
Chapter 143 48: Sneaky Cats!

Zell\'s body nimbly dodged the guardian\'s charge, its huge shark teeth trying to bite his body and tear him apart.

\'This guardian is annoying!\'

Dashing forward, his claws smashed down, tearing through the monster\'s strange tree bark light armour before a loud clang filled the room, causing only minor damage to the demon.

"Damn, this fucker\'s flesh is solid!"

The guardian swung around with a rapid turn, smashing into Zell\'s arm as sparks began to spray in the area; thankfully, his power seemed higher as the blow just caused him to slide across the floor, his black flame slowly corrupting even the demons flesh and bark, melting it away.


Discovering that his body was dangerous, the demon guardian jumped backwards, taking distance, looking at Zell with its golden yellow eyes, a sense of fear and wonder.

\'Ah~ cute Zell, you can\'t take all the fun; these little imps are all gone!\'

Yinfra snarled as she lunged for the creature, leaping forward, her claws extended as she attempted to slice off parts of the thick hide protecting its torso.

Her body was pristine as if she had never massacred a large group of imps that now lay in piles of shredded flesh and organs; she looked delighted, as if free from a constricting prison, now able to attack demons Yinfra released all her frustrations.

The beast bellowed in pain as it batted her away with its tail, which sent her tumbling backwards, crashing into another boulder. She bounced off it, landing painfully on her ass, before rolling violently to the floor.

"Ouch... Fuck! I forgot that my power isn\'t what it used to be..."

\'It\'s a good thing we both used our avatars to sneak into the real world, enter the pods with Zell and the girls to get stronger, or I\'d be dead now! Hahaha!\'

Zell watched as she struggled to stand up again, as the guardian circled him, baring its teeth as he readied himself for battle. \'Dammit, this stupid cat!\'

As soon as the guardian attacked, his fiery arm shot forth again, catching it square in the chest, sending it hurtling backwards, where it crashed onto some rocks.

\'That was close! But it should still die here!\' Zell thought. As his flames engulfed it, it thrashed wildly as Zell\'s flames melted its outer layer of protection.

Its flesh boiled and bubbled as it writhed in pain, struggling to escape the intense heat as the guardian\'s scales started to burn away.

Finally, there were no more barriers to protect the demon from Zell\'s burning hellfire. A bright flash of orange exploded from its stomach and groin area, causing it to scream out in agony before exploding into molten lava and smoke.

From inside the inferno came an eerie sound, similar to something that might come from deep below Hell itself: a haunting and chilling cry echoing throughout the cavern walls.

Zell felt pride welling in his heart as he heard the guardian\'s agonizing wails.

The guardian\'s head flew off, bouncing off the rocky ground before falling into a nearby rubble pile. There wasn\'t any sign of life left within the beast\'s remains, as his last thoughts faded quickly away.

After watching the guardian explode into nothingness, Zell turned around to see Yinfra smiling happily at him.

Her body was covered in blood spatters, with bits of flesh stuck to her fur, but other than that, she appeared unhurt.

"You did great, darling!" Yinfra exclaimed proudly, hopping up and down on her toes.

She patted him on the cheek affectionately as she licked her lips seductively, pushing her breasts together with her palms, giving him a lewd look.

"Mmm, you\'re pretty tasty~" Yinfra purred, leaning closer to kiss him gently.

Then she leaned back and winked at him, licking her fingertips as she examined her nails, turning red with embarrassment as she realized she had stained the floor with blood.

"Well, we should clean up the remaining imps, then head home after grabbing some food?" Zell asked her, looking at the seductive lynx.

"Mmmn, I want fish!"

Yinfra smiled brightly as she skipped off toward the next group of imps, leaving Zell alone with his thoughts.

He glanced around the room; there was hardly anything left of the demons except a few scattered bones and pieces of charred flesh.

The nasty smell of burnt meat, rotten flesh, and death stench lingered in the air. And yet he couldn\'t help feeling pleased by such destruction.

Zell didn\'t mind but could feel the changes in his thoughts and mind ever since the first moment he chose those two bloodlines up to this moment. His values, emotions and thoughts were slowly becoming less human.

\'I killed that girl, even though Veronica or Anya could have helped her...\'

He began to consider his actions while his black flames burned through the caves; thankfully, the smoke was filtered through a ceiling vent, travelling out of the cave, or he might die from the smoke, which would be embarrassing.

