
Chapter 386 Attacked During A Full-Moon

Arthur could not hear what the two hunters were saying as he slept inside a wooden crate covered with animal furs.

Night time came, and the two hunters went to the basement, Arthur heard them coming, so it was easy for him to avoid them. They did not look for crates, and apparently, they did not want to store any items.

"What are they doing here?" thought Arthur as he gazed at them.

It was not looking like the usual way hunters acted, and Arthur was sure of it when the man pulled out some crates, showing a path hidden behind.

"What\'s this?"

The mysteriousness arose Arthur\'s attention, so he got out from where he was hiding and followed the two hunters through a tunnel, leading to a room with a barricaded door and a magical formation, all of which to increase security.

"Who\'s there?" the man said as he turned around to see if someone was following them.

He had not seen or heard anything but smelled something he knew very well.

"Did you see something?" the woman asked after noticing the weird behavior.

"No. My mind is playing tricks with me. I am sorry; let\'s go!"

They opened up the barricaded door and went inside. Arthur thought about following them, but it would be hard to keep himself unnoticed if he went there, so he decided to leave the basement as it was and continue his journey.

The only reason he went there in the first place was to sleep, and Arthur did not need to drink blood every day, so there was no reason to try to attack them.


"Do you think a vampire is inside our basement?"

"Yes! We must chase him now that the full moon is here and our transformation is ready!"

The hunters were talking behind the door, but the magical formation around it prevented Arthur from hearing anything.


"I should leave now, then," thought Arthur, turning around to leave the basement, but a loud bang entered his ears.

He turned around, hoping to see what it was, and when he did, Arthur knew he was in trouble!

"Freaking werewolves? Fuck!"

The two hunters in that tiny little cabin lived away from everyone else, and Arthur now could tell why. They were werewolves, and when the full moon came, they turned into furious beasts, and the prey they loved the most was right in front of them: vampires.

They weren\'t that big, but the werewolves sent a different type of fear. So Arthur felt uneasy just by looking at their red eyes.

After breaking through the barricaded door, they first did to gaze directly at Arthur, with their mouths salivating, dashing toward him with their four legs at an incredible speed.

Arthur picked up some of the crates around the basement, throwing them behind him to act as a way to slow down the werewolves. It did work, but it only slowed them down a little bit.

"What should I do?"

There was still hope of leaving with his life, they were in the basement, and it would be hard for the werewolves to go through the tiny corridor.

Everything in there was built to prevent them from leaving, and Arthur was sure they locked themselves during the full moon to not go out, killing everything.

They were good people, it seemed, and Arthur wished he did not have to resort to fighting — to not hurt them, but because he also believed he would lose.

Arthur left the basement, and when he did, he looked around the house for more things to block those werewolves\' passage. So he grabbed one of their shelves and tossed it in front of the basement door.

It would not hold them for that long, so Arthur took the opportunity to leave the cabin and ran as fast as he could! The fear of having his body ripped apart by werewolves came straight from the TV shows and movies he watched back on Earth, and it creeped the hell out of him.

Maybe that was why he was so scared when facing werewolves — childhood trauma.

A young man with blond hair ran through the forest, repeatedly jumping from tree to tree and looking behind his shoulder, ensuring no werewolf was behind him.

"It seems I escaped," thought Arthur, but when he turned around, the two werewolves were right in front of him!


Arthur disliked the situation, and even though they were close to the road, someone rarely passed by, so screaming for help would be useless.

Also, there was a chance the person passing by in the streets would be weaker than them, which would only bring more casualties.

There was no choice. Arthur would have to fight, even if it cost his life! So he took out his magical sword — one of the few decent items his avatar had —and entered a fighting stance, waiting for one of the werewolves to come at him.

The only advantage Arthur could think of was his intelligence. When someone turned into a werewolf, they usually lost their minds and did not think straight.

Well, that was for the weaker werewolves, like those hunters who had the power of a sixth-circle mage at most. But, like the tenth circle and beyond, the stronger werewolves could keep their minds after turning, and most could turn even during regular moons, but they would be stronger in the full moon.

One of the werewolves dashed toward Arthur first while the other circled around to attack him from the back. They were more intelligent than Arthur thought, and if the situation kept going like that, Arthur would lose.

But there wasn\'t much he could do. Only trees around him and a road where no one passed.

"Come, you bastard," Arthur said, brandishing his sword.

The werewolf jumped on him, trying to slash him with his claws. Arthur used the sword horizontally to block the werewolf\'s attack, but that was only enough for one claw.

As for the other? Arthur did his best to jump away from the werewolf, but his body was not that strong, and his level was only of a second circle mage, way lower than the werewolf.

The claw hit him on his chest, creating a deep wound with three straight lines as markings — the nails of that thing.

A lot of blood came from the wound, and Arthur felt weaker by the second. So while that was happening, the other werewolf circled around him, and now there was no other way for him to run.

"Will I die here?" he thought, feeling bad about losing the avatar he had suffered to create.

It was time for the other werewolf, the one behind Arthur, to attack. He was not using his claws but his sharp teeth, biting Arthur\'s neck!

Everything happened so fast that Arthur had no way to dodge, and it was clear the strength of those werewolves was way higher than his.

Then, a carriage passed by the nearby road. If Arthur was still awake, he would see the emblem in the carriage — the one that belonged to the family who took Sybille and the same family Arthur was heading to.

"What is happening outside? A vampire attacked by werewolves? He looks young, and his power is not that bad. Charles, go out and rescue that vampire. We will need all the soldiers we can," a woman with black hair and pale skin said.

Charles was the man responsible for driving the carriage, a lady\'s servant, and a vampire.

The man had the power of a rank one mage, so he did not even need to fight, as the two werewolves ran away after sensing his power. They were stupid but not stupid enough to fight against a stronger opponent.

Arthur was unconscious and thus did not see what happened and only came to his senses after six hours.


"Wh... where am I?" said Arthur, putting his hand on his head, as it was hurting like hell.

His memory was a fuss, and he could not record what happened, which could only mean he passed out.

"Did I die?"

"Not yet, silly."

When Arthur heard a voice, he jumped in, surprised! He was not alone and was so hurt he did not notice it.

"What happened?" Arthur said, getting his torso up to face the lady who said those words.

Arthur was lying on a couch with a blanket on and was too weak to fully stand still.

"I was passing by the road and saw two werewolves attacking you, so I saved you. I am Tessa Von Stein, and we are heading to the Stein family. Do you have any interest in joining it?"

"Von Stein? Von Stein? Where did I hear this name before?" thought Arthur.

His mind was still a mess, so he did not recognize the name for a second, but after five seconds, everything came to mind! It was the family who attacked the Coldharbour castle and took Sybille away! The place where he was heading to!

Arthur\'s bad luck turned into something good, and he looked toward Tessa and said, "I wish to join the Von Stein family and do everything I can for it."

Tessa giggled and said, "then come with me. I will speak with my dad, and then you are in. But remember, you must train hard and get stronger, or else others will get the better positions, and you will stay behind to die."

"You don\'t need to say that. I will get stronger and kill all of you!"

That was only his thoughts as he was not stupid to say it aloud, and he only nodded with a bright smile!

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