
Chapter 853 Divine Ankh Goddess Bloodline. Part 1

Haron Continent...

Dreg Duchy...

The Silver Moon Sect...

Makena had rallied the women of her sect who were all ready to defend their grounds and with the knowledge of the sect surely being Tanya\'s next target, the forces of the Saphhirine Cult were present as well.

Most notable of the Sapphirine Cult forces present were the Blood Knights under the command of Karmen with Lillian and Olivia acting as her second-in-commands.

The Legion of Hal\'s women were present as well with them being under the leadership of Rita and Emily while Melinda claimed to be indisposed at the moment.

The Teleportation circles in the Dreg Duchy had all been shut down but no one expected that to keep Tanya away. She held an advantage similar to Hal\'s private transportation channels and they had no means to stop her.

Not even Hal appeared to have a way because if he did, he would surely have told it to his women who were sorely in need of it.

Indeed Hal had no way to stop Tanya from hopping between locations without first getting rid of the Nexus stone and Monument gem she was using to amplify herself.

"Not too long now," Makena said in what was her most battle-ready attire ever, and by her sides were her daughters, Leona and Corrina with Corrina (the Eldest) looking more poised as her mother\'s right hand with readiness to burst out her Void Ordinance.

The entire atmosphere was tense with the knowledge of the oncoming assault and there was not much preparation needed anymore.

All eyes and senses were keened but none was as keen as Makena\'s who had her senses focusing on the ground itself and it was why she picked up signatures that made no sense to be there.

"They\'re Here!" she yelled but words had barely left her lips that there were blasts all over the ground of the Silver Moon sect and green-eyed experts began to charge out with the force of their entrance tossing the experts of the Silver moon sect to various locations.

"Ahhhhhh" such yells became commonplace because the exiting Harons were already attacking indiscriminately to strike and hit as many as they could.

No one had expected their mode of entrance and it was a bit impractical but apparently, Tanya could do whatever the heck she wanted.

Speaking of Tanya, she emerged from right underneath Makena\'s throne and as she exited, she blew the throne into smithereens and closed her fist around Makena\'s neck as she took into the air.

Up in the air, Tanya tried to punch Makena in the stomach with the impact being devastating enough to puncture Makena and be the killing blow but the Silver moon sect head smacked the fist and diverted the majority of the blow\'s force from herself just as she said calmly,


Tanya raised a brow and then tried to punch Makena again only for Makena to yell,

"All yours!"

Immediately, a delicate figure appeared in the air and slammed into Tanya before her brain could process the situation and the slam took them both far away from Makena who flew downward and planted her feet on the ruptured ground of her sect to unleash the greatest reality warp she had ever performed which not only fixed the ruptured ground but also gave the fighting forces on her side an upper hand.

Those who had been at the mercy of Harons became the ones holding the power dynamic.

Such an amount of reality warp weakened Makena but her energy was renewed by Hal\'s ever-present presence even in his absence.

The Blood Knights took the forefront of the battle and as they reaped more Haron Blood, Karmen made use of her Blood Ordinance to sample that blood and then create blood darts that shut down the powers of any Haron expert by shutting down the blood/bloodline that drove them.

This action of hers was not too lasting on account of the imbuement that Tanya had bestowed the Harons but a well-timed use of the darts would shut down the men just in time for any Blood Knight to cleave their heads with the giant blade of Executioner, the fiendish Armament.

In no way did the battle go in the way of the Harons at least not in the manner it had been at the Doxon Duchy or the Akene Duchy but it would seem that was expected by them all and even Tanya as well.

Yes, some Harons had now lost their lives but the majority that Tanya had brought along with her were brought with the intent of combating the Sapphirine Cult which she expected to meet here.

As they sailed away from Makena, Sassy produced her two daggers which she held at the ready,

"I\'ll pluck it out," she said determinedly obviously referring to the Monument gem but Tanya just smirked.

The smirk remained unchanged as they both landed on the ground with enough force to cause a crater.

"Interesting as it would be to watch you try and fail, I came here to kill Makena and I won\'t be taunted to fight with you and forget that." As she spoke, Tanya struck at Sassy with an attack made of the energy from the Monument, and when Sassy knocked the attack aside with ease, Tanya did not appear surprised.

In fact, when Sassy pinned Tanya\'s wrist to the ground with a knee and then turned her face aside all to restrain her, the Princess just laughed,

"You were prepared for," Tanya said and a portal opened beneath her and swallowed Sassy and herself.

Once inside the Monument Of Ordinances, Tanya appeared empowered and began to trade blows with Sassy who found herself getting pushed into the defensive right before Tanya pushed her through another portal which had her landing in an Imperial chamber in the presence of the Emperor himself.

Sassy made to stand but she was immediately pressed down by a chaotic force unleashed by the Emperor who said in a deadpan voice,

"We meet again. You won\'t be leaving this time,"

The sight of Sassy squirming was what Tanya last saw as she returned to the Silver moon Sect to seek out Makena who was supporting her forces with well-timed reality warps as well as cosmic Saint attacks.

Makena suddenly became isolated in a barrier made of multicolored energy and it was there was that she was joined by Tanya who began in a calm tone,

"You dined with us.

Father trusted you.

We all trusted you to divine the faith of our hegemony. You were one of Father\'s most favored. Even more, favored than Harons with whom he shared blood and yet you threw that all away, and for what? For dick?"

"In my defense, it was good dick, the greatest, in fact. Besides, I don\'t think you are angry with me much as you are with yourself" Makena said.

"What?" Tanya asked as though clueless even though she knew exactly what Makena was referring to.

"You sent Hal to me because of something you wanted. If not for you, I likely would not have met him. At least not so soon, so despite it, all, I thank you," Makena said and then let a few seconds pass before she added,

"So are you going to attack me or not? If you aren\'t, then kindly let me get back to supporting my ladies,"

As Makena spoke, she cast two spell circles she had specifically created with the use of her Reality Ordinance as well as the bloodline she was synthesizing in case of advancement into the god realm.

Tanya glared and appeared ready to make a move only to be forced to stop when a loud *Bang!* sounded against the multicolored boundary she had formed around herself and Makena.

Tanya looked up and she saw something that appeared like a loop pressing against the crest of the boundary and a second after she discovered this, the loop bore through and the boundary shattered with a Bang.

Tanya was unfazed by the destruction of the boundary and neither was Makena which allowed both to look up and behold the arrival of the woman responsible for the loop that had been the only part they had seen of the large Ankh floating behind the arriving woman.

The woman had shiny black hair that was fanning behind her but if she were to stand on the ground and let it down, her hair would surely be touching the ground like a train, and yet, no one who saw this woman would be able to comprehend any part of her ever getting dirty.

She appeared to have transcended such mundane worries and her stark white eyes were teeming with divinity while the Imperial Robes she had on were green and teeming with life as though the brush of it would be enough to bring the dead back to life and that was actually possible for this woman.

In the woman\'s right hand was a white sword marred beautifully with thick golden veins but the true symbol of the woman\'s power was the large Ankh floating with her as she came much closer to the ground.

"Melinda?" Makena sounded uncertain and she could not be blamed as Melinda\'s look had been elevated to the point of being unrecognizable.

In fact, if Makena had not called her name, Tanya would likely not have recognized her.

"Hello Makena, hope I\'m not too late. I had a project to complete."

"You arrived just in time," Makena said.

"You should help the ladies," Melinda said and then turned to face Tanya as she added,

"I\'ll handle the Princess and deliver a message from her mother,"

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