
Chapter 471 - 471 WHAT FUTURE HOLDS FOR US

Chaos shook his head, there was pain in the way he answered her question. “I would rather you kill me than you resent me.”

He wouldn’t be able to stand it. It was only a split second, but it was enough to make Chaos realized what kind of price that he asked from Zuri for her to do this job.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Chaos,” Zuri growled. If she could, she would have clawed his face to get rid of that look. She didn’t like it when he looked like this, this made her uncomfortable.

Chaos didn’t need to bother, this was her decision and she intended to go with it until the end.

“I am not being ridiculous, Blue,” Chaos said, he extended his hand to tuck strand of her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with his thumb. She felt so soft and delicate, even though she had gone through so much, but she was still the same girl that he remembered. “There will be time when you feel that way toward me.”

Zuri looked stubborn when she shook her head, her hazel eyes hardened when she spoke again, firmer now. “I will not. There will not be time when you found me resenting you. Stop being ridiculous, Chaos. If you don’t want me, just say so.”

Chaos chuckled. He didn’t know how to have a proper reaction for that accusation. How could Zuri think he didn’t want her when he had literally gone through hell and back just for her? When he had literally shattered his soul just to be with her.

But in the end, he had to face the consequences, because he had asked for the impossible when he insisted to be with her.


“Why are you laughing for?” Zuri was pissed to see Chaos’s reaction, but to her surprised, he pulled her into a tight hug, he buried his face on the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent.

“That sounds ridiculous for me to not wanting you,” Chaos said in light tone. He looked like he was in a good mood right now and this appeased Hazel slightly to see him smiling like this.

“Yeah, same here.” Zuri hugged him back begrudgingly. She missed his warmth and his voice, she missed everything about him. These past few days when he didn’t talk to her and avoid her felt like hell. She hated him for doing that to her.

But at the same time, she couldn’t truly deny it. The resentment was there at that time, but she was sure that she could handle it, that wouldn’t be a big deal for her. She knew her own feeling. There was no need to dwell in it.

“We will gather all of your shattered soul and live the rest of our life together,” Zuri said, the plan was simple and someone, who heard that would have thought that was achievable, but no one knew what kind of future for both of them.

Zuri kissed his shoulder and hugged him even tighter, while Chaos didn’t say anything and closed his eyes, he wanted to savor this moment.

“I love you, Blue…” he whispered in the faintest voice only for her to hear.


Emily had prepared everything that she would need in the Lucinda city, she was nervous and couldn’t hide it from Eros, as she kept biting on her nails. It was a bad habit, she knew, but she couldn’t help it.

“Stop biting your nails,” Eros said, as he held her hand to stop her. “Is that all you need?” he asked.

“Yes.” Emily nodded. She grabbed Eros’s warm hand and looked at the man, he looked so calm, which helped her to ease her anxiety. “What do you think we are going to do there?” she asked in timid voice.

This would be the first time for her to have interaction with normal human being, after years being locked inside this pack. This was also her first long journey with Eros.

With that thought, she was kind of excited, but it couldn’t mask her anxiety.

“Liam will tell us on our way there.” Eros used not to call Liam by his title when it was only him and Emily. He didn’t have enough respect for that man to call him that way.

Emily bit her lip and then followed Eros silently, as he carried both of backpacks, which belonged to him and her. He carried them with ease.

“Where are you going?” Aiden approached Emily when he saw her walked together with Eros. He was a little bit afraid of him, but he liked Emily.

“I am going out for a while,” Emily told him without stopping, because Eros didn’t want to delay this, thus the little boy needed to run beside her to catch up with them.

Eros didn’t like Liam, which meant he didn’t fond of his children, though he was not really warm up with children either in general.

“Are you going out of the pack?” Aiden asked her again, panting.

“Yes,” Emily replied. “Why are you here? I thought this time for you to have a training.”

Aiden looked sad and raised her bruised arm. “I need to go to infirmary, but you are not there, Ariana also is not there.”

Emily remembered that Ariana had something to do before she went to infirmary today, thus she must be late. “You need to wait for her there, she will return soon.”

Aiden nodded and then stopped running, he was tired and then waved his hand at her.

“Are you close to Liam’s children?” Eros asked Emily, as they walked across the hallway, while their car was waiting in the front yard.

“You can say I raise them, because they are with me, since they were little children,” Emily replied. It couldn’t be helped, because Jasmine was not taking the role and someone needed to step up so those children wouldn’t suffer. “Why?” Emily stole a glance at Eros.

“Nothing.” Eros shook his head. He didn’t give any indication what he was thinking right now.

However, the thought that Eros was asking about the children made Emily wondered… did he like a child? Maybe, he would like them if it was his own child…

Emily bit her lips to stop herself from blushing. She could feel her face turned red. She got carried away with her ridiculous thought…


“Do you want to go out with me, Zuri?” River asked Zuri when she found her in the garden alone, she was still trying to cope up with her hangover, since the headache still lingered.

She wondered, what kind of alcohol that Gael gave to her until she felt this way. That must be so strong.

“No, thank you… I think I want to stay inside,” Zuri replied, she smiled softly at River when she approached her and sat down next to her.

They were under a big tree, hiding from the commotion. Apparently, aside from them, there were a few guests that came to this hotel and to Zuri’s surprised, this hotel was quite famous among the people because of its beautiful scenery.

Yet, the problem was; not only human, but supernatural creature also stayed here, when they managed to pass the check point. It seemed, Gael had made wide links in this place.

On the other hand, with so many people came and go in this place, there would be a chance one of the guests was Chaos’s shattered soul.

This place was indeed the perfect place for them to stay.

“You must see this city. This city is beautiful.” River gushed. She was wearing a hoodie and hid her face from most of people here.

Zuri glanced at her and then smiled softly. “I thought you are not allowed to go out of the hotel.” She heard it from Gael how he rescued Emily from the organization.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t meet Vanesha, since the girl had left years ago and River looked heartbroken because she lost a sister figure when she left.

“No, it’s fine, as long as I am being careful, after all, it had been years, since the last time they saw me and father keep in touch with many people to know that the organization is no longer interested in me, since they got the dragon.” River grinned.

The dragon currently was in the east draghar and they must have put the creature into various experiment by now.

“I heard you live in McKeltar manor,” River spoke again, she looked desperate enough to have a friend to talk to, because there were not many people around her age in this place. “I have been there twice with my mother. Oh. Do you know my mother?” she asked Zuri excitedly. “Can you tell me about her?”

Zuri would love to tell her about her mother, but the problem was; she was not that close with Lise, she only saw her a few times. “I am sorry, I don’t really know Lise. I am not around when she lived in McKeltar manor.” She was away with the pack and then started her journey with Chaos after the death of Anne.

“Oh,” River mumbled, seemed a little bit disappointed.

“She is a lovely and beautiful woman.”


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