
Chapter 167 - Dragon Descendant

Martha smiled as she saw the notification. She knew she had it in her.

The power to scale and acquire blessings and receive the power to acquire Job classes was made possible to her, thanks to her Coven leader.

Ninja\'s was a job class that was only present in the Midlands. The resource of acquiring it was so great. Apart from the various blessings archers should have, Ninjas also need formidable sword skills and normally require the Quick Blade job.

Yet for Martha, Fate Challenger became the key as she could break through the limitations that the grand seal the gods and fallen has set to limit mortal progression.

Her dexterity was high, and with the added bonus of the Coven and her manipulation of Force, she was able to achieve it finally.

The dracanae all began to change their tactics at the last second. She was too fast, and many of the dracanae sensed that they would die through their Path of Combat.

Some slowed down and waited for allies, others began to move at the furthest sides, and some got ready to jump.

In the battle between the Path of Combats, the two opposing sides would search for the best means to acquire the momentum and flow of the battle. It was as if both were in a large chessboard, and it was a matter of outsmarting and positioning the right pieces.

Martha\'s solitary Path of Combat versus the Path of Combat driven dracanae clashed.

An explosive force pushed Martha faster once more. She dove deep within the ranks of the Dracanae and evaded several of the surrounding dracanae to target the one inside.

But despite her burst of speed, the dracanae Martha was targeting was already ready. It used its arms to shield its head.

Those that Martha has passed by began to shift their position and assumed an attacking position as they jumped in to make a reckless attack to kill Martha. Many were aiming to attack Martha from the back.

But as Martha neared the dracanae, she didn\'t attack with her sword, but she planted her foot on the arm-shield that the dracanae did to cover his head. Martha kicked back and used her Force to create an explosion, adding a fast spin to her movements.


The spin created a sharp slicing attack the decapitated the dracanae.

Without missing a beat, Martha dove back deeper into the dracanae and began to fight more.

The dracanae changed its tactics once more, and instead of tactics, they decided to forcibly rush at her and use the number to their advantage.

Martha was slashing and stabbing using Force to explode out whenever the dracanae would use their ability and weaken their body so that the stab would dig deep.

But Martha was so fast, and the explosions allowed her to draw back her arm to make more attacks.

Martha was able to stand her ground as the dracanae rushed at her.

The skills the dracanae employed with their tactics and feints were nothing in front of Martha.

Martha was using several of her archer-abilities to wield her sword and dagger.

The speedy draws of a Quick Bow were used to make consecutive stabs on the monsters. The blessings of wielding a bow that is sturdy while exerting a constant force to keep the bow arched aided in her ability to carry the sword. 

A dracanae thrust its arm at Martha and reached out with open arms towards Martha\'s slashing sword. The timing of the dracanae was precise as it made its attack right after Martha had used her force explosion. It disregarded the wounds and tried to pull the sword away. But Martha\'s grasps were strong, and when the dracanae exerted strength to pull, Martha jumped and stabbed the dagger in a motion as if she was preparing to draw a bow.

The stab pierced through and exploded at the head of the dracanae, and Martha swiftly began to create force explosion on her legs and arms to make immediate evasive movements as the other dracanae rushed in.

Martha suddenly threw her sword and dagger, which stabbed at the heads of the dracanae, and she took out two arrows from her quiver and continued to fight with kicks and spins followed by quick stabs with her arrows.

The combat became chaotic as more dracanae rushed and even made reckless tackles.

The sword and dagger that was stabbed from the dying dracanae flew out as a burst of dark energy threw it out.

Martha stabbed his two arrows and used the lodged arrows to throw herself towards her sword and dagger.

Martha managed to grab the two and was just in time to block a dracanae\'s kick.


Martha was sent flying back and fell on the ground rolling.

The dracanae took advantage of the downed form and rushed madly at Martha. The dracanae leaped at Martha, not even minding their life. It didn\'t matter if they were killed just as long as they could bury Martha and stop her. 

Martha\'s figure gazed up and saw several dracanae jumping at her.

But as they clawed in, the figure of Martha had turned into darkness!

Martha had actually rolled further ahead, but she left behind moved out of the circle by stomping on one tackle and use one of the basic Ninja abilities through her control of darkness.

"[Form Clone]." Martha smirked as she was already pulling her bow at full crescent with four arrows loaded.


The arrows flew and exploded, killing more and more dracanae.

Martha began to run backward as she kept shooting.

"My magic was immediately depleted!" Martha sighed. She had heard that ninjas in the Midlands could create decoys of themselves using the elements they wielded. So, with her basic control of darkness, she created a magical form that had her shape. If it were with normal eyesight, her clone would have easily been identified. But this undead dracanae could see just like the golems did. And such form confused them.

The dracanae began to rush in with a tighter formation. They didn\'t care about the dracanae that stumbled in front of them and concentrated at rushing. Some of those behind would even catch and carry the stumbling dracanae and use them as shields from Martha\'s arrow.

"I see. Since fighting me is useless, you want to push a wall of dracanae at me? Whoever is controlling you is quite impatient!" Martha laughed as she kept kicking and jumping back with small force explosions.

"Too immature! If you have kept fighting me, I would have eventually run out of Force energy.." Martha laughed as she shot several arrows upwards.



Explosive arrows landed on the ceiling above them. Martha had planned it since the start. There was another area that Fate has shown her.

"Your weakness is you don\'t have Foresight!" Martha kept shooting as more and more cracks appeared on the ceiling of the tunnel.

The dracanae tried to stop, but then the rock that began to crumble and fall was in their area!


Martha attacked an area which created a chain reaction of destruction which buried the group. She continued to run back to avoid the collapsing ceiling above her.

Martha smiled as she watched the result of her battle.

"Foresight is this important. You guys were strong fighters. But there are more things to just the flow of battle." Martha smiled.

"I agree."


Martha tried to dodge but the sharp sword-like weapon that attacked her sliced off her right arm.

With great speed, Martha snatched her sliced arm and kicked back to send her flying back.

"An archer with one arm is quite useless, no?" The figure laughed as he bent down to wipe the blood on the floor and tasted it.

The creature looked just like a dracanae. Except that bones and spikes were protruding out of its body. Its teeth were sharp and had a long tail with a sharp blade on its end.

"Still... I\'m very impressed that you could dodge that." The creature laughed.

"A Dracanae?"

"A real one. Not like this undead forms born from the vitality of dragonic cells. I am a real thing. A Dragon Descendant!"

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