
Chapter 457 Too afraid it would be called off

Drakonits, Werewolves, Phoenixes, Angels, and many other powerful fighters and mages will join us for this fight.

One thing is certain, we cannot lose this war and we won\'t lose it no matter what."

Axel added : "For those of you who are willing to join us, for the next 25 days you will be trained by Warrior Spirits and you will have to learn to coordinate and fight in groups in the purple dungeons.

With this kind of intensive training you will undoubtedly become Divine Shapeshifters, but remember, even if you give your all, if you cannot evolve before the end of this deadline, we won\'t bring you with us."

Axel then looked at them and said, putting an arm around Kevin\'s shoulders : "Of course, there is no obligation, you can all go home and no one will hold it against you.

The only thing we ask you is that you don\'t tell anyone about what we have just revealed to you, not even the elders of your respective clans."

Raven then stood up and bowed his head slightly before telling them : "I haven\'t made the right choices lately, I thought I was doing the right thing for the well-being of the Shapeshifters under my care but I was wrong and I really regret it now.

I wasn\'t present during the battle of the Royal Palace to support you, but you can count on me for the upcoming war."

He then turned to the other Shapeshifters and said to them when he saw that they were all ready to stand up too : "Wait ! As your King and Axel just told you, there\'s no obligation, you can go back home and forget what you just heard..."

He then added with a serious look : "If you decide to participate in this battle, I won\'t be able to guarantee your safety either, so think carefully before making a decision."

His men then looked at each other but it only lasted a few seconds before they stood up and one of them then said : "If we lose this war then our world will be at the mercy of these Goddesses or other evil Gods again, let us help you, we are already used to training together so team coordination will not be a problem for us..."

Another then said : "That\'s right, our only problem now is that we haven\'t evolved yet..."

Kevin could sense that these men understood the danger of this war, and they were all ready to put their lives on the line, so he told them : "The training you are about to undergo will not be fun, you will have to grit your teeth and I can guarantee that each of you, if you really have the will to protect the people you love, will evolve."

Axel nodded and he told them then : "We\'ll send you home now, and tomorrow at 8am we\'ll come to pick you up in the Canyon to start training, remember there is no obligation and you are free to choose to come or not."

Raven and his men nodded without adding anything and after they returned to the Canyon, they saw that the Shapeshifters had probably gone back to their village as there was no one left here.

Kevin and Axel then followed Raven and the other Shapeshifters to their village to pick up their daughter, and when they arrived, they realized that a big banquet had been set up in their honor so they decided to stay with them for a while longer, especially since Willow seemed to be having so much fun with the Shapeshifters.


At the same time Kelan slipped out of the Royal Palace and opened a teleportation portal that led him directly to his room.

He had just told Nolan that he had to go away for a while with Caleb so that his father wouldn\'t worry if he ever looked for him.

So far, he hadn\'t told anyone they were getting married because he was too afraid it would be called off at the last minute.

After all, Miguel and Elias were always very busy and many people relied on them and were under their protection, so anything could happen suddenly and disturb their plan.

However, the time set by Caleb was approaching and since he hadn\'t given him any contraindications, he decided to prepare himself.

He had chosen to wear simple and elegant clothes because he knew that Caleb liked to see him dressed like that, and he also put on the jewels that Caleb had given him over the years, including his storage ring which had allowed his father to discover their secret relationship.

He caressed it gently because thanks to it they didn\'t need to hide anymore and they could live their love in the open, and it was also thanks to it that he was still alive, because without the high grade healing and energy potions that were inside it, he would have died in that prison killed by that poison.

Caleb gave him this ring when he agreed to have a relationship with him and whenever he went on a mission without him, he always filled it with all kind of weapons and potions and after his experience in that prison, he finally understood that it was his way of protecting him when he was not there.

He started pacing back and forth in his room because he was feeling more and more nervous and at the same time he was also very excited and impatient.

Caleb had explained to him that the wedding ceremony he had chosen was the same as that of Elias and Miguel and that it was a very ancient ceremony that had been kept secret since the dawn of time.

Caleb didn\'t want to reveal anything else about the ceremony to him, and the only thing he knew was that it would take place in a secret place and that it would be only the 4 of them.

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