
Chapter 155 New Interest

"I thought you said you weren\'t hungry," Emilia said as she watched Dave eat his meal from the other side of the table.

"I never said I wasn\'t hungry, I just said I wasn\'t that hungry." The goalkeeper said. "I didn\'t expect you to finish this fast."

"Well, I did tell you that I was going to be fast." She said with a smile on her face.

\'That smile, just like Emma\'s.\' He said subconsciously before turning his gaze back to his food.

After the two were done with their meal, Emilia didn\'t hesitate to get up from her seat and clear the table.

"Let me just clean these up quickly." She said before walking to the kitchen with the dishes.

<Are you starting to see what I\'m talking about now?>

\'Yeah, I know she looks like her but I never expected her to behave so much like her.\'

<When people are together for long, they have these kinds of effects on each other>

After cleaning up the dishes, she picked up her bag and went up the stairs with Dave who took her to the guest room before retiring to his room.

After entering the room, the goalkeeper walked straight to his bed and stared at it for a while before he crashed down on it face flat.

He stayed like that for a while before he flipped over and let out a sigh.

"I should give Clark a call and see how things went between him and my father." He muttered before pulling out his phone from his pocket.

He quickly scrolled through his contacts to find Clark\'s contact and after finding it he clicked it before clicking the call button.

The thing buzzed for a few seconds before Clark picked up the call.

"Hey, Dave, How\'s it going?"

"Long day, but things are okay," Dave replied.

"I see."

"How did it go, your conversation with my dad?" The goalkeeper asked, going straight to the point.

"Um…we spoke and he said that he hasn\'t decided anything about it yet but he wants to talk to you first before deciding anything," Clark said.

"He said that?"

"Yeah, so you know what you have to do, call him, he wants to speak to you, he wants to hear your opinion."

"Yeah but I hope it\'s not for something else."

"What do you mean?" Clark asked.

"Never mind."

"Okay," Clark said. "Uhu, there\'s something I forgot to tell you when we spoke earlier today."

"What\'s that?"

"Well, the president of Eintracht Frankfurt contacted me yesterday."

"Frankfurt? Why?"

"Isn\'t it obvious? They\'re interested in you, the club won\'t have a goalkeeper by next season as one of them is retiring and the other one is leaving so their only option is to either sign a new goalkeeper or pull out someone with less experience from their team B."

"Frankfurt\'s in Germany right, the Bundesliga?"

"Yeah, the president said that he had been scouting you for a while and that they would be submitting an official bid to Unique FC very soon," Clark said. "The best part of things is that they are buying you to be an immediate and not to spend most of the season on the bench behind the main goalkeeper."

<Yeah, this sounds really enticing>

"So, what are you saying, do you like the idea of heading to Germany and being Frankfurt\'s number one?"

"Uh…I\'m going to need some time to think this one through, Clark." Dave said.

The tone of his voice indicated that he was struggling to make up his mind.

"Okay, think it through and give me your feedback in the morning, good night," Clark said before ending the call.

<Moving to Frankfurt will be a very bold move for you, you\'ll get to complete the quest since the Bundesliga is one of the top five leagues>

\'I know, Catherine, but have you forgotten what I told you about wanting to play the conference league with Unique FC.\'

<That\'s good but Frankfurt are in better and will most likely be in the Europa League next season, you\'ll have to pick one because if you decide to stay at Unique FC, they\'ll get another goalkeeper and at the end of next season they may not have any need for you anymore unless you want to become a second choice goalkeeper>

\'Then I\'ll just look for another club in the top five leagues.\'

<I see you\'ve already made your choice then>

\'Not exactly.\'

_______ _______

Before going to bed, Dave decided to turn his dream control feature on, and after about ten minutes into his sleep, he found himself in his dream and met up with Catherine as always, and now, she was going to take him through another one of her training sessions today.

"What\'s for training today, Cat?" The goalkeeper asked.

"Close-range power shots." As soon as those words left her mouth, his surroundings began to change into a pitch as expected until the goalkeeper found himself in between the sticks with balls littered all over the edge of his box.

"What type of training is this?"

It didn\'t take long before he got his answer as one of the balls came flying toward him at full force.

The ball slammed into his face knocking him into the goalpost along with it.

"Awwww." The goalkeeper groaned as he loaned on the floor with the net covering his face.

________ ________

"That felt more like a punishment than a training session." The goalkeeper said after opening his eyes. "If that was a real session, I would be crawling on the floor right now.

<Well, you should be glad that it wasn\'t>

The goalkeeper sat up on his bed and checked the time on his phone to see that it was 6:01 AM.

"I think it\'s time for my morning run." He muttered before he quickly slid into his running boots and changed into something comfortable.

He made his way downstairs and out of the house but just before he could start making her way toward the garage area, the door was pushed open for Emilia to walk out putting on black leggings that stretch a little further down her hills, a red jersey that looked perfect on her and a pair of black running boots with pink designs.

She had her tied back and had the speaker parts of her earpiece hanging on her ears.

"Hey, good morning, you\'re going for a run too." She said as soon as she spotted it.

"Hey, you do morning runs?"

"Yeah, every day."

\'Something she does that Emma doesn\'t.\'

"That\'s good."

"It\'s nice that I caught up with you before you left, it will be easier with you and maybe you can show me around because I haven\'t been to this side of Unique City before, the first time was the day I visited Emma. So, which route are we taking right or left?" She asked.

"Left," Dave replied.

"Okay." She said before putting her earpiece in her ears. "Let\'s go then." She added before running past him.

Dave looked at the area she had just passed for a while before he began to make his way to the road where she would probably be waiting for him.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter?

If we can hit 1000+ privilege unlocks before the end of this month, I\'ll do five chapters mass release on any day between the 20-25th of January.

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