
Chapter 654 Who Will Get Them?

Hal looked from the Armament Aliya had pointed at him to her face but he had a light smile on his face.

He wondered what exactly the woman wished to achieve and if she truly thought that what she was doing and her attempts at intimidating Hal were going to be enough to get him to start spilling his secrets.

Hal was not afraid of her...

And that was not really because of her strength because that was definitely impressive and more than enough to intimidate someone with weaker cultivation...

The reason Hal was not afraid of Aliya was that he didn\'t see her as dangerous because he did not see her going through with any of her threats.

He did not see her actually stabbing him or choking him with her cultivation pressure.

This was not because she was weak or could not follow through with her plans but instead was because;

"And after stabbing me or intimidating me all to get information from my lips, who exactly will get the Orb pieces that your Princess wants so badly," Hal asked with a relaxed smile as his words were more than enough to cause Aliya to pause.

"What?" she asked even though she did not drop her weapons and did not reduce her cultivation pressure.

Hal chuckled and moved closer to her as he gently moved the blade of her Armament to the side so that he could move even closer to Aliya on the sofa,

"You heard me. Who will get the Orb pieces?

Will it be you?

You so proudly claim a close relationship with the Princess so I believe you know everything about the Orb pieces as well as how important they are" Hal said and he pose his words like a question that Aliya answered,

"Of course I do," she said with indignation as though upset that Hal was insinuating that she did not have as close a relationship with the Princess as she had claimed.

"Good, so why don\'t you try to get them. I mean, if you were to turn it into a large-scale situation and actually take the fight to the Duke and his wife, you might actually get the pieces.

Or maybe you go the quiet route and get it anyway...

If you could get it in any way, I won\'t even be needed, and trust me, I am not going to go out of my way to help the Princess.

If there is a job I can do, I will do it... If it\'s something someone else can do, I\'ll actually prefer it was someone else.

So Aliya, if you are sure that there is someone that can surely get those Orb pieces, go ahead and make this into a large incident.

Go ahead and attempt to attack or intimidate me to get me to speak...

However, if I am the only choice you have and any other risky attempts to gather the Orb pieces will only be worth it in the case that I fail, then stop trying to intimidate me and stop with the empty threats." Hal said.

Aliya gritted her teeth in annoyance and she stared at Hal\'s face that was so much closer to hers now and she frowned knowing that he surely had something to hide... Knowing that he had insidious plans and ambitions of his own but feeling frustrated because he brought up a lot of good points.

She stood up from the sofa and began to pace about a little which Hal watched her do for a few seconds before he said,

"Now that we have put that behind us, can we finally get to the reason that I was even asked to come to see you?"

Aliya stopped pacing and turned to glare at him,

"I have my eyes on you and I still don\'t trust you. But Tanya trysts you enough to get the Orb pieces so I will restrain myself.

That said, I will be watching you, so tread lightly" she said.

Hal rolled his eyes but said nothing as she brought out a communication Talisman and took a minute or a to speak into it and get some things ready... He only caught a few bits of her words.

"Get ready," Aliya said and flicked her wrist to retrieve a bland robe that was clearly for his role as an Attendant.

Hal instantly stood from the sofa and took off his clothes right there with no shame or worry that Aliya was in there with him.

Aliya caught sight of his mighty tool just enough before she turned away from him with indignation and lightly blushing cheeks that caused Hal to chuckle.

He put on the bland robes and then retrieved one of the glamor runes from his inventory.

He was sure the rune would make changes to his appearance as there was no way his obvious Doxon looks were not going to cause problems.

Deciding it war better to activate the Rune now, he added a drop of Beldar\'s blood to the Rune and it instantly turned a blood-red color while oozing with power.

Hal pulled his robe aside and stamped the Rune onto his chest where it melted against his skin to the point where only the rune drawn onto the sheet appeared on his chest like a tattoo.

He felt a mild sensation from the Rune spread all about his body but when he looked at his hands, there was no notable difference.

That was to be expected tho as the effects of the Rune were not physical but mental for all who saw him.

He got the answer on whether the rune worked or not when Aliya turned back and raised a brow at his changed features.

Hal smiled lightly at her,

"How do I look?" he asked.

As antagonistic as Aliya was, Hal was sure she would be truthful with regards to the Rune\'s effects as they had been made by Tanya and were an important part of the princess\' plan to get what she wanted.

He was right and Aliya gave him an honest review,

"It worked well. You kook nothing like how you normally do.

Brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin.

Your face has a childish quality to it... Like that of an inexperienced pretty boy just begging to be used and manipulated.

You look good enough to become the Duches\' attendant but nothing next to your normal standards which is probably for the best"

All this, Aliya said with a frown and an attentive scrutinizing expression that saw her not only telling Hal what she truthfully could see but also throwing a few compliments at him.

"Perfect" Hal said with a smile before opening up his robes to showcase his nether regions where he could still see his cock but wondered if Aliya could see it as well.

"It is as it should be," Aliya told him with a sigh just before she perked at something outside the office and said,

"It\'s time, let\'s go"

She led Hal out of her office and down the stairs, this time actually going to the back of the restaurant where a thirty-something man stood with a carriage awaiting her arrival but not looking like he had been out there for too long.

"Lady Aliya" the man bowed to Aliya and then looked at Hal to say in a gruff voice,

"Is this him?"

Aliya nodded,

"Yes, it is," she said with a neutral expression.

The man looked Hal over and then asked,

"What is your name, boy?"

"Ha... Allan. My name is Allan" he said with a bit of trembling and all the essential mannerisms to further sell the character he was trying to portray.

The man sniffed at how pathetic he was but did not seem to be new to such sights as he said,

"Well Allan, I hear you have always dreamed of serving the Duchess"

Hal nodded vigorously with the enthusiasm that was expected of him as the man smirked before saying,

"Very well. You should know that once you become an Attendant to the Duchess, she owns you and no longer have a family. No one to call on for support because all you are, at the point, is the Duchess\' property. You are hers do with as she sees fit.

Whatever she says you should do, you do without question or hesitation."

"I understand," Hal said with a bow.

"Very well then, get into the Carriage and let us be off," the man said and Hal allowed himself one last look at Aliya who said,


To which he answered demurely,

"Thank you"

The man saw nothing wrong with the exchange but when he entered the carriage and could not see Hal as he made to close the carriage door, Hal winked at Aliya who actually allowed herself a small smile before her expression became stoic again.

The door closed and in a second, the carriage was moving away from the Restaurant and towards the Duchy Palace.

The journey did not take too long with credit for that going to how fast the carriage was moving.

The carriage got into the palace with no issues because of the thirty-something looking man and soon, Hal was part of a small line-up of newcomers standing in front of the scrutinizing eyes of the Duchess\' female attendants who had only one word for them,


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