
Chapter 166 I Became The Top Cultivator With My Harem Of Beauties Beside Me 39

Mo Jiu looked around the forest he\'d been teleported to. There were large and abnormally coloured spirit trees and he could hear loud calls of the spirit beasts around.

The qi in the secret dimension was also very rich and he was tempted to pool his dantian full of the high quality energy source but... He couldn\'t. Since he had blocked his lower meridians so he would be unable to feel the pain in his groin, he was no longer able to cultivate as qi had to be passed through the meridians in every single part of a cultivator\'s body to complete one cycle of cultivation.

Speaking of lower meridians, Mo Jiu looked down and realized a huge wet patch had formed on his robes. "Tsk!" He had been using cleansing spells every second since he left his room and it was beginning to take a toll on him.

Any other day, the small bit of energy used for the cleansing spell wouldn\'t bother him one bit but he was in the secret dimension now and he needed to be in top shape in order to protect himself.

He was beginning to think his manhood problem had something to do with his cultivation method. All the more reason he needed the Dao ancestor\'s inheritance. With that, he would be able to wash his meridians and dantian clean. Even if he wouldn\'t stop practicing his method of cultivation, such a problem would never arise again!

Mo Jiu used the cleansing spell once more and unsheathed Huoyan. The sooner he found the inheritance, the sooner his problems would disappear.

He picked a random direction and began his journey. He never, for once, doubted that he would be able to find the Dao ancestor\'s inheritance. He had chosen his path long ago so even if the entire world was against him, he was going to push through and crush the Dao of heavens!

Mo Jiu ran into various of the other hundred cultivators but he didn\'t stop. They couldn\'t recognize him so why bother? He also encountered various opportunities that he had to begrudgingly give up because he couldn\'t afford to unseal his lower meridians.


As Mo Jiu was crossing the spiritual lava geyser, a scream was heard. He was about to continue on his way when he paused. That scream... Sounded just like Xing Mei!

He narrowed his eyes and clutched Huoyan harder. The number one reason for becoming strong was to protect the ones he loved. How could he turn away? Whoever dared to harm his beloved would face wrath even worst than the punishment of the heavens!

When Mo Jiu arrived at the scene, he found Xing Mei surrounded by three cultivators. He wasted no time in killing them all. They dared to get close to what was his? Ha!

Xing Mei shivered as she looked at the newcomer. She\'d been going around the spirit realm in search of the secret chamber. Since Mo Jiu couldn\'t come into the secret dimension, she was going to find the inheritance herself and figure out a way to take it out to Mo Jiu! He was going to be so proud of her.

She had just finished fighting a powerful spirit beast when those three no-good cultivators appeared before her and tried to harm her.

"Thank you." Xing Mei whispered and then her eyes went to the sword in the newcomer\'s hand. She frowned. Wasn\'t that... Huoyan? Her eyes widened and she rushed forward. "Brother Jiu!"

Mo Jiu caught the alluring female in his arms and patted her back. But then him and Xing Mei stiffened at the same time. He had forgotten about his hard on! He was able to hide it from prying eyes by binding it to his stomach and wearing extra robes but since Xing Mei was pressed against him, she could feel his raging meat wand.

Xing Mei blushed and eyed Mo Jiu shyly. "Brother Jiu~" They hadn\'t done it for sometime now and she was needy. Who cared if they were currently in a dangerous secret dimension?

Mo Jiu looked down on the beautiful Xing Mei and his heart tickled. He was about to give in when he remembered the pain he\'d gone through for the past days. He grit his teeth and let Xing Mei down on her feet. Such a shame.

"It\'s dangerous to do it out here, I\'ll take care of you once we return," He said quickly. By then, he must have absorbed the inheritance and the problem would be gone.

Excitedly, Xing Mei clung to Mo Jiu as they continued on their journey. Whatever treasures found were conveniently slipped into Mo Jiu\'s storage ring whilst Xing Mei smiled and blushed at Mo Jiu beside her. She was so happy for running into her brother Jiu, completely forgetting that she was meant to take some treasures out herself for the sect she was representing.

The duo also ran into Mu Qingqing and the jade twins and Mo Jiu carried them along -to the dissatisfaction of Xing Mei. The other three were happy, regardless. Their Mo Jiu was able to find them even when they\'d all been thrown into different parts of the secret dimension. They felt so loved.

