
Chapter 593 - Hard Pitch To Sell.

Anyway, understanding the logic behind the decisions made by the large guilds did not enamor Melinda to the idea of joining one.

Then the interested guilds tried to convince her that her treatment would be different because, unlike the so-called best of the generation they had so far recruited, she was a cut above the rest.


Because not only was she a definite best in the absence of the monster that was Hal Doxon, she was also the first to catch the eye of the Empress and be her disciple since the era of Tanya and Elsa.

Yes, news spread fast.

Despite the \'secrecy\' of not mentioning the Empress\' interest at Orientation, many already figured it out right there and then before the rumor even spread.

Any guild in their right senses would want that gem in their lineup.

Even a Royal Academy Alumni and also a previous personal disciple of the Empress, Elsa Evgeny told Melinda the importance of being part of a guild while also suggesting she join the guild she and Tanya had led together; Jade Foxes Guild.

Hell, even the Empress reiterated to Melinda the importance of being part of a guild. Telling her that it was important to build camaraderie between students.

It builds cooperation.

"The Haron Empire would not stand if everyone fought just for themselves. Our zeal for unity where we fight for one another despite our cultural differences is why we are still standing and pushing back against the Dystopian continent and have not been overrun." The Empress had said.

"My goodness, Your Majesty, are you crying?" Melinda asked with widened eyes.

"*sniff* It\'s just so wonderful to see youngsters stand up for one another." The Empress said.

\'What a softie\' Melinda thought with a fond smile.

Despite being a definite and impressive powerhouse, the Empress of the Haron continent would still constantly have these very human moments.

Dabbing at the corner of her eye, the Empress eyed her disciple and said,

"Join a Guild, Melinda"

Alas, Melinda was adamant about not joining a guild.

Rather than join a guild and follow some rules or even at best just be under someone in some annoying chain of command, she created her own which she called the Sapphirine Guild.

A guild she would lead on her own terms.

At first, she was the only member, or more accurately, she was the only present Member as she registered Hal as a member of the guild even in his absence.

Then she was quickly joined by Nicole Antonov (daughter of Andrei Antonov and sister of Jelena and Vanya) and then finally joined by Valerie.

Valerie felt sure that this was the natural direction for her admiration (which was starting to resemble obsession) for Melinda to move.

Then Pierre Silva attempted to join.

As someone who once failed the Royal Academy entrance exam, there was a bit of stigma that was bound to make it hard for him to join a guild.

He could have surely tried harder and would have surely proved worthy of joining a guild but felt joining Melinda\'s guild was a much safer option.

He said this to her face;

"You\'re just very safe"

Valarie, who was seated beside Melinda at the time of the meeting/interview gasped at the word,

"Did I hear you right? You called us safe?"

Pierre looked a tad bit uncomfortable as it seemed to him what he had said was being considered an insult when that had not been his intention. He continued regardless,

"Well, yes. You only have three members. When the Guild war rolls in, you will be at a serious disadvantage. You clearly need members"

The Guild war was a large-scale competition basically for determining the best guild in the Royal Academy.

Winning helps in rankings.

"Then we\'ll just not join the war" Nicole said.

Pierre furrowed his brows,

"But you don\'t have a choice."

"Of course we..." Nicole began but was quickly interrupted by Melinda.

"Nicole, Don\'t be silly. As a guild, we have to take part in the Guild war" she said and Nicole turned her head towards her,

"We do?" she asked.

"Of course we do." Melinda said.

In all honesty, Nicole had known of the rule of all guilds taking part in the guild war but in the last week since she joined the Sapphirine Guild, when she mentioned it, Melinda had always confidently waved it off so she assumed the head of the guild was taking advantage of some loophole that would not let them participate with such small numbers.

It would seem she had assumed wrong.

"But... But we are so little..." Nicole began wondering why they were not already recruiting members into their guild.

"For now, indeed we are and that is by choice. If I am required to show camaraderie, then I will show it my way. The Sapphirine guild will only select the best of the best applicants" Melinda said.

"Sorry, but aren\'t those standards a bit ambitious. I mean, you are a new guild. You have no reputation. The only thing you have going for you is that the leader is the best among the latest batch of students?"

Melinda shrugged,

"Reputation can be built. We have time. We are only two weeks into our first year at the Academy.

As for your application, Pierre Silva, I will have to decline.

The Sapphirine Guild will only be accepting female students into their ranks" she said.

"So it\'s an all-female guild? Why not just tell me that from the start rather than let me pitch my interest in joining?" Pierre asked.

There was nothing wrong with all-female guilds.

In fact, there were quite a number of them.

The Jade Foxes were an all-female guild and they remained that way even during a co-administration of Lustful Elsa and serious Tanya.

Tanya was all about keeping the Guild all-female while Elsa was okay with it since it was, according to her, way more fun using her wiles against the opposition anyway.

Melinda chuckled,

"Because before you walked in and spoke of your \'interest\' in joining the guild, there was no such rule. It\'s official now though. The Sapphirine guild only has one spot open for a male student and it has already been filled." she said.

Pierre sighed and walked out of the dorm to return to his attempt at the \'difficult\' options.

There was sure to be one guild that would accept him... Right?

Once he was out of the room, Nicole turned to Melinda but before she could speak, the golden-eyed beauty was quick to interrupt, 

"We are going to recruit, Nicole. We are. We just have to pick precise targets. We will not be making some large-scale announcement that would have people flocking at us.

I have no use for fodder in this guild.

Also, Pierre was right, we have no reputation and a large-scale announcement will not help us all that much.

Every member of the Sapphirine guild will be essential to us as a whole and not just be another added number to help gain points for the rankings.

I want a tight-knit group.

This will be my preparation for an even larger scale commanding role I will be taking on in the future and I have no intentions of being overwhelmed so fast."

Valerie interpreted her words as a foreshadowing of her interest in the military and she was sort of right but Nicole knew it was specifically foreshadowing of her eventual role in Hal\'s military.

"What are our targets? What are we looking out for?" Valerie asked.

"Talent. Not restricted to new students, in fact, we will be taking our recruitment to those fairly long-time students in the academy."

"Wait what?" Nicole said.

Melinda smiled,

"Long-time students who have so far refrained from joining guilds will resonate better with what the Sapphirine guild has and does not have to offer.

The Sapphirine guild will not be offering easy ways to get to the top of the guild rankings. 

Because we have such few members, maximum of thirty, there are only so many miscellaneous points we can get.

As such we will bottom the guild points table a lot."

"Why would that interest them?" Valerie asked in confusion.

"Because, talented as they are, if they were interested in being in a guild that tops the points table, they would not be without a guild.

The Sapphirine guild\'s most valuable offer will be cooperation. Joining our guild is basically having a group of ladies who will always have your back. 

If this group of ladies is so talented to be unfazed by mobs, which is basically what the large guilds have to offer in plenty, then all the better.

I have done enough research to know this is how I want this guild -MY- Guild to be.

Every guild offers a group of people who will have your back but we will be the only guild to give you that without the baggage of packing around useless numbers.

That\'s our selling point."


"I\'m not sure there would be many who will go for that vision of yours. You\'re basically describing a guild destined to bottom the points table." Valerie said honestly.

"Those who will join our guild would have to be some of the most unambitious bunch in the Royal Academy..." Nicole added.

"Which, considering the Royal Academy is all about excellence will be a hard pitch to sell" Valerie said in a low voice.

Melinda never stopped smiling,

"Soooo... Let\'s do it?" she said and Nicole grinned,

"Absolutely" she and a smiling Valerie said as one.

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