
Chapter 226 Let The Deathmatch Begin II

"How did they manage to acquire one of Master\'s creations?" Divanchi pondered, her mind racing as swiftly as her body.

Panic etched across Ignis\' face as he surveyed the rooftop. He hastily turned to his loyal werewolves, urgently commanding them, "Do not stand idle! Bring her down! Take any action necessary to prevent her from reaching us!"

"Understood!" the werewolves responded in unison, their determination unwavering.

Some of the werewolves swiftly transformed into towering beasts, their bodies morphing into massive wolves, while others positioned themselves at the edge of the building, brandishing their pistols with unwavering focus aimed directly at Divanchi. The tension in the air grew palpable as the confrontation neared its climax.

As the werewolves heeded Ignis\' command, the deafening sound of gunfire shattered the air. Each bullet propelled forth with such velocity that Divanchi could scarcely perceive their movement.

Suddenly, a barrage of projectiles converged upon her, colliding within her ethereal form in a thunderous symphony of destruction. The impact pierced her body, creating a grotesque tableau of carnage. 

A resounding boom echoed through the surroundings as Divanchi\'s fragile form plummeted to the ground, leaving a gaping void and a trail of crimson blood cascading from the bullet-ridden orifices.

With Divanchi\'s motionless form sprawled upon the ground, the werewolves, unwilling to leave anything to chance, seized the opportunity to ensure her demise.

A commanding voice pierced the air, emanating from one of the werewolves transformed into a magnificent wolf. "Swiftly! Tear her asunder!" she bellowed, her call compelling other colossal lupine creatures to rally behind her.

In an instant, the ravenous beasts closed in on Divanchi\'s prone figure. Their powerful jaws snapped menacingly, seeking any grasp they could find, as their collective desperation drove them to rend her limb from limb.

Yet, at the brink of this relentless assault, Divanchi\'s eyes sprang open. Her gaze sharpened upon the encircling wolves, registering the imminent threat that loomed above her. In that pivotal moment, she unleashed a resolute cry, her voice reverberating with determination.


In an eruption of raw power, the very surroundings in which she lay detonated without warning. A cataclysmic blast consumed the vicinity, obliterating not only the ferocious werewolves but also annihilating everything in its path. Debris soared through the air, while flames and shockwaves tore through the once peaceful atmosphere.

The tables had turned in a devastating fashion, as Divanchi harnessed the destructive forces at her disposal to exact a merciless reprisal. 

Now, in the aftermath of this explosive spectacle, a newfound sense of anticipation and uncertainty filled the air, leaving all witnesses to contemplate the consequences that would inevitably unfold.

Ignis\'s voice quivered with disbelief as he witnessed Divanchi\'s resilience. "What manner of being is she? Despite enduring an onslaught of gunfire, she still stands before us," he exclaimed, his astonishment palpable. Turning to his men, he issued a fervent command, "Continue firing without hesitation! Unleash your volleys upon her!"

One of the werewolves interjected, a note of concern lacing his words, "Sir, the smoke obscures our vision." His statement drew Ignis\'s attention to the billowing fog that enshrouded the area where Divanchi had vanished.

Frustration etched upon Ignis\'s face, he muttered a curse under his breath. "Damn it!" he spat, the veil of uncertainty clouding his mind.

In the midst of the confusion, Simlo\'s voice cut through the chaos with a sigh of resignation. "Ghosts, it\'s time," he declared, addressing his men while moving closer to the sniper rifle.

Seizing the moment, the ethereal specters broke away from their vantage point atop the building, descending upon Divanchi with a swift and purposeful stride, their incorporeal forms surging toward her location.

Ignis, perplexed by Simlo\'s actions, stood rooted in place, his confusion evident. He mustered the courage to question Simlo\'s motives. "What are you planning?" he queried, his voice laced with uncertainty.

A wry smile graced Simlo\'s countenance as he meticulously adjusted his gaze through the scope of the sniper rifle. "If conventional bullets fail to vanquish her, I am curious to witness how she withstands the piercing force of this divine beauty," he retorted, his words laced with a mix of anticipation and satisfaction.

As if choreographed by an otherworldly symphony, the ethereal ghosts harmoniously converged into a unified entity, aligning themselves in a singular path. 

A spectral dance ensued, their translucent forms intertwining seamlessly until they coalesced into a towering astral giant—its essence emanating an ethereal glow that pierced the surrounding darkness. With an echoing roar that reverberated through the air, the colossal being declared its presence to the world.