With each of them present, none of them bothered to think of how their Mo Jiu had ended up in the secret dimension. Their Mo Jiu was a genius so, of course, he had his ways.

As they all journeyed together, more opportunities to increase their cultivation was found and the harem members dutifully took full advantage of it to cultivate whilst Mo Jiu could only watch and grit his teeth as he continuously used cleansing spells to keep his condition a secret.

They traversed through the secret dimension but could not find the secret chamber. The harem members were beginning to become discouraged but Mo Jiu pressed on. He had no choice, he couldn\'t give up. If he did then all would be lost.

As Mo Jiu was lost in thought, they all arrived at a desert part of the secret dimension. There was only miles and miles of sand for the eye to see and nothing else.

Mo Jiu scowled. "We shoul-" Before he could finish, the ground opened up and swallowed all of them.


The harem members screamed as they slipped down the hole. Mo Jiu tried to use Huoyan to gain footing on the somehow slippery walls but there was no success.

After travelling for what felt like hours, they were all dumped in a heap in an ancient room.

Mu Qingqing slowly stood up and rubbed her aching limbs, Xing Mei clung on to Mo Jiu\'s right even after they landed, Chu Leng looked around in shock as he slowly disentangled himself from his lover and Chu Feng was sticking herself to Mo Jiu\'s left.

Mo Jiu shrugged the women at his sides off as he stood up and looked around. It appeared they were in a strange room with runes drawn on the wall, a raised platform and nothing else. It looked quite sacred.

"W-what d-do we do?" Chu Feng trembled as she whispered with eyes full of fear.

Chu Leng held his twin sister and looked to their lover.

Mo Jju walked closer and placed a kiss on their cheeks before taking out Huoyan. "Seems to be some sort of sacred room. Stay back, I\'d break us out." Then he began hacking at the walls but each strike was bounced back by the runes.




There was no success so Mo Jiu gave up with a frown. Huoyan was a very powerful sword and yet it was unable to create a single dent on a wall that looked to be made mud! What is this place?

"Everyone, look around." Mo Jiu instructed and everyone got to work but after a while, they found nothing.

Mu Qingqing stomped her foot and hacked at the platform in anger. "What nonsense is this?!"


The loud noise caused everyone to flinch and look around. Mo Jiu suddenly froze when a bright light shone and a figure appeared on the platform.

It was an old cultivator dressed in regal red robes with a sword by his waist. He was very transparent, an indication that he was a mere sliver of soul and the fact that he was staring at them without actually \'seeing\' them further cemented that fact.

They all stared with rapt attention. They might not have been able to meet him, but they were very sure that this was the Dao ancestor. The owner of the secret dimension.

"Hello," The Dao ancestor began but his voice sounded a little too desolate. "The fact that you have discovered this chamber and activated this last piece of my soul only means that my Fang Chutian is gone now."

They all frowned. Who was Fang Chutian? Chu Leng\'s eyes suddenly widened and he whispered. "There are old records in my sect that claim the Dao ancestor had been contracted to a demon. A demon rumoured to be one of the ancestors of the current demonic cultivators.

-The record was hidden away though since the war between the righteous and demonic factions began."

They all nodded and kept their focus on the Dao ancestor who had his head lowered in grief even if the demon must have been alive when the Dao ancestor took out this sliver of his soul. It was fascinating that just the mere thought of losing the demon back then had kept him in this state.

The soul piece soon continued. "We created this realm together. We wanted an escape since it was considered wrong by our different factions to be together. He was so happy and I was too.

-The inheritance is the life force of this realm and whoever claims it would get to keep the dimension. I don\'t want that. I don\'t want our memories together to be smeared. Let the inheritance be."

That was all before the soul piece disintegrated and in its place was a huge core with a large amount of soul force swirling within. They all stared, transfixed.

Merely being close to the inheritance gave them a thrill in their soul. Mo Jiu\'s eyes shone. This was it. Finally. He was going to be the most powerful, he thought as he stepped forward.

Chu Leng frowned. "M- Mo Jiu, I don\'t think-" A single glare shut him up.

