
Chapter 202 - Count Your Days...


For the first time since he arrived at Edgar castle, San looked scared.

And it was no wonder why he was. 

Hector Edgar had planned ahead for the moment he would be freed from the Dome. Even predicting quite accurately that San would be after his life once that happened and thus, placed a Cosmic Phenomenon around himself just for the purpose of attacking San once he came close.

To be fair, it had been a very dangerous endeavor, after all, while the Phenomenon was sentient enough to target San, its sentience was far from stable enough to guarantee it would not attack Darryl or Marlon, had they been the closest to the Dome and San not even in the vicinity.

Hector still retained some consciousness and was glad to see the attack had hit its target. 

It was the last thought he had before falling totally unconscious.


San was quick to retrieve all the Rank three defensive runes he had on him and activate them just in time while surrounding himself with a Cosmic Phenomenon of his own making.

Even then, the disparity between a Cosmic Phenomenon attack from a Late-stage Cosmic Phenomenon Expert, albeit a weakened expert, was not something San could completely protect himself against.

The explosive attack knocked away from Hector\'s side and all the way to the side of the Castle where San hit his back against the Dome.


He could not stop a Blood spout as the Dome had caused even more damage by forcefully stopping his backward movement.

As his arms had been crossed in front of his chest instinctively, the sleeves were completely shredded and his arms were badly injured.

There were long and deep scars on them that still gripped blood.

San quickly retrieved a recovery pill and swallowed it.

However, due to the severity of the injury, the pill only stopped the bleeding, the wound still remained open and the pain was not lessened one bit.

San gritted his teeth and stared at the unconscious Hector with a mixture of dread and hate but that was all the more reason for him to end the Mayor right then and there.

After all, the Cosmic Phenomenon attack could be interpreted as a last-ditch desperate attempt on Hector\'s part as he could no longer possibly defend himself.

At this thought, San\'s effeminate face took on a demented expression and he made to dash to where Hector was, the ground suddenly trembled...

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

Along with the Rumbling noises, Royal blue lines of Astral energy spread from the side of the Castle and it connected numerous circles all around the courtyard and even outside of the Castle\'s environs.

If the Plebeians were somewhere, there would be Rune circles there as well.

The appearance of the Circle puzzled the Plebeians, enough to cause them to pause and take a look around.

While they did that, the Blood Knights that were with Olivia and were resisting the hordes of Plebeians alongside her told her, 

"Let\'s go"

Not knowing why she felt solidarity with these Red-eyed impressive experts, Olivia nodded and together they took advantage of the pause to run back to where the Edgar men still populated; the very end of the castle grounds.

The brothers followed as well. Their Devil shroud Fear-inducing ability aided their smooth movement all the more.

The Blood Knights that had been on the other side and fought alongside the Plebeian Forces, informed those that were closest to the Plebeians to step back and most of them obeyed.

For those who did not, whether due to their distrust of the Blood Knights or their hatred for the Plebeians, the Blood Knights did not spare another glance and ran back as Hal had instructed.

The line connected and the Rune circles shone brightly as they were activated and caused massive tremors and created Earthquakes.

The ground began to open up in places as Plebeian Experts fell into the crevices and were only able to escape as it was not yet too wide so they could find footings and leap back out.

"Retreat!" Yelled the Plebeian heads but it was unnecessary as the Plebeians had already resorted to the most basic of human instinct; Survival!

Every one of them was already making their way back while the Edgar Forces who had not listened to the Blood Knights now tried to escape the Earthquake but not all of them survived and about a hundred still fell into the crevices and to their deaths.

Since the Tremor was so loud and extensive that places that were miles away from the Castle could hear and feel it, it stood to reason that Edvard, the Merchants and practically every guest at the other end of the Castle grounds could hear it and it shocked them greatly.

Hal had gotten inspiration for the Array from the Third Grade skill: Natural disaster. 

Natural disaster was however not as extensive as this and while Hal could have used the skill more than once and maybe get the same effect, he felt this was far less strenuous and it was. As long as he had the time to set up the Runes which would remain invisible unless activated, then he could have a more extensive effect as it was now evident.

Granted, Natural disasters had displayed more offensive abilities but this was still good enough.

San\'s eyes widened at what was going on and he directed his gaze to where the guests were and when he saw Melinda, Rita, Marla and Amelia seated there, he knew his suspicions were confirmed.

The ladies along with this Royal blue Astral energy signature... Hal Payne had decided to get involved.

He clenched his fists angrily as the Plebeian Experts fled the Estate and vowed to one day rip Hal and the Malevolent One apart.

Then he stepped towards Hector Edgar\'s still prone form which no one had attended to. Probably from fear that San had his eye on the body.

As long as he killed Hector, Hal\'s nuisances were but a mere hindrance he would deal with later.

He was about to touch Hector\'s body when multiple Rune suddenly flew out from the side of the Castle where he could now tell was where Hal was.

With speed that left even him speechless, the Runes came together and seamlessly formed a Rune Circle.

Even with how much he hated Hal, San could not deny the talent. Neither could anyone else who saw the formation of the Rune Circle in less than a second.

Since Hal was not seated, they did not need rocket science to know it was his doing.

The Rune circle surrounded Hector\'s frail and old-looking body and right before San\'s eyes, the ground opened up and swallowed the Mayor\'s body while the Rune circle remained.

San\'s eyes widened in disbelief and he immediately harnessed the might of his cultivation and broke the ground in an attempt to find the Mayor but it proved to be futile.

He stretched his senses and even though the Dome kept it confined he could still sense the body vanishing from the Castle\'s vicinity which made no sense since even if the body was transported underground, the Dome would still exist even underground.

It was why once an Array Dome was activated, burrowing through the earth into the inside of the Dome was next to impossible as the Dome would still be an obstacle underground.

But San forgot that if Baret and Ian could create an opening for their forces to go through, then Hal could create a temporary opening to sneak Hector out.

Once it was outside, he directed one of his Emissaries to pick up the Mayor and take him to the Holger Estate.

Once Hector was far enough from the castle, his connection to the Dome was finally caught off and it faded.

"Don\'t you think that\'s enough? San, you have weakened him and Hector is an inch of death, you have won the day. 

So why do you still wish to go overboard" Hal\'s voice sounded from the side of the castle while the Array circle caused the point San was at to tremble and quake.

San narrowed his eyes and shook with anger before he yelled...


As his voice had been imbued with Cosmic Energy worthy of his Cultivation Base, the whole city heard his promise.

He sent a fully-charged, highly powered Cosmic Phenomenon Attack at Hal (obviously not interested in waiting too long)...


...but did not wait to see the result as he dashed out of the Castle grounds with the ground quaking behind him.

Had he looked backward, he would have seen a Crimson Devil shrouded by Malevolent, nightmarish Dark fog grinning at him...

...in a non-friendly manner of course.

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