
Chapter 320 Unanticipated Visit

"What can you tell me about it that wouldn\'t cause you problems? I\'ve read about it before but I don\'t think it\'s the same as what happens." Alonso chuckled lightly at this. How right the kid was about that.

"It depends really. Not everything you read about it is going to be right nor is it going to be wrong. It\'s different for each family though the basics of it remain the same. The most important part of it to know about it is that you\'ll be around a lot of people when it happens."

Knowing Jovani, he would limit the number of people allowed to be around his younger cousin when everything took place. A privilege that neither he nor Alonso got to have at the time of their induction.

"It\'s mostly about remembering to keep your manners no matter who is talking to you at that time. Jovani will be taking charge of everything, but that doesn\'t mean though that he will be the one fully in control there." Alonso paused for a second as he tried to think about everyone who might show up.

The families were getting too large for him to keep track of anymore. He would need to start writing everything down in a book if everyone kept getting married and having so many kids and relatives.

"There will be people there from other families as well. Because it\'s such a big deal for it to be happening. They\'ll be there to oversee the process but only those who have blood ties to the Vedova Nera."

"Are they people that I should be learning to know about outside of the main family that Jovani told me to get used to?" Samuel bit the edge of his thumbnail. Thinking about that reminded him of the fact that he\'d forgotten his phone back at the hospital. They\'d already gone so far. Would Alonso be upset if he asked if they could get back and get it?

"There will be some people that you should take time to get to know. No one is that serious though. Most of them fall under listening to Jovani unless there is a reason for a power shift to happen. It\'s just an act done in good faith."

Quite different from the reason that Alonso had so many people showing up when he took his vows. They were there to ensure he changed his mind about what he wanted to do with his life. Something that he wouldn\'t have thought about doing if not for Jovani.

That would be something he owed him for quite some time yet. A debt that would be difficult to pay off even if the other told him it wasn\'t anything that he needed to worry himself about.

"You\'ll get briefed by Jovani as it gets closer though. He\'s the one who will be fully deciding on everyone who will show up.

Speaking of the devil... Alonso\'s phone began to ring as Jovani decided to suddenly call him. Likely done with whatever he\'d been dealing with.

"Why don\'t you take this call? You can use it to tell him what\'s been going on and ask whatever questions you have to him directly."

Samuel hesitated a moment when the other suggested this to him. His mind was not quite clear enough to think about what the other was telling him to do.

"It\'s unusual for you to take such a long time to answer the phone, Alonso. Is there something else going on that I should know about?" Though the tone was meant to be teasing, it came across as more exhausting than anything else.

"Jovani. The call took a moment longer to answer as Alonso isn\'t the one picking up. He decided to pass me the phone at the last second to answer." Good thing Samuel was there. Alonso could put off having to talk with the other for a few minutes longer as well.

Jovani would likely want to bring up the one thing that Alonso wasn\'t in the mood to be talking about.

"Oh? Little cousin? What are the two of you doing together? I thought that you were still back at the hospital with everyone else."

"Samuel will explain it but there has been a slight change in how the plans were set up." Alonso raised his voice to be heard from the driver\'s seat. The response was met with a heavy silence. One that indicated that Jovani might\'ve known what was going on.

"Samuel, is there something that you want to say about the matter?" Though, gentle, a stiff edge could be heard at the back of the other\'s voice.

"Lena is dealing with some unexpected family issues. She doesn\'t want a lot of people around right now so Alonso thought it would be better if I was away for the time being" Speaking of being away. It wasn\'t until that moment that Samuel realized that they were heading in the opposite direction of where Lena\'s estate was located.

"Family issues? I didn\'t think that there was anyone awake for her to be having family issues with. Is she upset at you?"

"No. It\'s something to do with Julian. Not anything that I did or that happened between the two of us. It just blew up a bit." Samuel bit his bottom lip listening to the noises that the other was making on the other end of the phone. It sounded almost as though he was crunching gravel or something similar underfoot. Jovani wasn\'t inside somewhere.

"Where exactly are we going though?" Samuel asked as he moved the phone away from his face.

"We\'re going to be going to visit Jovani. I think that it would be better for the time being." Though Samuel had the phone away from his face, Jovani could still hear what his right-hand man said.

"Coming to visit me? Well, that would certainly be a pleasant surprise. I suppose that if the two of you are coming here. That there isn\'t any reason for me to be coming back."

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