
Chapter 299 - Narcissistic But True.

"The mission is going very well. He seems to have found an in and might actually be closing in on the supplier." Ehrlich said.

"So what is the problem?" She asked.

"Him. He is the problem. He is incredibly narcissistic and always has this nonchalant air about him which coupled with his arrogance makes for a terrible combination.

I mean, even if he proves to be very talented and capable, it will not erase how his nature and character are. Not to mention his lack of loyalty for the Haron empire or you. From what I\'ve seen so far, this is the kind of person that is ready to go to whoever will pay him the most." Ehrlich said.

"So what?" Tanya asked.

"So... If he succeeds and you continue to have him working for you, you are practically putting your secrets into someone who will readily sell it to the highest bidder." He said.

Tanya sighed, 

"That might very well be true. But I believe it is erroneous to believe he has no loyalty because Hal has those he cares about. 

Who knows? It might be risky but for now, if he succeeds with this initiation task and subsequent tasks, that he does it well will be reason enough for me to always be the highest bidder.

I can see you coming to me was out of loyalty and it is why I entertained it for this long but I will tell you now that I want to hear nothing of this nature again."

"But.." Ehrlich began before he was interrupted by Tanya, 

"That\'s the last I want to hear of this" and with that, Tanya disconnected.

Ehrlich stared at the Communication talisman for a while before he gritted his teeth and stowed it back into his spatial ring.

He could not help but wonder if the princess really saw that much potential or there was more to this young man than meets the eye.

Or could it be that the Princess had been charmed by his looks?

No that\'s not possible, he thought and shook his head to get rid of those sort of stray thoughts.


That night,

Hal was in a dashing green robe as he boarded a carriage that took him to the Sheik\'s residence. The journey was actually quite short but he preferred to arrive in style and not like the bumpkin he was.

When he descended and made his way past the gate, he noticed the guards were different and not the ones he had met earlier in the day and while it was possible that they were simply no longer on duty, Hal felt it was far more likely that they had been relieved of their jobs.

\'Hmm, maybe, just maybe the advisor is actually quite serious with the Sheik\'s security\' he thought as he walked in.

The party hall was well decorated and everywhere Hal looked, he saw quality which was on a level, the Baron\'s residence in Kirsten could not hope to compare with.

Although he was there alone and not with Eva like back in Kirsten, Hal could not help but feel a slight case of deja vu with how similar the situations were. Including the stuffy guests.

He was here for a reason and staying apart from those same guests was not going to help at all. He could clearly tell that it wasn\'t just purchasers that were present but suppliers as well.

In fact, many of those present were here to do both.

He scanned the room with his eyes and quickly pinpointed Lucile all by her lonesome and being the only one on the scene he could not peg.

Her disposition did not look as though she was here to purchase and neither did it look like she was here to supply. Her posture told that she was not here to mingle and she would not be here if she did not need to be.

Of course, Hal could very well have been wrong which was why he decided to get some first-hand information by getting closer to her.

Lucile had a glass of wine in hand and occasionally took sips as she observed the hall\'s tapestry and painting infused with Cosmic energy that somehow inbued them with a quality that seemed unfathomable.

Hal personally had never been a total arts fan who could watch and watch a painting for hours but even he agreed that the painting intrigued him.

Lucile heard his footsteps and looked behind her but when she saw it was Hal, she rolled her eyes and looked back to the painting.

Hal smiled lightly and walked over to her side all the same, 

"Would you rather I begin with a cheesy line on how you are the only one who really grabs my attention in the room, or that I say something honest?" He asked.

Lucile turned a fraction in his direction, 

"Isn\'t that in itself a line?" She asked with a slight frown.

Hal shrugged, 

"Not really. The first part while cheesy is actually true. Look around, other than the servants, you are the only other female here. This must not be a popular scene among your gender" he said with a slight shake of his head.

"So, I only grab your attention because I\'m the only female here and hence have no competition? Do you realize how demeaning that sounds?" She asked with a calm tone and Hal raised his brow, 

"Demeaning?  Is it demeaning to monopolize the market in regards to a certain product? Of course not. You, my fair lady, are a monopoly and you should be proud" he said.

"Well, I\'m not." Lucile said and looked away while working to fight back a smile.

"So which do you choose?" Hal asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"I\'m asking which would you rather I start with, the cheesy line or the honest one?" Hal asked again.

Lucile shrugged and her breasts trembled, 

"I don\'t care" she said.

"Okay then, I\'ll choose for you and I pick the honest line. I apologize for staring at you earlier in the day" he said with a sincere voice that Lucile did not buy one bit.

"Is that the honest line? An apology?" She said with a brown brow raised

Hal shrugged, 

"It\'s the only thing I have that Is both honest and humble. If I start talking about myself, it comes off as proud and narcissistic" he said with a sigh.

Lucile turned to him and this time she was smiling lightly, 

"Oh really? Tell me those kinds of true and narcissistic statements" 

"Okay then, well, let\'s see, I am incredibly good-looking and have a great physique. I also always smell nice.

I am very talented both as a Runemaster and as a Cultivator.

Which among all these sounds narcissistic to you?" He asked.

Lucile nodded with a smile, 

"All of it" she said.

"And yet... By now you know they are all true" 

"Maybe" Lucile said in an obvious attempt to not concede to any of the previous statements especially those complimenting his looks.

"I\'ll take that as a yes. You see, it\'s my curse." Hal said with another fake sad sigh.

Lucile took a deep breath, 

"I know why you are doing all this and let me just tell you upfront that it won\'t work. Besides, we both know that you are not really here to participate in the auction." She said and turner to walk away from the tapestries.

Hal followed, 

"Oh really, then what might I be here for?" He asked with a smile. Not in the least bit worried that Lucile knew of his mission.

"I\'m not totally sure but something about all you said to the Sheik does not feel right. Then again, it\'s not my business so I won\'t be involved.

Of course, that is as long as you don\'t go out of your way to converse with me, in which case I might have to be involved." She said.

"That reminds me, about the Sheik, what is the story there?" Hal asked in a would-be casual tone and almost like clockwork...

"Master Hal, so you\'ve arrived, come over here"

...the Sheik spotted him and called him to his side.

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