
Chapter 276

Miguel smirked, these two had just ruined his moment with Elias so he certainly had no intention of holding back either.

It was always the same problem with the new Warrior Spirits and those who had never seen him fight, they all tended to underestimate him because he was the only one of them that wasn’t a Warrior Spirit.

But what they didn’t know and what they all learnt at their expense was that he was the one who had trained Elias and who had been his master before becoming his lover and then his husband.

It was so long ago and yet he will never forget their first meeting, it was a dark time when the balance of the universe was completely disturbed and the Gods lived among humans.

There was always only one God at a time who claimed to be the owner of their world but that didn’t stop other Gods from coming in and terrorizing the inhabitants.

Humans were treated like animals, they were their slaves and they treated them like vermin. They starved them while they feasted everyday and they enjoyed watching them fight against each other for food.

Women and children were sold to soldiers and politicians who helped the God to rule and fight against the resistants, and men captured or just old enough to fight were sent to arenas where they had to fight until death to be able to entertain this God and his guests.

Of course, as in any civilization where people were treated this way, they had learned to survive, first by hiding so they could organize the resistance and train, then by fighting to free more and more people and try to increase their number in order to be able to strike always harder.

He was born inside the resistance, and only a few humans with extraordinary powers like his mother and father were able to fight against the tyranny of the Gods.

His father was a fighter who had an unlimited reserve of chakra and complete control over it, and his mother was what was called at the time a Priest.

She was a mage who was able to use the 5 elements and she had been trained to the special pressure point techniques as well as the use of tiny needles that allowed to attack her opponents’ nervous system or to attack the meridians directly which was the ultimate weapon to weaken a God and give other mages and fighters time to kill him.

The only problem was that as soon as they managed to get rid of a God after having suffered many losses, another one almost immediately took his place and the same hell started again.

As for him who was born of two extraordinary humans, he had inherited to the great surprise of everyone the unlimited reserve of chakra of his father and a reserve of Soul force which allowed him to control the 5 elements like his mother.

This was the first time this had ever happened and unlike today’s mages in most worlds he knew, he had started using his Soul force at the age of 8 and his chakra at the age of 10.

His parents who were bound by the mark of the Union had both died when he was 16, allowing them to pass on all their knowledge to him before they died, and by 18 he had become the leader of the resistance after helping them to win many battles against the God’s army that ruled their world.

And while returning from a battle where they had managed to save many humans who were ready to be sold as slaves, he had felt for the first time an aura of phenomenal power and he had decided to go and see for himself what it was all about.

He really didn’t know what to expect back then, but as the leader of the resistance, it was his duty to go there to see if it was a new threat or if on the contrary, it could be a ray of hope for them.

It was then, when he had used a teleportation portal to approach this source of power that had suddenly appeared, that he had seen Elias for the first time.

He had seen a 14-year-old boy, tall with short brown hair and sun-tanned skin covered in blood, who wore only shorts and was very thin.

He was surrounded by a golden aura mixed with red and his eyes were completely golden too and they were as bright and luminous as the sun.

He also had a pattern of the same color on his face that he had never seen before, but what had shocked him the most was that he was standing alone in front of a whole battalion of the God’s army and apparently he had already executed more than half of them … Alone.

He had seen Elias’ head turn towards him, and he remembered this moment very well because he had had goosebumps.

This boy he knew nothing about yet, although he had surrounded himself with the most powerful force field he was capable of in order to be able to go unnoticed, had immediately found him and he had then heard for the first time his voice in his head that had said to him, ‘Are you here just to watch or are you going to join me in exterminating them.’

He still remembered that he had smirked when he had heard him saying that and then after he had joined him before removing his force field and he had introduced himself to him saying: “I am Miguel, leader of the resistance, after this fight join me you won’t regret it.”

He had initially thought that Elias would ignore his request when he had turned his attention back to the soldiers, but then he had said to him in a determined tone that he would never forget : “I am Elias, I will join you if you are able to make me stronger.”

He hadn’t had time to answer him that he had already left to slaughter the rest of the soldiers, and when they had finally killed the last one, Elias had collapsed on the ground completely exhausted.

He had learned later that these soldiers had just massacred his village, his friends, his family, everyone, when he had gone hunting with a few men so that they could feed them, and he had guessed right away that this massacre had been the trigger for his unrivaled power.

After his first transformation, which was only the Stage 2 of a warrior spirit, but at that time, as Elias was the very first one to appear, they really had no idea of what was happening to him, he had to stabilize him by sharing his own chakra with him because his reserve was almost depleted.

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