
Chapter 256 Resolving problems with Elise? (II)

Chapter 256 Resolving problems with Elise? (II)

(POV: Lumiere)

Elise Quinette, quite the character.

As her lecturer for a mere four days, I\'ve come to realize that she has a knack for ignoring my every word.

It\'s like she\'s in a perpetual state of panic, silently freaking out in class.

And if I dare ask her a question, well, get ready for a waterworks show.

The tears start flowing, followed by a sneeze that shoots out a fireball. Yes, you heard that right.

A fireball...

And then she resumes crying. It\'s a real spectacle, let me tell you.

If I attempt a more forceful approach, like shouting at her to stop crying, she takes it up a notch and screams even louder.

Suddenly, I\'m the bad guy, accused of abusing my power as a lecturer.

It\'s a real charmer, this situation.

And let\'s not forget the times when she\'s just completely unresponsive in class.

"What am I gonna do about her," I sighed heavily.

In the halls of the academy, I made my way to Alice Johnson\'s office.

She was the woman I met on my first day here.

She wasn\'t only a lecturer for Healing Magic and Herbology, but also a familiar face.

And more importantly, a lecturer with experience.

I knocked on her door, awaiting her gentle invitation to enter.

"Come in," Alice\'s soft voice resonated through the door, beckoning me inside.

Without hesitation, I pushed open the door and stepped into her office, my eyes immediately drawn to her seated form, engrossed in a book.

The class was empty, as expected, signaling that she likely had a free period at this time.

"Ah, Professor Lumiere," Alice greeted me with a warm smile, setting aside her book.

I returned the greeting, my nerves momentarily easing in the presence of her calming aura.

Gesturing to the chair across her desk, she invited me to take a seat.

Gratefully, I accepted her offer, sinking into the cushioned comfort as I prepared myself to share my troubles.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" Alice asked.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts.

"Well, I\'m having a problem with one of my students."


"Her name is El..."

"Elise, right?" Alice smoothly interrupted, finishing my sentence effortlessly.

"Wait, how do you know?" I asked her.

"Honestly, you\'re not the only lecturer having issues with her— even Professor Gunther gets frustrated by her in class."

"Gunther, the baldy?"

"Yes," Alice chuckled. "That\'s him."

"I see..."

If Elise\'s issues were widespread, perhaps I wasn\'t solely responsible for her difficulties.

"Well, I see even you can struggle with students..."

"Indeed," I sighed, frustration tugging at my voice as I collapsed onto Alice\'s desk, my chin resting upon its smooth surface. "I\'ve attempted different teaching methods, drills, but it all seems... futile."

All my effort had less worth than coats in summer.

There were no results.

Alice\'s gaze softened, sympathy emanating from her eyes.

"Changing one\'s teaching methods can undoubtedly be challenging," she acknowledged. "But it seems Elise has a deeper underlying issue that needs to be addressed. She\'s been known to cry whenever someone attempts to speak with her."

"At least she doesn\'t hurl a fireball at you..."


"Never mind," I replied.

I pulled myself away from Alice\'s desk, this problem was really pressing against me. Resting my head back on the chair\'s back, I used my arms as a makeshift pillow, my gaze fixed on the ornate ceiling. "Is there really no way to connect with her?" I sighed.

Alice leaned back in her chair and contemplated my question before finally responding, "Well, there\'s a possibility that her family?s situation has contributed to her difficulties, Lumiere."

Her words caught me by surprise, and I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Why didn\'t I think of that?!

A good number of scholars tend to perform badly because of family issues.

"Her family?" I questioned.

The unexpected connection Alice was drawing, was my only hope.

She nodded, her eyes searching mine before she spoke again.

"Perhaps you didn\'t know, but Lumila and Elise are cousins."

"Cousins?" I repeated. "But their family names are different..."

In noble families, it\'s not uncommon for there to be multiple branches. These branches may have different lead-up names, but they all answer to the same family name. Let\'s take the Bluedrag family as an example. Say there\'re two cousins, A and B, from different branches. Cousin A would have the lead-up name Ristur Bluedrag, while cousin B would be known as Yurt Bluedrag. However, at the end of the day, they both still answer to the Bluedrag family name.

It\'s like a fancy version of having the same last name but different branch names.

Alice leaned forward.

"The main family name is Belforte, but Quinette is a matriarchal branch of the Belforte family. Since the kingdom is primarily governed on a patriarchal scale, the relevance of their family is considered quite insignificant. As a result, they were forced to change their family names to something else. They\'re still technically a branch of the Belforte family, but their connection is often overlooked."

I began to piece the puzzle together, realizing the depth of the problem Elise faced.

"So, Elise is constantly being compared to Lumila because she\'s the next heir to the Quinette house?"

I didn\'t know if she was the heir.

But given the nature of the discussion, you could call it a "logical" guess.

Alice nodded, her tone a bit sadness.

"Yes, both Lumila and Elise attended school in Elvindor, where she excelled in a wide range of subjects. She could read, write, do calculations, and even had basic mastery of the four main elements. She was seen as the perfect first daughter. In contrast, Elise struggled with her grades, which made life in school even more difficult for her."

My heart sank at the unfairness of it all.

Elise had been burdened with much more than I had realized.

"No wonder she\'s the way she is."

"Indeed," Alice sighed, "it\'s really sad."

"Yep, but not an impossible fix."

As I rose from the chair, I carried gratitude in my voice as I expressed my appreciation to Alice for our conversation.

Anastasia?s suggestion was right on point.

It wasn\'t a good idea to go to the baldy professor. He seemed like those kind of lecturers sent from hell.

He\'d likely insult Elise because of her inability to perform at an above average level.

"Thank you, Alice. Your insights have given me a plan of action."

"Wait, you\'re going, already...?"

"Yeah, it\'s better if I act now, rather than waiting any longer."

Alice\'s smile widened, revealing her glistening, pearly white teeth.

"If that\'s what you believe is best, Lumiere, then it makes sense."

"Alright, I\'m heading out," I said.

"Best of luck with your plan."

Without turning to look at her, I waved the back of my hand in farewell and exited the classroom.

Now, stood in the hallway.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before activating my additional skill, [Magic Detect].

With a surge of power, my magic sensory expanded, spreading like a network throughout the entire ArAuMer forest.

The world around me shifted as I gained awareness of everything and everyone within the landscape. But my focus was singular; I sought a specific presence—a familiar location that I was expecting would be in this forest. Finally, my senses honed in on the target, and I halted the skill.

"Alright, found it," I said.

This particular location was going to be a big help when trying to get Elise\'s confidence back.

My steps resumed, I navigated the hallways, relying on my residual magic detection to pinpoint the locations of Ophelia and Grome.

It was crucial to determine where their classes were held, as it presented an opportunity to gather valuable information and perhaps find the solution I sought.

With each stride towards their whereabouts, I prepared myself.

It wouldn\'t be easy, but if it meant helping Elise and bridging the gap between her and Lumila, then it was a challenge I was more than willing to face.

But the challenge I wasn\'t ready for, was the noisy elf.

Ophelia Fenberg...

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