
Chapter 39 Feminism In Cultivator World?

"Because being a woman is unfair!"

Her fists slowly clenched, the more she realized the more she spoke.

"When I was eighteen, I have been sold as a bride to the southern continent by my own family!"

"My brothers don't have to go through the same treatment! Only I got sacrificed! The same people who always listened to me and cared for me, do not take my opinion at all... They took the decisions for me... All because I was a woman.

I had no say in the family."

"Even when I escaped, nothing changed!"

Li Nan's complexion was gradually beginning to change, but she was too endorsed to notice the changes in her body, now she wasn't talking to Xia Tian anymore, she was talking to herself, and she was protesting to herself.

"Later, I met Long Tian, he was the same. Just because of the reason he was a man, he was easily able to save me. His family listened to him! They listened to what he wanted! They do not make choices for him!"

She lifted her head and glared at Xia Tian.

"Aren't you the same! Underestimating me and playing with me only because you are a man! You had your whole family behind you, ready to protect you and support you at any decision you make!"

Nyx squinted her eyes.

She raised an eyebrow as she watched Li Nan throw a temper.

If not for the fact, Xia Tian was nearly laughing right now, she would have killed her.

Xia Tian's pupils had been enlarged, as he was observing Li Nan, his facial expression had completely changed.

He wasn't bothered by her high-pitched voice, he was enjoying it.

The more the cries of protest, the more he was entertained.

After a while, the woman who was screaming was forcefully shut down.

"...uuu!" her lips had been sealed by Xia using his thumb and forefinger.

Her lips were caught by Xia Tian using his both fingers, he caught her lips in between his fingers in a pinching motion.

Li Nan was forced to stare at Xia Tian, who had a wide smile on his face.

"So here comes the reason for her fierceness..." he whispered as he was holding his chin by another hand and talking to himself.

Afterward, he faced Li Nan.

"Tell me girl, what were you trying to do a few moments ago to me?"

Li Nan, "Uu!"

"Oh so you can't speak, right I forget about it." Xia Tian nodded in agreement and spoke.

"You were trying to seduce me, weren't you?" he asked.

Li Nan did not answer, but she avoided meeting his gaze which was enough for Xia Tian to continue.

Xia Tian grinned and spoke.

"If there is an accident, what do we say?...

"Save women and children first!"

"Have you ever heard; save men and children first?"

"What about your this right? Isn't it a right in itself, doesn't it get unfair for men now?"

"You said your brother had the choice...Long Tian had a choice, so I wonder how he had been also engaged to Ye Suyin without even meeting her? You won't have that much brain, so let me clear it up, it was the Ye Suyin ability that attracted the Long family, and they used their best card to lure her into the camp, which was Long Tian."

"Do you think your brothers were free? Do whatever they want? So where are they now? Decades have passed hasn't it?"

Li Nan tried to turn her face in another direction, but Xia Tian forced her to look at him.

"Haha, don't avoid me...look at me"

Li Nan's eyes shook violently, Xia Tian was too cruel for her.

"Now, tell me how powerful you were when you were eighteen. Were you also a genius like Long Tian?"

Li Nan averted her eyes, at eighteen she was only at the first stage of the spirit formation realm which was nowhere near her brothers or Long Tian.

Now she may have surpassed her brothers, but not eighty years before.

Seeing her look Xia Tian sneered. "It was not their status as male but their power that earned them the voice in the family! How many people you can see beside me right now? I am standing alone in front of you!"

"Still you are as helpless as an insect."

Xia Tian's words sounded like an insult to her, she felt helpless, she wanted to shut her ears, but each and every word of his resonated deep within her mind.

"...Now, tell me will you ever be able to seduce me if you weren't a woman?"

"Now tell me if we were standing between a crowd, and you scream, who will help you?"

"Tell me...?"

"It will be both! The men will simp and take the opportunity to win your favor and help you while the women will also help you because you belong to their fraternity. You will be helped from both sides, and if I had been powerless, I had been trampled by you and no one will even glance at me."

"I can slap you one and hundreds of people will come to save me, and you can slap me one and hundreds of people will come to beat me?"

"Does it still feel unfair?" Xia Tian asked.

Li Nan's eyes widened.

She was trying to seduce him...

But will she be ever able to if she wasn't a woman?

Just her looks were enough to manipulate?

Now that she realizes it, how many times she has used her looks to manipulate and get from others what she wanted...

How many times it had benefitted her...

She was only seeing the advantages of being a man... And ignored all the advantages of being a woman.

She was comparing a fish with the ability to walk on the land.

Xia Tian was loving the ever-changing expressions on her face.

"As for using you, not just you even your brothers are being used by your family right now? Aren't they?"

"They indeed had more power than you in many aspects, but what about the power you had been possessing?"

"You perceive other people's gazes of lust on you as disgust? But isn't that power... There are people ready to jump onto a cliff, do your bidding everything to win your favor?"

