
Chapter 277 - Merits Are Not Enough!

The Elder\'s eyes widened and he looked irate,

"Don\'t use such crass words before the princess and do watch your tone. As for what I am doing here, that is none of your business."

Tanya sighed, 

"Calm down Elder, I am sure he meant no disrespect" she said.

Hal smiled inwardly, 

\'Oh, I definitely meant a lot of disrespect."

The Elder humphed and looked away from Hal who never stopped smiling at least until Tanya looked him in the eye and frowned, 

"You meant no disrespect right?" She asked in a tone that while still mild, borderline menacing.

Hal composed himself, 

"Of course not" he said with a straight face.

The tall and Muscular man retreated out of the room and returned soon after followed by a waitress that served drinks before walking back out.

"Okay then, before we speak of any proposition, can you explain to me exactly what is going on and why I now have to expect to find my portrait in every city I happen to visit?" He asked with a smile.

Tanya smiled, 

"Why should I? I made a decision and the reasons behind it are quite frankly not of your concern. I have allowed you thus far to be informal, but I insist that you put a semblance of decorum in your words when you speak to me." 

Hal sneered in his mind at the reality behind those words as well as its aim which was to draw a clear line between them and almost definitely make it harder for Hal to say no to her.

Too bad that such a tactic was useless on Hal.

That said he was outwardly solemn as he apologized, 

"I apologize for my misconduct princess. But I still wish to know why? When we met in the forest, there was no indication whatsoever that it was something I had no choice but to say yes to." He told her in a level tone and the Elder was grinning in a self-satisfied manner.

Tanya however, frowned 

Not because of the question which she had no problem answering but at how quickly Hal was able to adjust to the hierarchy.

As with many things with her, it had been a test and this quick ease into the status quo was a little unsettling.

He was either being very sincere or very sneaky.

Hal could tell from her less than satisfied visage that he needed to rein in his reactions but he also felt he might as well go through with it.

Eventually, Tanya sighed, 

"I put out your portraits in the hope that if someday you decided to leave Salmon city which last I heard has since been renamed, I would know and lend a helping hand. 

Also maybe I would be able to finally explain the true significance of the Jade token I gave to you.

You don\'t have to worry though, you will not be disturbed by anyone else who has your portrait. There is no need for that after all since we have already met."

Hal took a deep breath and picked up the beverage to take a sip before Tanya continued, 

"As you have already been told at Kirsten city, the jade token comes with a lot of perks upon successful entry into the Royal academy but it is much more than that.

It is also for the recruitment of talented individuals for the purpose of under the radar deployment and uncovering of secret plots. Or more accurately, Tokens given by me are this way.

There is no reason for you to believe anyone else makes use of the tokens this way."

Hal frowned lightly, 

"Is that for me not to think about such a possibility or is that actually the case?" He asked for the purpose of clarification.

Tanya sighed, 

" I would love to tell you that that is the case and that no one else is making use of the tokens in this manner but sadly it is not.

But that is not really any of your concern or now.

My proposition is for you to become my newest recruit. I gave many more tokens and you not accepting will not set me back in the slightest but there are perks in it for you should you accept.

You will be awarded merits according to the tasks you complete."

Hal looked a little confused, 

"Merits? What is that for? He asked.

Tanya turned her head a fraction in the elder\'s direction as he explained, 

"Merits or otherwise called merit points are ways of measuring the deeds of an individual, family or organization to the Empire and thus to the Emperor. They can be used to requests rewards or favors or even titles from the emperor.

They can be used to increase territory and in some cases, they can be used to gain the support of the imperial family to challenge a Duke or Duchess and win the Duchy they govern.

The last part is the height of merit points and no one has ever attained such." The Elder explained.

Hal nodded in understanding and could not help but chuckle, 

"So, I will accomplish potentially life-threatening tasks for merit points? I\'ll keep stacking them up for what? Honor?" He asked incredulously.

"That does not satisfy you?" Tue Elder asked in a tone with an underlying threat at how ungrateful and greedy Hal was sounding.

"Of course not" Hal said in a tone that suggested that that should have been obvious.

Actually, merits sounded quite nice to Hal and he had to admit that having the Empire owe him favors sounded very profitable... in the long term.

That was an issue. Not only would he need to keep raking up points to eventually use at some point he needed it, but the top reward was also possible self-destructing. 

He did not believe the highest merit point level was impossible to get. After all, a Cosmic Pagoda realm expert could live for Two thousand years. Surely over the course of that lifetime, they could rake up enough merits to go after the grand price.

The issue lay in that, most of them did not want to or never got the opportunity to make use of those merits.

No, Merits were not enough to get him excited.

"You have the opportunity to serve your continent and earn merits and you still claim it is not enough?

You should be falling all over yourself to serve your emperor and not be looking for your personal gain." 

Hal raised his brow at the Elder and there were many things he thought to say in reply to those words, part of them being how stupid the Elder was to even consider him doing something for the empire when so far the emperor had not exactly done anything for him.

However, that borderlines insulting the imperial power of the continent and he knew better than to say it.

Second, he doubted the legitimacy of what he was being asked to do and if it was truly sanctioned by the emperor or at the very least if the emperor was aware of it in the entirety and if the one the tasks were going to be hidden from was first and foremost, the Emperor himself.

This as well, he decided was best not to say... For now.

Tanya nodded, 

"Well, merits are not the only reward you stand to gain, there will be monetary gains as well. Successful tasks will reward you with gold and Blue gems."

Hal smiled lightly, 

"That\'s better" he said.

Tanya raised a brow, 

"Does that mean you accept?"

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