The ground trembled beneath the weight of the astral giant, its form a testament to the supernatural powers at play. As it stood before Divanchi, a formidable force surging through its incorporeal veins, it exuded an aura of dominance and otherworldly might. The very fabric of reality seemed to bend in deference to this formidable manifestation.

The tension grew palpable, the silence pregnant with anticipation. The astral giant, forged from the melding of countless ghostly spirits, braced itself for the imminent clash with Divanchi.

Unleashing another resounding roar, the astral giant propelled its formidable strength into a lightning-fast punch, its massive fist descending upon the cloud of swirling dust concealing Divanchi\'s form. .

The impact shattered the ground beneath, unleashing a cataclysmic shockwave that rippled through the surrounding terrain, leaving naught but a scorched path of destruction in its wake.

As the reverberations settled and the dust began to dissipate, Divanchi emerged, a figure wreathed in flames, her aura ablaze with an infernal intensity. With unwavering determination, she launched herself towards the towering astral giant, defying its overwhelming presence.

Her fist, clenched tightly, blazed with a vibrant blue energy as it propelled forward, a testament to her indomitable will. Connecting with unerring precision, her strike struck true, colliding with the chest of the astral giant.

The impact sent shockwaves reverberating through its colossal form, causing it to stagger and slide across the ground before finally succumbing, toppling backward with a resounding thud.

The clash of these supernatural forces resounded with a symphony of power, as the battle between Divanchi and the astral giant unfolded in a breathtaking display of strength and determination.

With a seamless display of agility and power, Divanchi catapulted herself from the ground, soaring through the air like a fiery comet. The very moment her feet made contact with the prone form of the astral being, a tremendous explosion erupted, engulfing them in a tempest of unleashed energy.

Unfazed by the fiery turmoil surrounding her, Divanchi\'s relentless assault continued unabated. Her fists, imbued with an incandescent fury, descended upon the chest of the astral giant in a relentless barrage. 

Each strike reverberated through the air, causing the once cohesive amalgamation of spirits to fragment and scatter in disarray.

The anguished cries of the spectral forms resounded like a lamentation, their voices intertwining with the crackling flames that enveloped the battlefield. 

Divanchi showed no mercy, unyielding in her resolve as she ruthlessly tore through the remaining vestiges of the astral being. Her actions were driven by an unquenchable thirst for victory, her attacks executed with precision and devoid of hesitation.

The very fabric of reality seemed to quiver under the force of Divanchi\'s blows, as she cleaved through the remnants of the astral giant, dismantling them with a brutal efficiency. 

The air carried the echoes of their tormented screams, a haunting chorus that mingled with the resolute determination of Divanchi\'s relentless assault.

In this climactic clash, where powers clashed and destinies entangled, Divanchi\'s merciless onslaught painted a vivid tableau of dominance and unwavering resolve. The battle raged on, amidst the fading cries of the fragmented astral forms, as the fates of all involved hung precariously in the balance.

Meanwhile, Simlo\'s gaze remained locked through the scope of the sniper rifle, his lips curled into a faint smile. His fingers hovered over the trigger, poised to unleash an attack that he believed would test even Divanchi\'s monstrous resilience. 

Confident in his impending strike, he murmured with a self-assured tone, "You may possess an unearthly strength, but even you cannot withstand the might of this."

Just as Simlo\'s resolve seemed unshakable, a commanding voice reverberated through the air, slicing through the tension that gripped the rooftop. 

Veronica stormed onto the scene, her presence demanding immediate attention. Behind her, a contingent of soldiers followed, ready to enforce her orders.

Upon witnessing Veronica\'s arrival, Ignis and the remaining werewolf instantly raised their hands in surrender, acknowledging the authority that accompanied her. However, Simlo remained singularly focused on his target, oblivious to the unfolding situation.

Veronica\'s voice, filled with a mix of authority and concern, echoed across the rooftop. "Hey, you!" she called out, attempting to divert Simlo\'s attention. 

However, her words faltered as her gaze fell upon the enigmatic sniper rifle, her features contorting in astonishment. "What in the world is that?" she uttered, her voice laced with disbelief and intrigue.

Caught in the midst of a critical juncture, the air hummed with anticipation, as the characters on the rooftop found themselves entangled in a complex web of conflicting motivations and unforeseen revelations. The confrontation between Divanchi and her assailants had momentarily halted, giving way to a new dynamic that threatened to alter the course of their entwined destinies.

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