Mo Jiu pinched his brows and looked at every single one of them. "I don\'t want you to think I\'m disregarding the Dao ancestor\'s last wishes but you heard what he said. His lover or whatever is no longer guarding this room. If I don\'t take it, somebody else will." He walked closer to Chu Leng and cupped his face.

"This is the best option. Since we are the only ones to receive the Dao ancestor\'s message, it is only right that one of us take it. We are the ones capable of fully respecting the inheritance.

-Would you rather somebody else who has no idea of the ancestor\'s wishes to lay his hands on the inheritance and soil it?"

Chu Leng slowly shook his head. "No. But.." He gulped. "What if we dispersed the energy within?"

Mo Jiu\'s nostrils flared. "Have you gone crazy?! Do you think that would work? When have you ever heard of a cultivator splitting apart valuable cores?!" He pointed at the core. "Look at it, so full of energy. Do you know how many a core of the magnitude would kill if its destroyed? Do you want to die?!"

Chu Leng swallowed and lowered his head sadly. He just couldn\'t help but sympathize. If him and Mo Jiu made a realm together, he wouldn\'t want it to land in the hand of others either. It was something special for them alone.

Mu Qingqing folded her arms across her chest and scoffed at Chu Leng. "You\'re being too dramatic. If Jiu-gege doesn\'t take it then somebody else will. What is all the fuss for?"

Xing Mei nodded and then her face turned sour, as if the very idea of agreeing on something with Mu Qjngqing left a bitter taste in her mouth. "Brother Jiu deserves this the most. He works harder than everyone else!"

Chu Feng rubbed her brother\'s arm comfortingly. "I- I\'m s-sure the Dao ancestor would.. Would be happy if Jiu-ge absorbed his inheritance. N- no one would be able to.. To bring out the full potential of the realm. W- we could even tell their story if that makes you happy."

Hope filled Chu Leng\'s eyes as at his sister\'s words. He looked up at Mo Jiu. "Really?"

"Hm." Mo Jiu had no business sharing any stupid story. The realm belonged to whoever absorbed the inheritance, simple as that but if it would calm Chu Leng down for now then he would say whatever.

After all, he needed to fully trust those around him as he absorbed the inheritance. He couldn\'t have them go against him now.

Chu Leng nodded with his usual aloof smile. Good. He didn\'t need to feel so guilty anymore.

Mo Jiu smiled and turned back to the glorious core. This was it. He could already see the life of glory flashing in his mind. All those who had dared to go against him.

Mo Sheng, Gu Long, Ru Lianfeng, those stupid cultivators, the annoying Duoluo sect elders, even the Alchemy peak master for doubting him.

He would destroy them all!

Mo Jiu stretched out his hand but then he suddenly paused, looked down and grit his teeth. If he wanted to absorb the inheritance then he would have to unblock his lower meridians. Fuck.

He braced himself and unsealed his meridians and immediately a rush of an intense stimulation of pain and pleasure filled his head. His meat stick was bound to his stomach so each movement caused the cloth binding to riffle against him giving him intense pain.

After trying to clear his head without success, he inserted a hand into his robes and tore the binding off. His manhood was now fully erect but since his lovers were all behind him, they couldn\'t see his embarrassing state.

With the binding torn off, the stimulation was less but the pain was still blinding. Mo Jiu grit his teeth and forced himself to endure. He had no choice. The path of the strong was never easy!

Just as Mo Jiu was about to begin absorbing the inheritance.



He Yuan tore through the wall of the sacred room covered in dirt, bloody wounds and heaving like a mad man.

He looked like he\'d just strangled the devil and crawled out of hell which, to He Yuan, he probably did. Since he had to break down walls to get here, he ended up encountering all kinds of monsters and spirit beasts that had been set up by the Dao ancestor in order to protect his inheritance.

He Yuan\'s eyes practically spewed fire as he glared at Mo Jiu. He was certain that unfamiliar cultivator standing before the shining core was Mo Jiu because this place was filled with his compliant harem members.

If he wasn\'t Mo Jiu, they would all be fighting him for the inheritance instead. He Yuan\'s face hardened. He didn\'t go through all that just to have Mo Jiu absorb the damned inheritance!


He wasted no time in attacking.

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