
Chapter 445 Building A New Team

The betrayal of Commander Menks came as a surprise to Tyrs. He glanced at the closing portal. His thoughts were not for his life but for those who moved inside. With a trusted Commander to be a Necromancer, then they would all be betrayed and killed!

"You traitor! You traitor!" Tyrs roared hoping that his words would reach the other side as the portal finally closed.

The eight heads of the Hydra appeared and surrounded Tyrs but Tyrs kept shouting and shouting.

"Menks is a necromancer! Menks is a necromancer!" Tyrs shouted and shouted.

He felt a harrowing pain as he looked and realized that the portal had closed.

"I... have failed everyone..." Tyrs trembled and accepted his death.

But as the four heads bit on his four limbs, the four others circled and had a strange expression.

"... This can\'t be right. I can\'t kill him! Hey! Luigi! Or whoever your name is!" The Hydra called out.

"It... can talk?!" Tyrs was shocked. How can such a monster speak like a human?!


The Slime appeared on top of one of the heads of the Hydra.

"What is it, Hydra?"

"Don\'t Hydra me! I have a name too! We just woke up but I\'m pretty sure I\'m someone awesome!"

"Alright... Then what awesome name does the Hydra have?" The Slime asked.

"Call me Reginald."

"...Reginald? That\'s what you\'re going for? All the names of the universe and you chose this classy, rich-kid name?"

"Respect, please!" The Hydra demanded.

"You look more like a Eugene in my opinion."

"Eugene? That\'s the name you want for the great me? I\'ll tell you this much, I ain\'t no Eugene! Eugene sounds like a guy who has terrible bad luck and suffering!"

"Whatever, Reggie."

Tyrs was confused as the two spoke. But even more confusing was that he was defeated by a hydra who has a very unremarkable nickname, Reggie.

"It\'s like this... I was planning on tearing this dude\'s four limbs and offering him up to Lord Nightwing to be eaten. But for some reason, I can\'t kill him."

"Eaten?! Wait! Your Master is alive?!"

"Well, no. That\'s why we brought people here. He will feast and eat on everyone."

"But... but... your claims earlier?!"

"Really? You expect a vampire ancestor to willingly lay down his powers? Why would he do that?"

It was only then that Tyrs realized how insane that suggestion was!

"...Why? A bewitching spell?"

"No. I have an ability called [Deception]. With it, I lured you guys in to die like a chicken to KFC." The Slime laughed.

"Anyway, Reggie. You sure you can\'t kill him?\'

"I\'ve been trying to! But I can bite, I can\'t use force energy, or use my magic breath attacks on him!"

Tyrs heard the Hydra\'s words and tried to pull himself out. But it was no use.

"Please, kid. Each head is as strong as a Commander despite my Champion rank. You guys stand no chance." One of Reginald\'s sneered.

"Hm... You can\'t kill him? Let me try." The Slime focused and powerful swirling vortex that appeared out of space appeared around the Slime like large icicles.

Tyrs saw the powers and was petrified. The slime had amazing magic that could match a Commander!

"...You\'re right! I can\'t kill him too!" The slime exclaimed.

"Let me try harder..." The slime focused.

Several forms of magic appeared, all deadly and diverse!

The space vortex took in many different forms like a weapon as the slime showcased all of his attacks.

Swords that harnessed spatial rifts appeared and dispersed. Needles of great entropy and time decay were created. Various forms of magic appeared as the Slime listed and called out all of his magic attacks.

"Spatial Sword! No... Time Needle! Nope... Spatial Crush! Ugh... Can\'t do it!" The slime grew more frustrated the more magic he tried to bring out.

"Time Vortex! Slime Entropy Poison! Spatial True Cut! Spatial Collapse! Slime Hentai Tentacles! Wait, what? How did that get in there...?" Luigi stopped the attack that was about to hit Tyrs.

"Whew... That was close." Luigi sighed and went on to make more attacks.

The slime shouted numerous attacks and eventually fell silent in defeat.

"Hmm... Why? Let me check the logs."

"The logs? What logs?"

"...It\'s a programmer thing..." The slime fell silent and it began to mutter in a low voice as if it was reading something.

"Ah! There it is! It says here... we can\'t kill him because he has \'a pure heart forged by Fate\'. So... Yeah. We can\'t kill him."

"Oh? So this guy is a Fate Challenger! I get it... Hm... What\'s a Fate Challenger and why do I know what it is?" Reginald was confused.

"...You can\'t kill me?" Even Tyrs was amazed.

"Yeeaahhh... Look, we thought we were supposed to kill everyone. But it seems our source code has many limitations. It says here that you are a really good guy. This fortress has a way of checking the hearts. Earlier, you sought the safety of all your allies and proved yourself to be this very great and strong warrior who is bent on justice and all that crap... So you get to live. Anyway, lock this guy up, Reginald. Try to cure his wounds. I still have this escape room to manage and wait for everyone to start killing themselves."

"Why are you doing this?! If I\'m to be spared, why are you killing everyone else?!"

"Part of the reason is to awaken our lord Nightwing. He needs a lot of blood and a lot of deaths. But based on the logs that I just read, it looks like my lord is looking for people who are of Fate or people who are Game Changers. Our lord is creating a new team to defy Destiny who has destined his death." The Slime vanished once more.

Tyrs was stunned as he heard this and he was being pulled into the depths of the darkness.

The eyes of the Hydra were looking intently at Tyrs and an evil expression appeared.

"I can\'t kill you... but I believe... I can kill my boredom with THAT deadly game!" Reginald\'s laugh echoed in the darkness.

The head of the fire harnessed a strange power and bit on Tyrs.

"Brimstone Curse!"

"AHHHH!" Tyrs felt great pain as the power of Brimstone surged within him. And his reason and sense of fear were being replaced with a strange desire and joy.

Tyrs\'s heart began to race as he could not imagine what horrors he would face and why he was being cursed with a powerful spell that was driving him happy.

Eventually, the weak, but joyful Tyrs found himself in a dark room but light appeared as one of the Hydra\'s heads lit up with flames.

And around him, was a large platform with strange markings on the ground. At the very center was a drawing of an old man with a black hat, a white mustache, and what appeared to be a walking stick.

Tyrs saw many square markings that didn\'t make any sense.

"Boardwalk... Water Works... Railroads? What is this place?"

"Yeah... So it\'s like this. Before the first commander came here, and before you guys arrived, I and Luigi were so bored! So we used the castle\'s powers and created this place. So the rules are simple... We purchase properties using play money and take turns rolling the dice and buying whatever we have..."

"Wait... This is...a board game?"


"I thought you said deadly game...?"

"Oh... This game is very deadly! That slime dude got all the hotels for the blue and green ones on the last game! I tell you! Whenever I move to that last side of the board, I have to pee every time I roll the dice! But I did it! I beat him with the light blue and the brown ones!" Reginald laughed.


The portal began to close and Champion Angelica was the last to rush inside.

But right before the portal closed in, the crowd heard the words of Tyrs...

"You traitor! You traitor!" Tyrs voice was magically sent over as Menk\'s shadow opened the rift and allowed sound to pass through.

Everyone was shocked at what they heard. They all turned to Angelica and many glanced at her in shock.

But unknown to them, a shadow passed through the portal and returned to Commander Menks.

"What did you do?!" One of the nearby Commanders roared at Angelica.

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