
Chapter 657 - 657

Cedric yawned as he stepped out of his plane, they had left the capital way too early, but that\'s what they needed to do if they wanted to catch the nurse at his usual haunts.

"What time is it?" Miguel said as he stepped down from the plane, helping his wife, Veronica, make sure that she didn\'t miss a step.

"I can make it down on my own, Miguel!" Veronica scolded as she swatted Miguel\'s hand away. "Why do you have to treat me like I\'m made of glass, I can manage on my own Miguel!" 

"I just don\'t want you to trip." Miguel said as he suddenly picked his wife up bridal style, making her scream in surprise.

"What the hell, Miguel Chan. Put me down now!" Veronica demanded as she kicked and tried to get her husband to let her down.

Cedric laughed at how Miguel was acting, he was always like this around Veronica, he tried to spoil her when all the woman wanted was him by her side. Veronica had always been a strong person and had always denied the need for people to help her. 

"Miguel, you\'re acting like a love sick teenager." Eric Chan reprimanded as he climbed down Cedric\'s private plane, following his girlfriend, Katerina, who was happily chatting with Nicole.

"I just show my affection for my wife more than you do for your girlfriend, you are just jealous!" Miguel teased as he finally placed Veronica down.

"Please, he wouldn\'t dare carry me." Katerina said with a laugh. "I\'m not as easy as Veronica, look she\'s blushing. You two are so in love."

"And we aren\'t?" Eric said as he wrapped his arms around Katerina\'s shoulders.

Katerina elbowed Eric, making him let go of her.

"Are you crazy?" Katerina asked. "What if someone saw us, we are in public Eric. You are still popular here."

"I don\'t care." Eric said, rolling his eyes. "I love Katerina Anastasia Sebastian, she is my present and my future, she is my heart!" Eric shouted, making Katerina panic and cover her face.

Everyone laughed as Eric professed his love for the young lawyer. 

"No one is around Katerina." Nicole said with a laugh as she guided her friend down the stairs. "Eric wouldn\'t expose your relationship if you weren\'t ready."

"Why do you look like you\'ve just come from a trans-pacific flight, Miguel?" Eric asked as he looked at his younger brother who was yawning. "Singapore is a three hour flight!"

"I had a busy night, I barely got to sleep!" Miguel groaned as he reached for his wife\'s hand.

"Hmmm, busy night?" Ian teased. "Making babies?" 

Everyone laughed at Ian\'s joke, making Veronica blush.

"Oh, my gosh you were busy all night having sex?" Nicole said, a little bit too loudly as they walked towards the car that had been sent to pick them up. 

"Leave my sex life alone." Miguel groaned as he rolled his eyes. "Just know that I\'m getting a lot." He said with a laugh, making his wife turn red as a tomato.

"Oh my gosh Miguel!" Nicole shouted. "I didn\'t need to know that my older brother was having sex with my best friend a lot."

"We are all adults here Nicole." Eric said as he rolled his eyes at his sister. "I\'m pretty sure you and Ian do it way more, seeing as you have a second child on the way." 

"Let\'s just get this over with." Miguel said as he opened the door to one of the cars. "I have an operation in two days and I still have some work to do to prep for it."

"You said you were ready!" Nicole complained as her brother shrugged and got in the car, closing the door behind him.

"We\'ll ride with them." Eric said as he pulled Katerina and opened the door to the backseat for her. 

Katerina smiled at Eric and got in. Eric himself sat at the front seat, next to the driver.

Cedric, Adrianna, Nicole, and Ian rode in the second car, with Ian taking the front passenger\'s seat.

Adrianna was not supposed to go with them, but Cedric had given up arguing with his headstrong wife and allowed her to join on the trip. He did, however, make sure that she would be far from any danger that their trip posed.

"Where are we going now?" Adrianna asked her husband. "Are we going straight to the old nurse?" She asked as the car drove off. 

"Well, we will drop you girls off first at the hotel, then we will head to where Mae said he usually has breakfast." Cedric explained to Adrianna.

"Why can\'t we go with you?" Nicole asked, quite surprised at the sudden change in plans. They had been told that they would all head to look for the nurse together.

"We don\'t want to freak him out." Ian said from the front seat. "If there are too many of us then he might panic and leave."

"I should be there." Nicole demanded. "I\'m the one that is a Chan, I\'m the one related to his whole mess, not Ian."

"Nicole, you are pregnant, you need to stay safe." Ian said in a stern tone. He had voiced to Cedric how worried he was about Nicole going on this trip. There was a high risk of things getting violent, both men had agreed to leave Nicole and Adrianna at a hotel where Cedric had positioned enough bodyguards to keep them safe.

"No." Nicole argued back. "I can handle myself Ian. I\'m not some weak rich kid that needs protection, have you forgotten that I can protect myself?" She asked.

"Yes, but out child Nicole, think of him or her, please." Ian said with a sad look on his eyes.

"Fine." Nicole said, finally giving up and giving in to his request.

It didn\'t take long before Cedric and his group had finally arrived at the hotel. As they had expected, the two other girls in the car had also argued with their boyfriend and husband about being left at the hotel.

Unfortunately for Eric, Katerina had been more insistent and had made a case for herself that he couldn\'t refuse.

"Mae." Cedric greeted his assistant as they walked into the lobby.

"Boss." Mae said with a nod as she was followed by her bodyguard.

"Keep my wife and friends company. We\'ll be back as soon as we can." Cedric informed her. 

"I will." Mae said with a nod. "I\'ve booked the presidential suite for you Mrs. Reyes." Mae said as she escorted Adrianna, Nicole, and Veronica up to their room.

"Let\'s go." Cedric said with a nod as he led his friends back to the car and they drove off to the address Mae had given them.

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