
Chapter 218 - You Tempt Me Too Much

A/N: So before we get to the next chapter a few things to put out there.

First I want to say readers can thank David_Reed & Zachary_Patterson who are two of my lovely readers of this novel for asking/requesting this chapter.

Second- I want to put out there the importance again of joining my discord server to make communication easier. link can be found in synopsis or November announcement. certain words cause comments to be flagged and deleted. Not an issue with discord. If server link doesn\'t work you can pm my account directly at: Dame.Butterfly.94#4238. Now I hope you all will enjoy the content ahead.

**WARNING SEXUAL CONTENT AHEAD** It could be two chapters

The hotel came up sooner than expected before anything else could happen between Samuel and Lena though the later was close to breaking point with the way that her fiancé was teasing her. How far he had come from the shy, uncertain boy she had first met a few months prior. With the way he was going there was a chance that he might be able to in the future stand on equal footing with her.

Though that part would be dependent how well his training went. He still had a long way to go before he could physical keep up with the princess in combat and whether or not he would ever be able to use a gun was still questionable.

Jovani had expected to have to help one or the other get out of the car both to due to the alcohol and how late it was getting rather quickly. Lena refused of course. Her mind wasn\'t any more clear than it had been before, but she was getting used to the fuzzy, disoriented way the alcohol made her feel so it wasn\'t as hard for her to keep her footing on the ground.

Samuel on the other hand accepted his cousin\'s hand simply because he didn\'t want to risk being thrown off balance and falling while he was still wearing his nice suit. Jovani took this opportunity to whisper something in the other\'s ear that the princess wasn\'t able to hear though she saw what he did. He would regret it later if it turned out he was looking to cause problems again.

Even though it had been on such short notice, the new room was already ready and the receptionist was quick to hand off the key to it while Jovani made sure that everything had been correctly put in place. He opted to give them something rather nice as his own way of offering congratulations to their engagement.

He didn\'t bother going in to see how the room looked however and only made sure that he two made it safely inside and had everything they needed before he disappeared. He had other things to attend to and wanted to give them the privacy that he knew they would need.

Samuel was more aware of what kind of room his cousin had booked for them than Lena had been. The movement had caused her to feel more unsettled so she didn\'t really care to pay attention to the interior as she waited for everything to stop spinning.

The red décor of the room along with the rose petals and heart shaped pillows that adorned the bed told him exactly what his cousin had been thinking about. Even though the two of them weren\'t newly weds, it the room did provide the right kind of atmosphere for what had been going on between the two. Plus there was a rather pleasant scent throughout the room that Samuel found to be rather soothing even though he couldn\'t quite put his finger on what it reminded him off.

He didn\'t get to think very hard about it before he found himself pushed against the bedroom by the princess. She still had quite a bit of strength in her despite how much she had been drinking.

"You do know that you really tempt me too much." Her tone was rather slurred as she spoke, but he could still understand what she was saying. He didn\'t get a chance to reply however before she pulled his tie in order to aid in lower his head down closer to her level. One of the only times she would really hate the difference in height between them.

Samuel wasn\'t caught so off guard this time by the action and reacted to the kiss, pushing back against the other slightly to try and take control which the princess didn\'t seem keen to give him.

Pushing herself further against him, she wrapped her arms around his neck so that she dig her fingers into his back in order to pull him closer. Samuel could already feel himself getting hard from this action and the body heat that was generating between them.

Not wanting the other to fully take the lead, he pushed himself off from against the door as their tongues battled for dominance. His lack of experience put him at a slight disadvantage with how assertive Lena was being.

He also had to be careful moving as neither one of them had the equilibrium to handle anything that was too quick without the risk of falling over.

When they had to break the kiss to breath, Samuel didn\'t hesitate to lower his head further so that he could kiss the other\'s neck as he wrapped his arms around her as a form of support so that he could move them closer to the bed. It would be the safest destination for the two them.

Lena felt the shiver that went through her body as the other peppered kisses all over her neck. She only let him do this as she was too focused on moving with this body so that she didn\'t fall over.

She had to close her eyes though as a slight gasp escaped her mouth as she fell back against the plush mattress. She didn\'t think they were as close to it as they had been.

Samuel loomed over her as desire burned in both of their eyes. They both knew what they wanted, the question was the best way to make it happen quickly. Clothes were an obstacle that had to go. The dress was less of a problem which is why Lena started working on undoing the buttons on the bottom while Samuel worked on the ones at the top. Once the top was off and buttons on his dress shirt were next to go, he leaned down to capture the other\'s lips again, less gently than the first time as he pushed against the princess so that she was forced to lay back against the mattress.

Pushing her hips up, she rubbed up against his groin as closely as she could with the fabric of her dress between them as he began to undo his tie. She could feel how hard he was through his pants.

"What are you doing?" Lena asked somewhat confused and a little uncertain when her fiancé suddenly captured both her hands and carefully tied her wrists with the tie that he had just taken off. She hadn\'t been quite certain of what exactly he had been doing until she realized that she could no longer freely move her hands.

"Trying something a little different." Samuel replied as he moved her arms with his one of his hands so pin them above her head as crashed his lips against hers again before she had a chance to complain over what was going on.

The tie would only be a temporary thing as he would need to move her hands later so that he could properly remove her dress. He didn\'t want to accidentally ruin it since it was new and oh so lovely.

Lena wasn\'t quite certain how to feel over the sudden lack of control she found herself having simply because her hands had been tied. The pleasure pooling in her stomach and lower down told her though that she wasn\'t exactly against it.

Mostly, it was a frustration caused by the fact that she couldn\'t move or react as freely as she would have liked to. Instead, Samuel became the one who was setting the pace for everything that was happening between the two of them.

When she voiced her frustration in the form a low growl when they stopped kissing for the fourth time, Samuel only chuckled as he kissed her cheek before gently nipping her ear.

"Patience. Good things are yet to come." He promised as he moved his hands to slip underneath her dress so that he could pull it up. If it weren\'t for the alcohol, he wasn\'t certain that he would have the ability to go as far as he was so quickly.

Once he saw her body and what the princess was wearing underneath- the rest of the rational thoughts that had been going through his mind quickly left and the other thing that he was left focusing on was the body in front of him and all the things he wanted to do it to once he had removed the last few things that were in his way from getting what he wanted.

The first thing that would need to go would the troublesome sleek silk looking panties that were blocking the treasure he wanted to try.. The smell of Lena\'s arousal was getting stronger by the second and he was honestly curious to know how she would react to such stimulation.

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