
Chapter 261 Son Of Destinies: Long Tian, Meng Hu, And Xia Chen

An expanse of breathtaking grandeur emerged, a canvas painted in every conceivable shade of green.

Contrary to its name, life flourished in abundance. Flowers, larger than human comprehension could grasp, reached for the heavens with petals painted in vivid hues that defied the imagination.

Trees, colossal pillars of nature's architecture, pierced the sky like living titans, their crowns lost among the very clouds they kissed.

Yet, beyond this botanical symphony, the air itself seemed to hum with an energy of ancient tales. Mighty roars resounded, shaking the foundation of the world. Tremors coursed through the ground, a testament to the power held within the legendary dragons that called this realm home.

High above, the sky bore witness to a breathtaking spectacle—a golden dragon, an embodiment of magnificence and grandeur. Its wings, each bearing the weight of eons, spanned the horizon like shields of divinity. With each powerful beat, the wind itself seemed to bend to its will, the very air singing an ode to its might.

And then, the zenith of transformation unfolded—a dance between forms that defied comprehension. The golden dragon, a tempest of brilliance, underwent a metamorphosis beyond the limits of mere shape-shifting. With a radiant glow that outshone the sun, scales melded and twisted, reshaping into an ethereal embodiment of feminine grace. Limbs once fearsome now bore a delicate allure, and eyes that once blazed with untamed fire now held the depth of ancient wisdom.

Meet Qi Yun, a being transcending the boundaries of myth and reality. She, who bore witness to epochs, shifted seamlessly from draconic majesty to a form that defied earthly beauty, a testament to the inexorable passage of time and the secrets it bestowed.

Qi Yun's gaze, a laser of intent, honed in on the distant figure—a man, bathed in the golden cascade of his own hair, perched in a stance of tranquil meditation atop a weathered stone.

In an instant, the very air around him quivered, as if the universe itself held its breath. A luminous aura erupted from his being, a radiant torrent of light that shot upwards with an explosive force.

With a resounding *whoosh*, the beam of brilliance breached the heavens, parting the very clouds in its ascent. Slowly, almost as if orchestrated by the cosmos, the man's eyes fluttered open, revealing orbs that held the depth of a thousand lifetimes.

"Master!" The word burst forth, a symphony of reverence and warmth, as the man's first gesture was to bow before Qi Yun, offering his aura to her like a gift.

Qi Yun's own visage softened, a contrast to the fierceness that her appearance might imply.

Her lashes fluttered like the wings of an ancient butterfly as she spoke, her voice a melody that held both grace and authority. "Long Tian, you have attained the pinnacle of the Overload realm in your cultivation. A few more years, and the realm of immortality will be within your grasp, allowing you to return to your homeland."

A smile, as brilliant as the sun, graced Long Tian's lips. "It is all thanks to you, Master," he spoke with a sincerity that echoed through the very air.

Long Tian, a cultivator bound by honor and unwavering ethics, held fast to the belief that a master was akin to a second parent. A disciple whose loyalty transcended the mortal coil, a soul ready to traverse the heavens and beyond for the love of his parents.

Long Tian's heart brimmed with an unwavering reverence for Qi Yun. She had granted him the extraordinary opportunity to tread the hallowed realm of dragons, guiding him along the intricate path of cultivation.

But amidst the gratitude, an ache nestled in the deepest corners of his heart—a promise unfulfilled, a bond left behind.

The memory of his marital sister, a promise whispered across time and space, softened his visage. The lines of his expression eased into a momentary vulnerability.

"You're still thinking about her?" Qi Yun's question hung in the air, a gentle probing of his thoughts.

Long Tian's cheeks tinged with a hint of embarrassment, but he nodded affirmatively. "I can't seem to help myself. Whenever my mind isn't consumed by cultivation, it's her figure that occupies my thoughts."

His realization of Long Meihui's place in his heart had unfolded like the petals of a blossoming flower during their long separation.

What was once fraternal affection had matured into something deeper, a sentiment that surpassed familial bonds.

Now, a newfound determination ignited within him—an unyielding commitment to reconcile with Long Meihui upon his return to the realm of mortals. A promise kept, a heart laid bare.

