
Chapter 355

And as she walked away she couldn’t help but think of the similarities in Miguel and Kevin’s situation. Miguel had been the first anomaly of their time, Priest and fighter, excelling in both and Kevin was the same.

He had been born before Axel so he was the first anomaly of their time, and Axel turning into a divine Werewolf had apparently set off a chain reaction as their friend who was just a shapeshifter had in turn turned into a divine wolf.

Just as Elias had done when he turned into the Warrior Spirit of Stage 3 for the first time, it was after that that they had all started to appear.

The universe was changing again and she really hoped she could find out what it was going to be when this war was over.

Once in front of this little prodigy she introduced herself as a Warrior Spirit under the command of Elias, and a very long time friend of Caleb’s, and as Yelena introduced herself by telling her that she was only 21 years old and that all this was really new to her, Iris frowned as she saw that this little girl wasn’t even sweating.

There was not a single drop of sweat beginning to bead on her forehead when with her current level, judging by the mark she had left, she should have… In fact, she shouldn’t have been able to get that far already, so she asked her curiously : “How do you do that ? Even with a perfect control over your chakra you shouldn’t even have been able to catch up with the boys, let alone outrun them, so what’s your secret Yelena?”

Yelena who it was true didn’t feel any discomfort at the moment then said to her: “I have always been very good at controlling my chakra and as I got bored in the classes given by my instructors I started to do experiments.

I realized that thanks to my chakra I could overcome my lack of strength and speed compared to the other students, but as I was afraid to look too different I only use my chakra to fight in dungeons, that’s how Axel spotted me.

To be honest I could go a lot further in this room but right now I’m at my natural limit, if I go any further I’ll draw on the artificial reserves I’ve created for myself and once they’re empty I’ll be unprotected in this room.”

Iris raised an eyebrow and she repeated surprised: “Artificial reserves? What is this?”

Yelena then explained to her: “Since these classes on mastering the chakra were mandatory, and that it was a waste of my time as I didn’t learn anything every time, I thought I should try to make this control my greatest strength during fights.

Only as you know the repeated use of chakra in a fight requires a large reserve of energy… Look, I don’t know if you can do it but when I mediate I can perceive my chakra and direct it wherever I want.”

She showed her the place where her natural reserve was and it was well in the center of her body as any fighter and then Yelena explained to her that she had created several artificial reserves, two that allowed her to send chakra more easily in her legs, one for each of her arms and finally the last one that was just above her natural reserve and that she used to create shockwaves.

Iris was shocked then, did this girl just say shockwaves ?

She then asked her : “If you use up all your reserves, how long will it take you to replenish them ?”

Yelena then said to her: “If I use several high grade energy potions… Not long… less than an hour I would say.”

Iris looked at her from the top to bottom and she said to her: “Wait for me, I will be right back.”

Iris teleported immediately to the prison dimension that was now empty, even the Knight of Darkness had been killed because he was of no use to them, the dimension Lilith created to hide herself, Cassandra and her demons could not be found no matter what so it was pointless to keep them alive.

Miguel appeared in front of her as soon as she called him and he asked her right away : “Are you feeling unwell ? Elias told you to rest why aren’t you in your room ?”

Iris smiled at him and she said : “Well, Elias told me that I could go help Caleb and I think you should take 5 minutes of your precious time to accompany me there. There’s a girl you really need to meet.”

Miguel raised an eyebrow, intrigued, and he asked her: “Is this the girl Kevin told us about ?”

Iris nodded and she said to him: “Except that she’s a lot more special than everyone think she is, trust me you have to see this for yourself to believe it.”

Miguel nodded, he had complete confidence in his men and if Iris told him that he had to go see this girl then he would go.

He warned Elias that he was going to join Caleb and Iris to watch a bit this girl that Kevin had told them about and he then said to Iris putting a hand on her shoulder before teleporting them next Caleb: “Let’s go !”

Caleb was surprised to see Miguel join them but Iris winked at him and she started by showing Miguel the mark that Yelena had made on the ground.

Then, as they walked along, she introduced him to Ashton, telling him that he was the mage who had created the remedy against the mental fatigue, and as they joined Kevin and Erik, she told him using their telepathic link that after talking to the boys for a bit, she had found out that Ashton had all the qualities needed to become a Priest, and that when he had more time, it would be great if he could check it out himself.

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