
Chapter 496 We will soon find out

Since Axel’s life was inextricably linked to Kevin’s, it was also his life that was at stake…

Miguel then decided to intervene first and gave his opinion to Axel as he had asked him to, this way he could give Elias some time to be able to think properly about the whole situation: “Yelena did not suffer any harmful consequences after having served as a vessel for the cradle of life.

Her 5 reserves of chakra energy are still usable and she is still able to fill them up by using the inexhaustible source that is the cradle of magic.

So in my opinion, this possession will only be temporary and safe for you.

As Glen just said, the Creator lives in another universe than ours and he has entrusted Elias with the task of maintaining order and peace in our Universe for over 10,000 years.

I don’t know why he wants to contact us but I think I know why he chose you as his vessel.”

Elias, who thanks to Miguel’s speech was once again focused on their problem and had left his personal feelings behind, added: “Your evolution into a divine Werewolf, and then only a few days after your first transformation, the evolution of your runic symbols of divine power, which transformed you into a being totally new to our universe, must have attracted his attention.”

Miguel then explained to them: “Evolutions usually occur when the balance of the universe is no longer balanced, he may just want to know what created such an upheaval.

Remember, the Priests and Warrior Spirits were created for the sole purpose of maintaining that balance.

So the appearance of Axel’s new powers must have surprised him.”

Kevin then said, curiously rather calm despite the fact that it was Axel’s body that they were talking about: “And since he is the Creator, to be able to use a body as a vessel, the latter I suppose must be extremely powerful to be able to accommodate him.”

Elias nodded, and while petting Willow he told them without hesitation: “Axel, after having been in contact with the sword of his father became, after Miguel and myself, the most powerful being of this universe.

He can even resist the black flames, this is something that Mykael always has a lot of difficulty doing.”

Mykael then said hastily, feeling that things were going way to fast: “Wait, we are talking about the Creator here, and if Axel’s body couldn’t handle receiving a being of such power, what will happen to him then?”

Axel look at his father and he said to him, because Kevin didn’t seem to be against trying to contact the Creator: “We’ll soon find out, dad.”

He immediately teleported to the prison dimension because he knew it was one of the safest place in their universe and he activated his two bloodlines.

They all teleported into the prison dimension to follow him but it was already too late, the runic symbols on Axel’s body were already glowing with a golden light that dazzled them all.

Mykael wanted to intervene to prevent him from continuing but Kevin, who had activated his Stage 2, held him back by the arm and said to him: “Wait, it’s already too late, he let the power of his runic symbols invade him, if you come closer now it’s…”

But Mykael easily broke free from his grip and as he was about to rush towards Axel, the chains of the prison dimension immobilized him and Elias said to him, while joining them: “It’s too dangerous… You should have listened to your son-in-law, if even he, who is connected so deeply with Axel says so, then you should have listened to him.

Calm down, brother, if necessary I will negotiate with the Creator as I have already done in the past, everything will be fine.”

Mykael wanted to yell that ‘my ass everything would be fine’, nobody knew what was going to happen, but Willow was still in his arms and so he didn’t want to frighten her.

He was then startled when he felt a hand with a powerful energy on his shoulder and thinking at first that it was Miguel who wanted to tell him to calm down, he was stunned to see that this hand and this power belonged to Colin.

His eyes kept changing color and he realized that Colin had just activated his Priest power, and the change was really striking.

Colin then told him, without taking his eyes off Axel: “Mykael, stay focused, our sons need us more than ever, this is not the time to lose your cool.”

Willow then waved her wings slightly and a soft melody was heard in the prison dimension that calmed everyone who was as anxious as Mykael.

And finally, Elias removed the chains that were immobilizing Mykael because he felt that the latter was calm again.

Mykael then got up and after looking at Colin, by mutual agreement they moved to either side of Kevin who was the one closest to Axel.

As Colin had just reminded him, it wasn’t just Axel’s life that was in danger, Kevin was in danger too.

The mark of Union that bound them had tied their lives together, so if something happened to one of them, the other would lose his life too.

As for the mark Axel had made on Kevin, it was also shining like a sun and his eyes were completely golden too.

Axel, just in case, had linked their energy together before he let the power of the runic symbols take over him, Kevin like that would be able to use a part of his power to defend himself if necessary.

Kevin then said: “It’s amazing, his runic symbols are sucking up all the divine energy that is here.”

Kevin could see the golden veil that Axel had told him about, which covered absolutely everything, being sucked up by his runic symbols.

Fortunately, no matter how much he sucked in, this Divine energy seemed to be totally inexhaustible.

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