\'It doesn\'t matter; they would have died anyway; what does it matter to me? I can only take care of my women, and even that is too hard right now!\'

His sense of guilt faded, like sand dropping through a person\'s fingers; a sense of weight and feeling of responsibility faded in an instant, replaced by the heavy weight of Yinfra\'s huge tits pressing against his back, as she leaned closer, breathing down his neck.

"Let\'s go," Yinfra whispered, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"Okay," he replied, pulling her closer to him.

They headed outside, walking side-by-side in silence. Once they emerged from the cave, the burned forest came into view; several lights from the police and fire service filled the area as the pair began to dash rapidly to avoid detection.

The sun shone brilliantly overhead, bathing the sky in brilliant white light and illuminating the beautiful green foliage surrounding them.

While the pair walked along the edge of the woods, enjoying the morning scenery, they headed southward towards the city.

They passed through the outskirts of the residential district, making their way past the shopping malls and fast food chains, eventually reaching one of the many parks.

Here they found a small pond surrounded by trees and birds chirping excitedly, filling the air with happy sounds. In the middle of the lake sat a rowboat tied up to a wooden dock.

Zell suddenly felt a little tired, sitting on a wooden bench as Yinfra sat beside him; he was exhausted from the night of sex, then fighting demons and his transformation.

\'It seems that form takes a lot of stamina from me, but I am in a state of excitement that I didn\'t feel until now...\' He thought with a lethargic feeling.

"Haa... It took so long to get close to home..." Zell said as he breathed out, but no response came as he looked on the bench beside him; a cute little silver Lynx was curled up, sleeping after Yinfra stopped being a goddess.

Once they both returned to their avatars, Yinfra became the silver tabby for real, but now she had grown in size and resembled an actual lynx, the big body leaning against Zell\'s thigh as her warm body soothed him.

"...Hey, wake up." Zell reached out with his hand, gently stroking the top of her head, waking her up.

When she opened her scarlet eyes, she stared at him blankly for a second before repeatedly blinking as she focused on his face. Then she let out a small meow and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Nyao~" (I am so sleepy.... let me sleep....!)

Zell chuckled, shaking his head slightly.

"I thought you wanted to fish?"

"Nyu...." (Later... sleepy...)

With that, Yinfra closed her eyes again, resting comfortably against him as she fell asleep.

In the quiet morning sunlight, Zell sighed lightly, contentedly staring at the beauty of nature surrounding him, listening to the cheerful bird calls fill the air.

After a short period, Yinfra began stretching lazily in his lap, yawning loudly before glancing up at him curiously.

"Shall we head home?"

"Nyao?!" (What about my fish! You cannot take that away from me...!)

The silver lynx looked at him with sad eyes, the cute amber balls filing with tears as Zell broke; why this woman could act so shameless in her lynx form was beyond him, wondering why she couldn\'t remain in her humanoid form.

"Hey, Yinfra, why did you revert to the cat form?"


She looked way, almost like pouting, before her slight purrs and quiet mew caused him to feel a little embarrassed.

"Nyao...!" (Don\'t ask a lady such questions!)

\'How could I admit that if I did it to eliminate my desire to push him down and ravish him!\'

A man and his lynx walked down the quiet morning roads; various old people were walking in groups towards the local community centre to play bowls or drink tea and biscuits together; old people always amazed Zell.

They would wake at like 4 am and then walk miles like magic.

Then they get home and complain about their aching back or sore bodies. How did this make sense when they spent the morning travelling the entire city and acted fitter than an 18-year-old?

Finally, after more than an hour of walking together, Zell and Yinfra entered the house with a click.

However, nobody was awake, and most of them were probably still inside the game; at this moment, Zell was too tired to play the game and headed to the third floor, along with the silver tabby.

"Nyaaoo!" (Where did you go? Why leave Yanfra out?)

A huge golden tabby jumped into Zell\'s chest the moment he opened the door, what seemed like frayed ropes in the background; somehow, he wondered if Yinfra played some tricks on the other cat while she slept or something.

"Hey, Yanfra? I thought you were locked up?"

"Nyufufu!" (Well, I sent part of my soul into this little cutie long ago. Since we swapped places, they thought this cat was Yinfra\'s avatar and didn\'t touch it!)

The golden cat looked far too proud, as the silver tabby knocked her out of the way, and rubbed her head against Zell\'s body.

Since there was no issues, Zell gave up trying to understand before dropping onto his bed, like a sack of rocks.

He was too tired, the buildup of so many things began to take it\'s toll, demon or not he needed some rest, quickly entering a deep sleep.

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