
Chapter 314 Next To You- Part 2

Penny knew why the council did it and so did Damien but he didn\'t go to clarify his words further. It was obvious why human safety was prioritized. They were the very food source for the vampire kind. And to the witches, the humans were the energy source that interlinked with nature itself. The humans were very similar to insects who went to pollinate one flower to another, similarly, the humans were a trigger for a series of events who helped in maintaining the balance.

"The village has been wiped out clean right now, the witches dead," Damien said thinking back at the news he received on it directly from councilman Lionel.

His thoughts went back again on the pureblooded vampire who had bought the Euphorine. He wondered if there was a possibility that the man who came to the market and the man who let the person inside the council was the same person.

Penny had slowly drifted to sleep after some time, leaving Damien back with his parchments which he continued to read and mark. Making sure there was no redundancy of suspicion that he could find. It wasn\'t uncommon for councilmen to try to cheat their way out by tampering with evidence.

Most of the time, people joined the council for certain reasons. One was the need to be part of the system. To be able to do good for the people. Two, so that they could attain the power that was given to a councilman. This allowed in manipulating information and other details a person wanted who was involved in unlawful activities.

Pulling his gla.s.ses off his face, he placed it on the side desk, on top of the parchment papers. Blowing the candles that were next to him, he slid down to the bed where Penny was fast asleep. Her head rested on the pillow, her cheek on the smooth satin surface as she breathed softly in and out. The sound of her heart and breathing felt calm. A gentle wave breezed through his chest which gave a sense of tranquility.

He laid the side of his head on the pillow, looking at her without touching her in the intention so that he wouldn\'t wake her as she had only fallen asleep. Her bare neck held the marks of the man\'s hand. The color coming out to be dull and dark on her pale skin.

It made Damien wonder if she was doing alright. He had s.h.i.+fted her mood in the bathroom, her emotions of worry and anxiousness that had turned to l.u.s.t which continued until she fell asleep. All he wanted was for her to be safe. Safe near him but it seemed like unwanted pests were trying to cling to her.

He knew Reverale would cry and whine for what happened here today but he didn\'t care about it. Damien had warned him but the thick-skinned man had a hard time grasping it. Right now Penelope was vulnerable. As tough as she acted with him or another stranger the truth was that she had to be careful. One enemy was enough to bring the truth of her being a white witch that would put her on the map.

The reason why he didn\'t want to do it was that he knew what happened to his aunt. Alexander\'s mother. She was a white witch, a clean white witch who was loved by people yet she had been killed by the very same people. It was obvious that someone had instigated the villagers.

It could be the council people but it could also be the villagers themselves who had planned which he doubted was the truth. Though his uncle and aunt had been married for decades, his cousin was conceived only later on where Alexander spent only a few years with his mother and father.

His doubts fell upon Creed, he was the only man in the council who wore an eye patch, it was possible that his doubt could be wrong but the intuition that he had acquired from his mother pointed the needle of the compa.s.s to him right now. The man belonged to a pureblooded vampire family. Not of high standing like the Quinn\'s but decent enough to mingle with the high society. He had earned a good name during his time in the council. He now was one of the high standing councilmen community which fell below the head council.

Damien went to look back at Penny who softly snored right now. Her shoulder moving with every breath she took in and exhaled out.

Penelope was a fine looking woman, finer than the wine itself which made people turn to look at her. Be it a woman or a man, attracting both the gender\'s attention. He wondered if it was because she was a white witch that made her appear so alluring that made one want to hold her in their arms. As long as he was here with her, he wouldn\'t let anyone hurt her. If they did, they would have to face his wrath

He didn\'t need words of confirmation from her. Already knowing how she felt for him, he was okay with that. It was the acknowledgment that mattered and he had received the acknowledgment from her.

She was right in front of him, sleeping with her eyes closed yet he felt like he missed her. His chest felt full just by the thought of her, touching her was euphoric, her reactions sweet but she didn\'t shy away. He had taken her to the peak to only let her stay there and send her to wear her clothes.

Oh, his sweet mouse.

With her sleeping next to him, he closed his eyes whilst his ears picked on the little sounds of the room.

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