (16)

Time passed in such a fashion as all the female Grogar did was eat and suffer in pain continuously, nonstop. And by the end of a week, Compass Carburettor sensed that the effect of Body Resurgence (Level 2) was beginning to wane out.

He hurriedly fed the female Grogar the last remaining muskmelons, watching all the energy be broken down as the quantity of Darlac in her body magnified once again while the length of the Darble Crystal on her forehead had reached thirty centimetres.

Just this factor was a simple indicator of the fact that the female Grogar was now the strongest of her species. After all, even the Dungeon Boss only had a Darble Crystal that was a length of twenty centimetres.

Finally, when her body reached a height of five metres and her neck a length of thirty metres, the effect of Body Resurgence (Level 2) ended. Had he used the System Fragment on himself, he would have only obtained a fraction of the results.

The fact that a Dungeon Monster was capable of growing a Darble Crystal on its forehead played a major role. Adding onto it were the innumerous Darble Crystals he had fed the female Grogar. Had he tried the same on himself, he would have simply died from poisoning.

It was a result brought about by a difference in physique.

The moment the effect ended, the female Grogar groaned as she got up, feeling a cool sensation pervade her body as the burning sensation vanished. Moreover, she was able to feel the tremendous power coursing through her body, also able to notice that she had grown larger, bigger than her father.

She then gazed at Compass Carburettor, the source that granted her strength. Her neck coiled around him while her head gently rubbed itself onto his face, expressing her affection.

Compass Carburettor didn’t resist, patting her neck gently with a wide smile. He was overjoyed too. After all, his plan had turned into a success. What he had hoped to achieve while expending the only two System Fragments he possessed had turned into a success.

Had it failed, he dared not think about what he would do with himself in regret. After all, he had plotted a lot against Regriel to even obtain those two System Fragments. And, he had no guarantee of being able to achieve it again.

Everything rode on this plan. And now that it was a success, he shed tears of joy, thinking, ‘Now, I have a powerful ally to support me when I explore Mohart Dungeon.’

The female Grogar’s powers slowly stabilised as she let go of Compass Carburettor and exited the cave, hissing at the top of her voice, suddenly causing a stir throughout the Dungeon. Every Grogar within heard her voice, rushing towards her immediately.

Some of the Grogars alerted the ones outside the Dungeon, transmitting the signal throughout the forest as all the Grogars rushed into the Dungeon, sprinting towards the female Grogar.

And among them was the Dungeon Boss, clearly able to feel its control over the Grogars slipping away as a new, stronger entity had emerged. Even though it felt waves of discontent, it realised that even it was falling under the influence of the new ruler.

And when it arrived before the female Grogar, it was unable to resist anymore, bowing its neck with a subservient pose. And right as this time, its control over the Grogars completely vanished, announcing the arrival of the new Dungeon Boss, one that was even stronger than itself.

The female Grogar’s neck elongated to its limit, standing in a straight line. All the Grogars too did the same before they unleashed a collective hiss, causing a cacophony of sound waves that reverberated throughout the Dungeon and echoed numerous times.

Fealta and Caithy witnessed the scene, shuddering in fear as the hair on their limbs stood erect while goosebumps appeared on their skin. The scene of the Grogars standing while keeping their necks vertically erect slammed into their minds, triggering their sense of alarm, fear, and anxiety.

Suddenly, the female Grogar hissed many times, causing all the Grogars to do the same, repeating the action more than ten times as she bent her neck, moving it into the cave as it paused before Compass Carburettor, making eye contact, staring constantly.

“Ack!” All of a sudden, Compass Carburettor screamed in pain as his vision blanked out. For, a sea of Mental Energy streamed into him, overwhelming him to the extent his Mental Energy From was on the verge of crumbling.

Anthozoa absorbed everything, converting it into his Mental Energy as it flowed through the circuit, gushing into every item representing his Skills.

Dexterity (Level 8) -] Dexterity (Level 10)!

Stamina (Level 7) -] Stamina (Level 10)!

Intelligence (Level 7) -] Intelligence (Level 10)!

Cognition (Level 9) -] Cognition (Level 10)!

Natural Recovery (Level 6) -] Natural Recovery (Level 10)!

Arms (2) -] Arms (6)!

The development he had planned to attain within a year happened all of a sudden. Among the sea of Mental Energy, more than half was from the female Grogar. Barely regaining his consciousness, Compass Carburettor was able to feel that the Mental Energy stream from a Dungeon Boss was tremendously different from others.

After all, what she expressed now was subservience. And hence, something from deep within the Dungeon, a mysterious substance that was behind the creation of Dungeons gushed into him through the Mental Energy.

After all, the act of the Dungeon Boss and every single Dungeon Monster—Grogar—belonging to the Dungeon exhibiting a singular emotion of subservience towards him seemed to have triggered this phenomenon as the body of the Money-Making System in him reached peak development while absorbing this mysterious substance, fusing together.

Suddenly, Compass Carburettor screamed even further as his brain whirred into life, thinking to the limit before his mind shut down. And during this time that spanned less than a couple of seconds, he had condensed a tremendous reserve of Mental Energy, created from his memories that gushed into the gun.

Within a dozen seconds, every single Grogar fainted from an over-taxation of their minds as the ocean of Mental Energy gushed into Compass Carburettor. Everything fused together into a whole, turning into a concept that had become his representative, a manifestation of his lies that had now become reality.

A Symbol!

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