"Even if you don't possess a bit of cultivation, your looks alone can make you a concubine of high-level cultivator... While another man out there will keep working his way up to get to the same stage as you?"

"Everything works on the principle of balance women, you are not God that you can break the balance. With every right comes a responsibility..."

Li Nan's lips were released by Xia Tian, but she didn't utter a single word. She gulped in fear facing him.

"Just like how your look can earn you the favors of others it can also make you a target for many... "

"...It is up to your cleverness, that how apt you are in utilizing your benefits."

"In the end, everything comes with a cost..."

Li Nan's mentality right now was full of personal bias.

While growing up she faced a situation, where she saw the men being superior and advantageous and her beliefs were further strengthened when Long Tian saved her.

This is why she always thought life for her is unfair.

In the world, the relationship between men and women persists in balance.

It can be easily seen in two situations between wife and husband.

If the husband's friend one day comes home for visit, it is the wife who steps one step back.

While, if the wife's friends come home, it is usually the husband who steps back.

But what Li Nan wanted was a completely different situation,

In her case when her husband's friends come, she will stand up and scream; Why should I be suppressed? I have the right as well!

And the same Li Nan when her friends will come, make her husband suppress by saying; aren't you man, shouldn't you step back?

[A/N: Step back here means, they will usually be quiet and don't interfere much in other matters, if you have ever seen this scene personally, you will be able to much better relate yourself to it.]

She wanted to be advantageous in both situations.

She wanted all rights and no responsibilities which is impossible.

Men and women never had the same advantages and disadvantages and they can never have.

But it doesn't change the fact, that both had their own set of advantages, it is just some are able to use them and some are not...

Beauty in itself is the biggest advantage women possess, there are jobs where beautiful women just had to stand and they will get free money.

Some see beauty as a curse, while some use it to their advantage.

Li Nan felt bad about being used as a bargaining chip... But think about it what will happen if she with the same beauty was born into a normal family?

All she will be reduced to a concubine of a king.

Her family provided her with resources, safety, and all other stuff that similar girls of her age don't possess.

She had what others don't have.

Then she never questioned?

That is why she had something, which others don't have.

Why does she enjoys the privileges while others girls of her age don't?

Did she think the privilege will come without a price?

When his family had to pay the price, she escaped as if it is none of her concern.

It was again her status as a woman which saved her.

Long Tian would not go around randomly helping anyone?

Till now she was a virgin, so it was sure both doesn't have a special relationship...

Then, it was sure Long Tian had ideas for this girl.

As a man, one thing that Xia Tian is aware of is, there is no way a man wouldn't have feelings for a female around her who looks pretty.

Having feelings and acting upon them are two different things.

One may not act, but it is due to many reasons, like already having a girlfriend.

But in the case of men, there is no concept of female friends... It is all just a facade... And no one knows it better than a man himself.

Women can protest all they want, but things will have no effect...

Women may lack physical strength but it is compensated by their keen sense of non-verbal communication.

The balance between men and women exists and will be there.

You must have read many stories, novels...

You must have watched movies, series, etc...

Now tell me, how is domestic violence shown in it?

Any violence against men by women is shown as normal and fun, as if it is no problem of women hitting men, people often take it as fun and laugh.

It is used as a comedic reference.

Now, what about violence against women by men?

Is it still comedic?

Most of the pedo industry runs on small boys and not girls.

Even if a woman is accused of crimes she is served a much lighter sentence.

If there is any crime and a man and woman are involved, then prima facie, the man is guilty and the woman is innocent.

The man favors women because they want women, they want to be seen in a good light by them.

The women favor women as well.

Is this unfair for men?

Depends on whether you are seeing it from an individual perspective or a universal scale.

On a universal scale, it is balanced.

The rights and liabilities of both balance each other.

Individual perspective can never equal universal perspective.

Let us say there is a long tsunami coming toward the beach.

What will people do?

Panic and run!

See, how easy it is to predict human behavior.

Haha, only if it was that easy.

If we will look closely at the beach we will find some people are panicked more vs some are less.

Some are frozen by shock, while some are calmly handling the situation.

Some are trying to escape while few people are waiting there for death, tired of living...

Balance is the universal principle of the world.

In long term, the balance would be there one way or another.

The world works on the principle of balance.


A/N: I am explaining universal principle stage of post conventional morality, so don't get my words on debate.

If you understand it that's it.

If you don't then then skip to the next chapter.

At the end of the day,

1 - 1 = 0

(3+2+5) - (1+9) = 0

See both equations have different numbers yet both are balanced, I am not talking about individual numbers [Like individual persons/countries] here but in totality.

Individual numbers are rights and liabilities which keeps changing.

We had to find the best set of numbers which fits current social scenario.

But on totality it will be zero.

I will explain it more in rich vs poor. [ Here, I will remove the assumption of time].

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