Qi Yun, a pillar of wisdom, offered no words but a stern reminder that resonated with the weight of truth. "Remember, strength is paramount. Only through strength can you safeguard those who hold a place in your heart."

With her words, a flame of unyielding purpose ignited in Long Tian's eyes, illuminating the path ahead with a newfound resolve.

The poor Long Tian didn't even know that his martial sister was being used as a cow by Xia Tian, who was luxuriating amidst the expanse of her enormous breasts!


The ancient realm of the Xia Family unfolded, filled with grandeur and mystery.

In Meng Hui's exquisite quarters, she stood in the serene courtyard, silently observing a small 1.5-year-old child delightfully frolicking in the lush garden.

The air was tinged with the sweet scent of blossoms, as the maid servant, Xiao Mei, finally done breastfeeding the child, stepped away.

"Meng Hu, you bring joy to my heart," Meng Hui whispered softly, her eyes filled with adoration.

The child, none other than Meng Hu himself, possessed the dormant soul of the revered Jade Emperor.

His innocent laughter echoed through the tranquil surroundings, making Meng Hui's heart swell with both pride and apprehension.

As Meng Hui's gaze remained fixed on her beloved child, the ever-curious Xiao Mei, unable to contain her curiosity, ventured to pose a daring question, her eyes filled with innocent curiosity, "Madam, why don't you feed Xiao Hu yourself?"


Meng Hui's smile instantly vanished, leaving behind a mere trace of sadness on her face.

A shiver ran down her spine, causing her complexion to turn pale as if drained of all color. She glanced at Xiao Mei, her eyes welling with regret and unspoken pain.

Xiao Mei realized her grave misstep and was quick to apologize, her voice trembling with remorse. "Forgive my impertinence, Madam. I did not mean to overstep my boundaries."

"It's okay, you can go," Regaining her composure, Meng Hui let out a heavy sigh, dismissing Xiao Mei's worries with a gentle wave of her hand.

She brought her delicate fingers to her breasts, feeling an indescribable sensation.

The memory of Xia Tian's touch lingered vividly, invoking a surge of emotions that sent shivers down her spine.

Unyielding, she clung to each word he had uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Xiao Hu is my flesh and blood, my most cherished treasure. Yet, I am forbidden from being too close to him—an achingly painful truth that etches itself deeply into my heart."

As she spoke those words, her gaze never left Meng Hu, who continued to play innocently, unaware of the complexities that shrouded his existence.

The weight of her unspoken sorrow hung heavy in the air, intertwining the joy and adoration she felt for her son with the bittersweet reality of their relationship.


In the realm of Blue Star, Xia Ying's naked body lay sprawled on the bed, her gentle breaths filling the room.

Xia Tian, bored of disturbing the neighbors with her moans, carried her into the nearby room, just inches away from her brother, Xia Chen, as they continued their scandalous rendezvous.

Throughout the long, torturous night, Xia Chen was subjected to the symphony of his sister's passionate cries, which tormented him like a relentless storm in the depths of his soul.

He brought forth an unparalleled torment, one that would make even the devils tremble in fear at the mere mention of its name.

With dark circles etched beneath his eyes, Xia Chen ventured outside his room, coincidentally crossing paths with Xia Tian.

The audacious scoundrel beamed with vitality, his face radiating a refreshing glow as he leisurely stretched his body, as though he had just emerged from a grueling bout of physical exertion.

Xia Chen's face contorted with rage. 'This despicable basatrd dares to flaunt his conquest!' he cursed inwardly.

Not only had he shamelessly engaged in carnal acts with his sister, mere steps away from his own chamber, but now he had the audacity to boast about his conquests?

He felt like he was about to vomit blood!

But Xia Tian was not finished yet. With the sly smile of a devil, he approached Xia Chen and forcefully slapped him on the back, causing Xia Chen's face to contort in pain.


Xia Chen gritted his teeth and endured the agony.

Then, Xia Tian abruptly spoke, "Has that green snake gang made a decision yet?" He hadn't forgotten about them.

They were three powerful women who controlled a ruthless gang, now facing the threat of either choosing a side or facing annihilation.

Xia Chen's face twitched once again.

'Why does he speak of people as if they are mere objects of entertainment?' he seethed inwardly, his expression a mixture of anger and frustration.

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