
Chapter 483 Stop worrying unnecessarily

Ian and Liam waited for Kerry to say something, but Kerry was obviously in a dilemma and hesitated.

Connor then put a hand on Kerry’s shoulder and he told him: “There’s no shame in staying here, if you were going to fight the Titans, your skills wouldn’t do them much good because all the Warrior Spirits are already military geniuses.

Ian is right, this is where you are needed the most and you need to accept that.”

Kerry knew they were right and he also knew he was nowhere near as powerful as his brother and all the demons here, so he finally nodded his head accepting this reality and said to Ian and Liam: “Fine, I will stay here and help uncle Derek and Dilan the best I can!”

Ian and Liam were finally relieved and Connor asked them curiously: “What about me, did you bring me here just to warn me about what was going to happen or did you need me for some reason?”

Liam smiled at him and told him: “When we’re all gone, we need someone who can reassure people and who everyone respects enough to listen to.

And while militarily speaking, Derek and Kerry have more clout than you do, when it comes to reassuring and communicating with the people, it’s best if you’re in charge.”

Connor smiled at them and said: “Alright, do not worry, I will take care of the communication… And here I thought you were going to ask me to make more weapons for the war against the Titans.”

Ian then said to him feeling a little embarrassed: “Well, for the weapons… You’ll have to talk to Elias and Miguel or the Warrior Spirits, they are the ones in charge to provide us weapons.

But I heard that they will provide you with the ore they found in the red dungeons so that you will be able to make even more powerful weapons with it.”

Connor’s smile widened and he told them, “I’m glad that my mysterious ability can help you, I’ll do my best.”

Derek was already frowning so Liam quickly added: “Just take it easy, don’t overdo it, remember you’re still recovering.”

Derek then put an arm around his shoulders and said to him: “You heard Liam Love, don’t overdo it okay?”

Connor then leaned on him and he said shaking his head helplessly: “I’m fine, stop worrying unnecessarily, besides it’s Miguel personally who’s in charge of monitoring my condition, so what do you want to happen to me.”

Derek had nothing to say to that, it was true that Miguel personally came to visit them to check on Connor, and he was extremely grateful for that.

Besides, Connor’s anxiety attacks were already almost completely gone, and only his nightmares remained which were still bothersome.

But Miguel had told him that it would take a lot longer for them to stop, and that his subconscious, because of the trauma of all those years of tortures, would probably never heal and so those nightmares would come to haunt him from time to time.

Derek felt really helpless sometimes, all he wanted was for Connor to feel good and safe, that’s all that mattered to him, so if it made him feel good to help the war effort in this way, he certainly wasn’t going to stop him.

So he said to him: “Okay, as long as you stay reasonable.”

Solomon after seeing his uncle being pampered by Derek couldn’t hold back a smile because he really missed this kind of scene and then he asked Ian and Liam: “Is there anything else you wanted to talk to us about?”

Ian shook his head and told him: “All that’s left is for the groups to be formed and you can all go back to what you were doing.

Since there are 12 of you, make 3 groups of 4, and remember there is no obligation to participate in this war, you can also stay here under the command of Derek and Kerry.”

But as Ian had already guessed, these men were all willing to give up their important rank and duties to prepare for war.

None of them hesitated and Solomon quickly formed the three groups that Ian had asked him to.

They were all more or less of the same level, so as Ian had suggested, Solomon created the groups by affinity, some were more used to fighting together than others and so the choice was easy.

Once everything was settled they all went their separate ways and Solomon returned to Sora who was still unconscious.

But Lena, during the time he was with Ian, had woken up and when she saw him coming, she thanked him warmly for his hospitality and as she was still tired, he took the opportunity to show them the suite that he had already prepared in advance for Lena and that was right next to Sora’s.

Lena then said to him: “Don’t worry too much about Sora, I managed to get in touch with her through our telepathic link, she is looking at the memories of her little boy that Willow was kind enough to give her… She needs a little more time.”

Solomon nodded and then he asked her hesitantly: “Does she mind if I stay near her? I won’t feel at ease until she really wakes up.”

Lena smiled weakly at him and she said as Atlas carried her in his arms because she had just wavered a little under the weight of fatigue: “You can stay near her as much as you want, I’m sure my sister will be happy to see you when she will wake up…”

Atlas then said to him seeing Lena still so weak: “Solomon, Lena still needs to rest, stay with Sora, Lena will be more reassured that way.”

Solomon nodded and then he handed him a magic bag and told him: “There is plenty of ready made food inside and vitality potions for Lena… I guess you won’t have any problem heating up the food.”

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